We've all seen the "before" and "after" pictures of presidents, and we know how stressful the job is. It takes a certain kind of stern, driven person to become head reptilian overlord (or "president," to the uninformed). But behind the wrinkled facade there sometimes lies a heart made of whoopee cushions. It turns out US presidents loved pranks as much as anybody.
10.Eisenhower Thought Potentially Starting A War Was Hilarious
Eisenhower was a serious man. He planned D-Day and warned us of the military-industrial complex. But he also had a great sense of humor, which almost ruined his career. During his first major assignment taking a caravan from coast to coast along the highways, he decided to pull a prank on the junior officers—"easterners," as he called them. The plan was for them to be given "a taste of the authentic West."
Eisenhower and his close friend Sereno Brett planned and launched a fake "Indian attack" in Wyoming. He staged a fake argument about the trouble in the area (an area actually known for attacks), put blanks in the guns, handed them to the men, and then sneaked out during the night to shout war cries and stage false fronts. They only considered their prank a success once they got the sentry on duty to fire the shotgun at them, which they found endlessly hilarious. In the morning, the shaken-up young soldier almost sent a report requesting reinforcements, but Eisenhower stopped him before he could do so.
9.Andrew Jackson Was A Bit Of A Brute
Andrew Jackson's pranks were a little less...sophisticated than those of the other presidents. Early in his law career, Jackson attended a pleasant dinner at a local tavern. As a joke, he broke all the plates, shattered the glasses, split the table in two, and then lit it all on fire. Funny! Another time, he put a bit more thought into his joke. When Jackson was a young man, he was tasked with organizing a Christmas party. It was supposed to be an elegant affair, but the future president decided to invite the local prostitutes. Jackson found it hilarious, but the elite were incredibly offended, while the prostitutes were humiliated. Jackson ultimately apologized for his insensitive joke.
Perhaps emblematic of his personality is the fact that he was not able to take a joke. After a duel, he was once jokingly presented with a slab of bacon—a reference to Jackson's reliance on Matthew Bacon's Abridgement of the Law. Jackson didn't get the joke and stared his opponent into icy submission.
8.George H. W. Bush Impersonated An Attorney General
George H. W. Bush has spent his later years as an extreme skydiver, and his hobbies now also include mail fraud and impersonating a public official to prank his wife. Mrs. Bush found some dirty pictures on her computer due to one of her grandchildren looking at pornography. She was very upset, and when the former president found out about it, he decided to do something. That "something," however, was not trying to find the actual culprit but to deceive his wife into thinking she was in trouble for searching obscene images.
老布什把他的后半生花在了极限跳伞运动上,他不仅喜欢当邮局骗子,还喜欢假冒官员戏耍他的妻子芭芭拉·布什。老布什在芭芭拉的电脑上发现了一些不堪入目的照片,这是孙子借她的电脑看色情照片时留下的。芭芭拉对此一直很困扰 ,老布什知道后决定做点什么。不过搞笑的是,老布什不去抓事情元凶而是去骗芭芭拉让她在色情照片问题上知难而退。
Bush used official stationary from the state of Maine and wrote a letter to his wife as the Attorney General of Maine that read: "It has come to our attention that you have been using your computer to go on porn websites." Bush then took it to the post office so it would be mailed with the correct postage and had his wife open it in front of everyone. She was not amused.
7.Clinton Trashed The White House
The Clinton administration decided to play some fraternity-style pranks on the new Bush administration. They essentially destroyed the White House. Staffers, with the apparent consent of the President (when pressed, several Clinton administration officials confirmed they had played the pranks), ripped phone cords from the walls, left obscene voice mails, covered the desks in glue, and stole antiques.
Some of the pranks were actually quite funny, like when someone stole every letter "W" from the computer keyboards. Others were a lot less good-natured and actually quite bitter. Notes were affixed to cabinets that read "GET OUT" or "Hail to the Thief," and stickers were put up displaying tasteful portraits of George Bush as a monkey. All-in-all, they did about $15,000 worth of damage.The Clintons tried to defend themselves by saying all presidents played outgoing transition pranks. They cited Bush-Quayle bumper stickers they had found stuck to desks in 1993 as evidence. Eventually, they caved and admitted their mistakes, going so far as to call Dick Cheney and apologize.
6.Lyndon B. Johnson's "Drowning" Car
Lyndon B. Johnson probably pulled the most stunts of anyone on this list, and he most definitely pulled off the most provocative ones. Johnson was a complicated and troubled man. There is evidence he may have had some sexual issues, namely he loved to show off his penis. He would pee in the washbasin and wave his little Johnson at the women of the White House while exclaiming, "Jumbo had a real workout tonight."
Despite this sexually aggressive behavior, Johnson did have one trick up his sleeve that was quite hilarious. It was a routine practical joke he would play on unsuspecting visitors to his ranch in Texas. He would retreat to his ranch for rest and relaxation when he needed to escape the pressure of being president. However, his idea of relaxation included terrifying other people. During nice summer days, Johnson would take his friends and family for nice little tours around the property in a blue convertible. But as soon as he reached the steep incline that led to the lake, he'd begin to freak out and scream, "The brakes don't work! The brakes won't hold!" as they rushed faster and faster to a liquid death. People would scream and try to jump out of the car, but to no avail. The president would let the car crash into the water only to start howling with laughter as it began to cruise along again. See, the president apparently was friends with James Bond's R&D department and had an "Amphicar," a car that could turn into a speedboat. He loved to share it with people, so long as those people got thoroughly terrified first.