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5.Calvin Coolidge Was A Strange Fellow

Coolidge was an odd man. He would literally go days without speaking a word, a trait that earned him the name "Silent Cal." Coolidge, however, loved childish pranks. His favorite prank was buzzing for his aides (or the Secret Service) and hiding from them. He hoped to make them think he had been kidnapped. In all likelihood, his feet sticking out from under the curtain probably gave him away.


He once had his aide fill up a bucket half with water and half with yellow beans. He then told the aide to scrub the brown spots off the beans. Finally, after some time, another staffer came along and told the aide that the only way to get the spots off was with a knife. Another time, at a presidential breakfast with the Congress, the President poured some coffee and cream into a saucer and indicated to the crowd to do the same. Coolidge then leaned down and gave the saucer to his dog. The message was received by the embarrassed crowd.


4.Abraham Lincoln Made A Man Cry



Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, protected the Union, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, suffered from horrible depression. Unbeknownst to most, though, he was an unrepentant jokester. We could just focus on his endless quips, but this article is about practical jokes. Early in his career, Lincoln had a debate with an opponent named Jesse Thomas. After Thomas gave his speech, Lincoln took the stage and decided simply to mimic his rival. Lincoln mocked his opponent's voice, exaggerated his movements, and had the crowd in fits. It was such a good caricature that it made his rival cry.

Dick Taylor was another opponent of Lincoln to experience a practical joke during a speech. Taylor decried Lincoln's "aristocratic" proclivities and extolled his own Spartan virtue. Lincoln sneaked on stage, pulled open Taylor's vest, and exposed a shirt decorated with frills and a gold watch chain. Taylor was furious and challenged Lincoln to a duel. Lincoln was allowed to choose the weapons and chose "cavalry broadswords of the largest size." The diminutive Taylor was not amused.

3.John F. Kennedy Could Get Mean



John F. Kennedy had a good friend named Lem Billings. Billings went on a trip to France, met Greta Garbo, and became a bit full of himself. He went so far as to tell Kennedy that he and Garbo were "an item." Kennedy decided he couldn't let such boastful actions go unpunished and set up a dinner at the White House for himself, Jackie, Billings, and Garbo. Kennedy scheduled Garbo to arrive early and told her his scheme. She was to pretend she had never met Billings before.

When Billings showed up, beaming, he turned to enthusiastically greet his new love, but she only responded with an ice-cold, "I have never seen this man before." For the better part of an hour, they sat around and had an awkward dinner, while Billings pleaded and desperately tried to remind Garbo of their time together. Garbo just regarded him as a bug buzzing about her head. Kennedy, the unrepentant prankster, even pretended to offer suggestions, asking Billings if he might have met a Greta Garbo double. It must have been an unreal experience for the man, and you have to wonder if he questioned his sanity.

2.Franklin D. Roosevelt Made A Poop Joke On NBC



Franklin D. Roosevelt loved to pull pranks. He would pull childish ones and elaborate ones alike. For instance, during his physical therapy in Warm Springs, he would trick his therapist into falling backward into the water. One time, he told a Secret Service member to get on the roof of a farm. He then had the ladder removed and drove away waving at the stranded serviceman. However, Roosevelt's best joke might have been one of the first prank calls in history.

A few White House correspondents formed a singing group. They were invited to appear on NBC. While they were on the program, Roosevelt called the show. He disguised his famous voice and told the host he wanted to offer the men a contract. When asked who he worked for, the president responded, "I'm the advertising manager for the Cascarets," which was a famous laxative. At the next press meeting, the president revealed his joke by telling all of the other media personnel that the correspondents would need to resign, because they had a job singing on the "Cascaret Hour."

1.Truman's Cheeky Prank



The buck may have stopped with Harry Truman, but conning a person into facing their phobia certainly did not. Truman was set to take a trip to South America, and a group of reporters were coming with him. One of them, Tony Vaccaro, was deathly afraid of needles and was very relieved that he did not have to get a painful yellow fever shot. When Truman found out about Vaccaro's fear, he decided to have some fun.

Truman instructed a White House physician to tell Vaccaro that the policy had been changed, and the shots were no longer merely optional. Vaccaro began freaking out as he was essentially pushed into a clinic room while screaming, "I don't believe in shots!" When Vaccaro entered the office, he saw a giant hypodermic needle, the size a veterinarian would use on a horse, filled with a sinister red fluid. Vaccaro was terrified but turned around anyway. He had a job to do, and if it meant getting stabbed in the buttocks with his worst nightmare, by God, he was going to do it. The "doctor" then entered and told Vaccaro, "This won't hurt a bit, Tony." Vaccaro immediately recognized the President's voice. He felt immense relief and offered the priceless response (presumably while his pants were still down), "Mr. President, I do not usually greet Presidents of the United States from this position."

翻译:Time 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

cavalry ['kævəlri]


n. 骑兵

embarrassed [im'bærəst]


adj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的

buck [bʌk]


n. (美元)块钱 n. 钱,鹿皮,(鹿皮等)制物,小伙

rival ['raivəl]


n. 对手,同伴,竞争者
adj. 竞争的

caricature ['kærikətʃuə]


n. 讽刺画,漫画,讽刺描述法,笨拙的模仿 v. 画成漫

personnel [.pə:sə'nel]


n. 职员,人事部门

laxative ['læksətiv]


adj. 通便的,不简洁的 n. 泻药,缓泻药

unrepentant ['ʌnri'pentənt]


adj. 顽固不化的;不后悔的

optional ['ɔpʃənl]


adj. 任选的





