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The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is an infamous stretch of the Atlantic Ocean bordered by the southern coast of the U.S., Bermuda, and the Greater Antilles that has been the location of strange disappearances of ships and aircraft since the mid-19th century. Could supernatural forces be responsible for these occurrences? Some probable explanations for the missing vessels include hurricanes, undersea earthquakes and magnetic fields that interfere with compasses and other positioning devices. But it's much more interesting to think the disappearing vessels were drawn into another dimension, swept away by aliens or simply vanished into thin air.

百慕大三角(Bermuda)又称魔鬼三角海域(Devil's Triangle),臭名昭著的它从大西洋延伸到美国南部海岸。自19世纪中期以来,就有很多船只和飞机在百慕大三角和大安地列斯群岛(Greater Antilles)这两地离奇失踪。难道真的是超自然力量引发了这些事件?虽然也有一些诸如飓风说、海底裂缝说、磁场导致罗盘和定位设备失灵说等理论试图解释这些失踪事件,但想想这些消失的船舰可能被外星人卷走、被吸进另一个时空、或是消失在虚无世界,反而更为有趣。
Dozens of ships and planes have vanished into the Bermuda Triangle, many without leaving a trace. Read on to learn about 10 ill-fated journeys that never returned from the mysterious Bermuda Triangle.

10.The Spray



Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail solo around the world in 1895, was considered one of the best sailors of his time. His boat, the Spray, was an old fishing boat that he had rebuilt, and the story of his circumnavigation, "Sailing Alone around the World", remains a classic in sea literature. He never should have been lost at sea, but it appears that's exactly what happened. In 1909, Slocum left the East Coast of the United States and headed to Grand Cayman for the winter. Slocum was never heard from or seen again. He wasn't declared legally dead until 1924. No one knows for sure that Slocum disappeared within Triangle waters, but Bermuda buffs claim Slocum's story as part of the legacy of the Devil's Triangle.

1895年,约书亚·史洛坎(Joshua Slocum)成为独自驾船环游世界的第一人,也是当时最棒的航海专家之一。他的浪花号是一艘经过改装的旧渔船;他的环球航行故事——《独自驾船环游世界》是海洋文学中的经典。他本应是最不可能在海上失踪的人,但事实却并非如此。1909年,史洛坎从美国东海岸出发,准备前往大开曼群岛(Grand Cayman)过冬,但从此他便了无音讯,并于1924年被宣告死亡。没人知晓史洛坎到底是不是在百慕大三角失踪的,但百慕大发烧友们还是把史洛坎失踪之谜视为这魔鬼三角海域留给人们的一部分遗产。

9.Teignmouth Electron

9.Teignmouth Electron

Teignmouth Electron号

If Bermuda Triangle swallows up ships and planes, could it also make a man go mad? Perhaps that's what happened on the Teignmouth Electron in 1969. Businessman Donald Crowhurst set sail from London on October 31, 1968 in a triple-hulled boat design featuring his own safety innovations and grand intentions to win the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race, an event that requires each contestant to sail solo around the world. A relatively inexperienced sailor, Crowhurst obtained the backing of a demanding investor and hired an aggressive publicist. With his fortune and pride riding on a successful voyage, Crowhurst got off to a slow start and his boat was plagued with problems, and he considered turning back. Instead, he reported incredible times and progress to his publicist while floating around in the Atlantic. When Crowhurst began his journey home, he found out his closest competitor had sunk. Fearing that the truth about his deceptions would be discovered, Crowhurst apparently jumped overboard with his fraudulent logbook and drowned himself. The Electron was found abandoned in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle in July 1969, with the last entry of his accurate logbook dated June 29.

如果百慕大三角能吞噬船只和飞机,那是否也能使人发疯呢?或许这正是1969年,Teignmouth Electron号上所发生的事情。1968年10月31日,星期日泰晤士报金球赛拉开帷幕,商人唐纳德·克劳赫斯特(Donald Crowhurst)满怀着必胜的雄心壮志,乘坐着融入了自主安全创新设计的三体船从伦敦启航。该赛事要求每位参赛者必须独自驾船航行。作为一个相对缺乏经验的水手,克劳赫斯特不仅得到了一位苛刻的投资者的支持,还雇佣了一个有进取心的公关。虽然怀揣着开启一次成功之旅的美好愿景和自豪感,但他一开始就进展缓慢,当他的船出现问题时,他更开始考虑返航。然而,在大西洋漂流时,他向公关汇报了虚假的时刻和进程。当克劳赫斯特开始返航时,却发现离他最近的竞争对手早已沉入大海。他担心自己弄虚作假的事情被拆穿,于是带着他虚假的航海日志跳船自尽。1969年7月,人们在百慕大三角的中心地带发现了被遗弃的Electron号,以及克劳赫斯特写于6月29日的最后一篇准确无误的航海日志。

8.Star Tiger



On January 30, 1948, a British South American Airways Tudor IV plane flying from England to Bermuda disappeared without a trace. The Star Tiger, commanded by Capt. B. W. McMillan, was flying from England to Bermuda. On January 30, McMillan reported he expected to arrive in Bermuda at 5:00 a.m., but neither he nor any of the 31 people onboard the Star Tiger were ever heard from again. The official accident report suggests that the aircraft's heater was unreliable and may have failed en route and a compass was at fault. To keep the temperatures warmer, the pilot may have chosen to fly the route at a lower altitude, burning fuel faster. Flying so low would have left the pilot little time to maneuver or signal for help in the case of a catastrophe; the flight would have lost its height quickly and fallen into the sea.

1948年1月30日,英国南美航空公司(British South American Airways)的一架图多尔四引擎客机消失得无影无踪。这架名为“星虎号”(The Star Tiger)的客机,从英格兰(England)飞往百慕大(Bermuda),由机长麦克米伦(Capt. B. W. McMillan)执飞。1月30日当天,麦克米伦向指挥台报告说客机预计于凌晨5点飞抵百慕大(Bermuda),但随后整架飞机以及机上的31名人员音讯全无。官方事故报告称,该客机的加热器并不稳定,可能在飞行途中突发故障,并且其组合罗盘也可能失灵了。为保持机舱温度,飞行员极有可能选择降低飞行高度,但这样会加快油耗。而且,低空飞行使得飞行员在空难降临之际无暇调整飞行策略抑或是发出求救信号,因而导致机身迅速下坠,落入海中。

审校:落月 校对:落花生 编辑:旭旭

重点单词   查看全部解释    
signal ['signl]


n. 信号,标志
v. (发信号)通知、表示<

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气

mysterious [mis'tiəriəs]


adj. 神秘的,不可思议的

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

interfere [.intə'fiə]


vi. 妨碍,冲突,干涉

dimension [di'menʃən]


n. 尺寸,次元,容积,维度,范围,方面

demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi]


n. 大灾难,大祸,彻底失败

trace [treis]


n. 痕迹,踪迹,微量
vt. 追踪,找出根源

pilot ['pailət]


n. 飞行员,领航员,引航员
vt. 领航,驾





