Greece Athens kept alive hopes of an eleventh-hour deal with its creditors to avoid default yesterday after it presented its first substantial concessions in months of fruitless negotiations.
The Greek government’s proposals came too late, and lacked sufficient detail, to allow a definitive agreement at an emergency summit of EU leaders yesterday evening. But eurozone leaders welcomed them as the basis for further talks later this week on a deal to unlock 7.2bn in desperately needed bailout cash.
Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, said Athens had produced “its first real proposals in many weeks”, while Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the eurogroup of finance ministers, called the new Greek submission “a positive step”.
欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)称,雅典拿出了“其在数周以来的第一份真正的提议”,而欧元区财长集团主席杰伦•迪塞布洛姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)则将希腊的提议称为“积极的一步”。
Markets soared amid rising hopes of a breakthrough. The main Athens stock index closed up 9 per cent and Greek bank shares surged by more than20 per cent. The pan-European FTSE Eurofirst 300 index rose 2.4 per cent, while Athens’ 10-year implied borrowing costs fell150 basis points to 10.6 per cent. Yields on Italian, Portuguese and Spanish 10-year debt, which move inversely to prices, also eased.
随着谈判取得突破的希望上升,市场一路飙升。雅典主要股指收盘上涨9%,希腊银行股涨幅超过20%。泛欧股指富时Eurofirst 300(FTSE Eurofirst 300)指数上涨2.4%,而雅典10年期隐含借贷成本下降150个基点,至10.6%。意大利、葡萄牙和西班牙的10年期国债收益率(与价格走势相反)也有所降低。
His comments gave a boosted to the a rally in stocks and peripheral eurozone bonds.
But The Greek submission only arrived yesterday morning after Athens accidentally sent the wrong draft on Sunday night. Mr Dijsselbloem said it came too late for a comprehensive full assessment by Greece’s three bailout monitors that would have allowed for a deal to be reached. Another eurogroup meeting will be needed to finalise any dealagreement.