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We all do itfrom the day we're born to the day we dieand it's one of those things that we just don't think that much about. By the end of our lives, we'll have spent about a third of our time on this Earth asleep. According to Thomas Edison, that's a huge waste of time.

All animals require sleep to function. Whether we're talking about humans that think they need eight hours to be at the top of their game or a giraffe that only needs a little less than two hours a day, sleep is a really weird thing.

10.Sleep Paralysis Is The Root Of Many Legends



Sleep paralysis happens when people wake up unable to move, blurring the line between the dream world and the conscious world. Most of the time, people suffering from an episode wake with the feeling that they're absolutely not alone; some people even claim to see disturbing or demonic figures in the room. Those that frequently suffer from it can be visited by the same figure night after night. Disorders that interfere with normal sleep patterns, such as narcolepsy, can make sleep paralysis episodes much more frequent.

当人们醒来发现自己的身体不能动弹的时候睡眠麻痹就出现了,模糊了幻梦和现实的界限。大多数的时候,人们会在睡梦中突然醒来,感觉他们不是独自一人;一些人甚至说在房间里看到了讨厌的人或者鬼怪。那些经常出现这种幻觉的人夜夜都会被同样的影像惊扰。 人的正常睡眠模式受到干扰出现混乱,比如说嗜睡症,睡眠麻痹的发作就会更加频繁。
We've long known about the phenomenon, and world mythology has some pretty creepy explanations for it. The incubus and the succubus are pretty familiar European tales, but there are plenty of more obscure ones, too. In Brazil, the nighttime visitor is a pink dolphin by day and a seductress by night. In Newfoundland, it's the "Old Hag" that's holding the victim paralyzed. In Japan, the paralysis is caused by a nighttime visitation from an evil monk who binds his victims with an iron rope. In the Caribbean, the spirits that strangle people in the dead of night are the souls of babies who died before being baptized. And in some areas of Africa, sleep paralysis is thought to be the work of zombies.
Sleep paralysis can also be blamed for something elsethe ideas many people have about alien abductions. A lot of people who claim to have been abducted during the night report symptoms very similar to other instances of sleep paralysis, such as a feeling of wakefulness and seeing something foreign and bizarre in the room.

9.Sleepwalking Is Evolving



Back in the day, the most we had to worry about was getting up in the middle of the night and wandering out to the barn or down the street. Now, however, our nighttime activities are evolving with our daytime ones. "Sleep-texting" and "sleep-emailing" now happen right alongside sleepwalking. So if you get some bizarre correspondence from someone in the middle of the night and they say that they can't remember it the next day, there's a chance they're telling the truth.

According to professors at the New York University's College of Dentistry, the act of texting and of answering an alert on our phones has become so ingrained in us that it's crossing the boundaries between being asleep and being awake. The kind of messages being sent varies by the sleep-texter; some people send incoherent or just badly spelled messages, and others text as fluently as when they're awake. Some people even have preferred sort of messages they like to send, like inappropriately romantic ones. One of the common outcomes of sleep-texting is embarrassment, regardless of the context of the messages. Stress and exhaustion can increase the likelihood of sleep-texting, but a few simple trickslike turning your phone off and putting it well out of reachcan help prevent embarrassing messages. It's also thought that sleep-textingand other similar nighttime activitiescan interfere with deep sleep. This can make the sufferer more tired and, in turn, more likely to do it again.

8.Counting Sheep Absolutely Doesn't Work



Having trouble sleeping? Chances are, you've gotten some unsolicited advice from colleagues that saw you yawning, and it was probably the hilarious suggestion to start counting sheep. The idea of counting sheep to fall asleep is an ancient one, and it's thought to have its origins in actual sheep. The theory behind it is that shepherds who were watching over their flocks at night would become so concerned about the safety of the animals and the presence of nighttime predators that they would count the sheep over and over again to make sure they were all still there and in one piece. Eventually, the shepherds couldn't keep their eyes open anymore and would fall asleep.

It's one of those sayings that just kind of stuck. Unfortunately, it's absolutely not going to have the same effect on you as it did on those shepherds. The idea behind counting sheep is that it's going to occupy your mind with a monotonous task. In turn, this should push away panicked thoughts of what you need to do tomorrow or stress over the previous day's events. The problem is that it's too boring, and, even as you're counting, other thoughts will start to intrude. When it comes to visualization, a better idea is imagining something relaxing that takes some brain power to maintain . . . but not a whole lot of it.

7.The Dangers Of Sleep Deprivation



We've all pulled all-nighters and spent the next day cranky and waiting for the moment we could finally go to bed. That's not what we're talking about, though; long-term, chronic sleep deprivation is downright scary. Go a few days without sleep, and you'll start suffering from hallucinations, high blood pressure, and memory losson top of the more short-term effects like being irritable and depressed. Long-term sleep deprivation, voluntary or involuntary, can lead to weight gain, random moments of losing consciousness, and even permanent damage to the immune system. It's not unheard of for people to die after going without sleep for even as little as three days; we hear about sports fans like Jiang Xiaoshan, who tried to stay awake to watch a marathon of football championships.

Some people have even tried to channel the weird stuff that happens to them when they're sleep deprived to increase performance elsewhere. Take a look at Jure Robic, a Slovene long-distance cyclist whose technique for winning included simply not sleeping during cross-country marathons. By the end of the race, he'd go from angry and belligerent to seeing wild animals attack, to ditching his bike to confront the shadowy figures he saw lurking around every corner, to being convinced that he's being pursued by people trying to kill him. The hallucinations made Robic push his body even harder and, occasionally, it made his support team take cover in their cars. Robic died in 2010, when he was hit by a car during a training ride.
一些人甚至企图利用睡眠不足产生的奇怪幻觉来增强自己的表现。看看Jure Robic,一个斯洛文尼亚的远程自行车车手,他赢的诀窍就是在自行车越野马拉松比赛中坚持不睡觉。比赛快要结束的时候,他从愤怒好战一直到出现幻觉,看见野兽攻击他,他扔下自行车与潜伏在他四周的幻影对峙,直到确信有人想要他命在追杀他。这些幻觉使得Robic的身体爆发出更多的力量,有时候会把他的啦啦队远远地甩在身后。Robic在2010年去世,在一次训练旅程中他的山地车撞上了一辆汽车,当即死亡。

6.Our Sense Of Smell Stops Influencing Us



We all know that smoke alarms and fire detectors are basic safety equipment, but you might not know just why they're so important. There's not much that's more distinctive than the smell of smoke, after all, and it seems obvious that you'd be aware of a fire happening pretty quickly. However, our ability to react to smells changes when we're asleep. Unlike sounds, smells won't wake us up.

In a study conducted by Brown University and published in a journal called Sleep, volunteers were exposed to different types of smells during their sleep cycle. The volunteers showed an absolute lack of response to different smells ranging from peppermint to the same smoke they would have smelled during a house fire. Even when fitted with a chin strap (to force one to breathe through their nose) and exposed to the strongest, most noxious of fumes, there was no reaction once the person moved from the first, lightest stages of sleep into deeper sleep. In comparison, the same study found that sounds were much more capable of pulling a person out of even the deepest sleep.

翻译:高陈影 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intrude [in'tru:d]


v. 闯入,侵入,打扰

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

irritable ['iritəbl]


adj. 易怒的,急躁的 adj. 【医】过敏的,易感受

hilarious [hi'lɛəriəs]


adj. 欢闹的,愉快的

distinctive [di'stiŋktiv]


adj. 独特的

incoherent [.inkəu'hiərənt]


adj. 不连贯的,语无伦次的

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

obscure [əb'skjuə]


adj. 微暗的,难解的,不著名的,[语音学]轻音的

conscious ['kɔnʃəs]


adj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的


关键字: 双语阅读 睡眠 健康




