3.The Prisoner Of War Olympics
Because of the ongoing war, the Olympic Games of 1940 and 1944, slated for Tokyo and London, could not be held. However, several POW camps in Poland went ahead with their own Olympics, both in 1940 and 1944. While many of the events were held in secret, the 1944 Woldenberg Olympics, held at the camp in Woldenberg, and another held at the camp in Gross Born (both in Poland), were held on a much larger scale.
因为不间断的战争,本该在1940年举办的东京奥运会和1944年举办的伦敦奥运会都没有如期举行。但是波兰的一些战俘营在这两个年份都举办了自己的奥运会。不过很多活动都是秘密进行的,1944年的奥运会在沃尔登堡(Woldenberg)的一个集中营举办。另外一场在波兰博尔内苏利诺沃(Gross Born)的集中营举办,这一场规模更大。

About 369 out of the 7,000 prisoners at the Woldenberg camp participated in several games, including handball, basketball, and boxing. Fencing, archery, pole vaulting, and javelin were not allowed. The flags for the games were made with excess bedsheets which even the German guards saluted. Winners of sporting events were given medals made out of cardboard. The 1944 Olympics was held because the Polish soldiers wanted to remain fit and, at the same time, honor Janusz Kusocinski, a Polish athlete who won the 10,000-meter race in the 1932 Olympics.
在沃尔登堡集中营,7000个囚犯中有369个参加了运动会,包括手球、篮球和搏击。但是,击剑、射箭、撑杆跳高和标枪就没有获得批准进入奥运会项目。运动会旗帜是用多余的床单做的,就连德国卫军都向这些旗帜行注目礼,而比赛优胜者获得的奖牌则是用硬纸板做成的。1944年的奥运会之所以会举行,是因为波兰士兵想保持健康的体魄,同时也是为了纪念波兰运动员加努茨·库索辛斯基(Janusz Kusocinski),他在1932年奥运会上夺得万米长跑冠军。
2.The Sinking Of HMAS Armidale

The HMAS Armidale was a corvette (although it was originally built to be a minesweeper) in service of the Australian navy during World War II. It was commissioned on June 11, 1942, only to be sunk in November that same year. While on a mission to evacuate soldiers and civilians from Betano Bay, Timor, the HMAS Armidale was spotted by Japanese airplanes, which proceeded to attack it along with its sister ship, HMAS Castlemaine. Armidale was soon destroyed by the attacking Japanese airplanes, forcing its crewmen to abandon ship. Twenty-one crewmen, including the captain, climbed onto a small, damaged motorboat, where they awaited rescue. When the rescue never came, they began rowing toward Australian waters.
作为一艘巡洋舰,“阿米代尔”(Armidale)在二战期间为澳大利亚海军效力(尽管最初它被设计为一艘扫雷舰)。1942年6月11日,皇家海军对“阿米代尔”委以重任,遗憾的是,同年11月,这艘舰艇便沉入海底。当时,“阿米代尔”正在出任务,负责帮助伯塔诺海湾——帝汶岛(Betano Bay, Timor)上的士兵及居民撤退,不料被日本战机发现。随后,这艘战舰同它的姐妹艇“卡斯尔梅恩”(Castlemaine)一起遭遇空袭。在日军猛烈的攻势下,“阿米代尔”很快被摧毁,舰员们不得不弃舰逃生。当时包括舰长在内的21位舰员挤到一艘受损的小汽舰上等待救援。然而救援队迟迟没有到来,他们只能朝着澳大利亚海域划去。
Two days later, another 29 survivors began a similar journey on a badly damaged whaler that wouldn’t stop taking water. The survivors clung to a floating raft (shown in the photograph above) while awaiting rescue. After several days out at sea, the men on the motorboat were rescued along with those on the whaler. But the men hanging on the raft were never found.The photograph shown above was taken by the pilot of a Hudson reconnaissance airplane, who even dropped a message for them saying that their rescuers were on the way.

The man with his hands in his pocket in the photograph above is Yakov Dzhugashvili, the first son of Josef Stalin. The picture was taken after Yakov was captured by German troops during World War II. Yakov and Stalin were not on good terms long before the war began. Stalin often insulted him and even disowned him. He also barred Yakov from changing his surname to Stalin after he changed his.
照片中手插口袋的这位男子名叫雅科夫·朱加什维利(Yakov Dzhugashvili),是约瑟夫·斯大林的大儿子。照片拍摄于二战期间,雅科夫被德军俘获之后。远在战争开始前,雅科夫和斯大林的关系就很僵硬。斯大林经常辱骂这个儿子,并与之断绝父子关系。甚至,在他将自己的姓氏改为“斯大林”之后,禁止雅科夫跟他更换一样的姓氏。
When the Germans realized that Yakov was Stalin’s son, they took his photograph for propaganda purposes. On the back of the propaganda photographs was a short note urging Soviet soldiers to surrender just like Stalin’s son. When the Germans asked to swap Yakov with a captured German field marshal, Stalin told them off, saying that he did not swap lieutenants with field marshals. Even with his hatred and public lashing of his son, Stalin actually attempted to rescue him twice.
Yakov died at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in April 1943 under mysterious circumstances. While declassified archives reveal that he was shot for failing to follow orders, others say he committed suicide by walking into an electrified fence. Another report said that he was killed in action in 1945.