5.Alcohol Doesn't Help You Sleep Better
Alcohol makes a lot of us drowsy, so having a shot or two before you go to bed seems like a logical, tried-and-true way of falling asleep fast. Unfortunately, you actually end up making yourself worse off than you would have been without a drink. Studies that have examined the effects of alcohol on the sleep habits of more than 500 people came up with some disturbing news for those of us who swear by our hot toddies.

Alcohol will, indeed, make you fall asleep faster and will make your initial sleep much deeper, but the difficulties that come later in the night negate any positive effects you might get from this. REM sleep is greatly reduced with as few as just two drinks. In addition to a greater tendency to wake up more often, those sleepers that do manage to fall into REM sleep are more likely to suffer from nightmares. They are also more likely to keep waking up in the middle of these nightmares. This increases the likelihood of the later part of the night being broken up by some pretty uncomfortable feelings. Women feel this more than men, as their bodies tend to process alcohol faster. Even a drink or two is likely to make you get up and hit the bathroom in the middle of the night. It can also worsen any preexisting conditions like acid reflux, insomnia, and sleep apnea.
4.First Theories Of Sleep

Sleep really is a pretty weird thing. We spend a third of our lives asleep. That's a huge amount of valuable time we could be devoting to other things, like learning, reading, or generally making the world a better place. At a glance, it doesn't seem to have any usefulness, so it's not surprising that early scientists, physicians, and psychologists had a tough time trying to explain just why we fall asleep.
One of the first theories of sleep comes from the Greek writer Alcmaeon. His theory stated that sleep happened with the flow of blood through the body. As vessels carried blood away from the skin and toward our core, we fell asleep until the flow was reversed. About 100 years after Alcmaeon, Aristotle also took on the question of sleep. He determined that it was the opposite of waking, that it was centered around a person's heart (as this was the center of other types of perceptions), and that it was tied closely to digestion. He hypothesized that the act of digestion would put a person to sleep, and that when it was finished, they would wake. The Greeks had a mythological explanation for sleep, in the form of Hypnos, god of sleep; he lived in Erebos (eternal darkness). Every night, he traveled the land in the company of Nyx (Night) and his brother Thanatos, who was the spirit of peaceful death. In ancient Egypt, sleep was something that people had little control over. When they fell asleep, they were entering a place between the lands of the living and the dead. Dreams and nightmares were the work of spirits, and sometimes sleep was a way for the dead to communicate with the living.
3.We're Programmed For Two Sleeps

If you're one of those people that just can't sleep through the night, don't worry; not only are you not alone, but you're actually sleeping more correctly than those who insist on uninterrupted eight hours. Up until the 17th century, our sleep pattern as a species looked pretty different: We practiced two sleeps. Between the first (or dead) sleep and the second sleep was a period that we used for some downtime—reading, prayer, even visiting family or neighbors. According to some medieval texts, couples who were trying to conceive had the most luck in between the two sleeps.
Studies have shown that the idea of two sleeps is much more in tune with what our bodies actually want us to do. That's why many of us still wake up in the middle of the night. Other studies have proven that our bodies will, in fact, default to two sleeps. Psychiatrist Thomas Wehr regulated the amount of darkness people were exposed to for a whole month. As a result, the people's natural sleep patterns more closely reflected the two-sleep sequence. So why have we moved away from this more natural way of sleeping? With the advent of electric lights, the amount of light we're exposed to has changed. Also, during the Reformation, the darkest hours of the night became associated with holding secret—and illegal—religious ceremonies. Suddenly, the idea of reading, prayer, and visiting others in the middle of the night turned into something scandalous.
2.The Moon Can Keep You Awake

There's all sorts of folklore around the moon, and most of it is just that. However, new studies have shown that while the moon might not make you go crazy, it can make you lose some sleep.
In a study at the University of Basel, Switzerland, researchers looked at just how soundly volunteers slept during different phases of the moon. It was found that, on average, it took people about five minutes longer to fall asleep during a full moon, and their sleep cycle was shortened by about 20 minutes. There were several controls that had been built into the study. In fact, the participating didn't even know that their sleep patterns were going to be studied. The volunteers were originally part of a different, unrelated study, lasting three years. They have spent periods of between three and five days in a lab, where their sleep patterns were monitored. The collected data was only compared to the moon phases long after the study was complete. Volunteers were also monitored in a closed, laboratory environment and couldn't see the moon. This helps rule out the possibility of brightness keeping them awake longer, and supports the idea that there's something else working on our bodies during the full moon.
1.We're Not Sure Why We Sleep

Seems unlikely, right? Yet it's true: We're not all that much closer to discovering exactly why we have to sleep than Alcmaeon and Aristotle were. There are certainly plenty of theories that can be pieced together, but there's no confirmed, big picture of why we sleep. Much of the problem comes from the fact that sleep just isn't practical. Sleep is considered a primal need that our bodies get pretty vocal about when they're missing it. We get hungry when we don't eat, thirsty when we don't drink, and tired when we don't sleep. But what does sleep do for us, aside from make us not tired?
The inactivity theory and the closely related energy conservation theory state that during the night, it's in our best interest to stay pretty stationary; there are other, bigger things out there that want to eat us, and sleeping means we can conserve our energy. But that also brings up the question of whether or not being completely unaware of our surroundings is the best way to stay safe. Other theories run into the problem of being hard to prove. It's been a long-standing guess that our brains use sleep as a way to reorganize information, to synthesize hormones, or to perform something of a system wipe.One of the most recent theories states that while we sleep, the flow of fluid around our brains increases. This literally performs a physical cleanup of all the debris left behind by the day's thoughts. That doesn't explain the idea of dreams, though; one theory that does explain them is that we need to sleep to give our brains a chance to refresh memories and reinforce what we've learned during the day without using up the brain power we need to run our waking moments. Interestingly, some researchers think that we're asking the question backward. While we're sleeping, we're stationary, we're conserving energy, we're out of harm's way, and we're not likely to hurt ourselves. These researchers argue that a better question to explore is what biological, evolutionary good comes from us being awake.