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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第31章5

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
That would destroy the Universe in toto, added Marvin. Good idea, if you ask me. They won’t get it to work, though.“它可以彻底摧毁宇宙。”马文接着说,“如果你想知道我的看法,我会说它是个好主意。虽说这事是成不了的。”
Why not, if it’s so brilliant?“它不是很强大吗?”
It’s brilliant, said Marvin, they’re not. They got as far as designing it before they were locked in the envelope. They’ve spent the last five years building it. They think they’ve got it right but they haven’t. They’re as stupid as any other organic life form. I hate them.“炸弹很强大,”马文说,“他们不。还没锁到封皮里的时候,他们只是把它设计出来了。花了五年时间制造炸弹。他们以为自己弄对了,其实没有。他们和所有有机生命体一样蠢。我恨他们。”
Trillian was continuing.崔莉安还在说话。
Zaphod tried to pull the Krikkit robot away by its leg, but it kicked and growled at him, and then quaked with a fresh outburst of sobbing. Then suddenly it slumped over and continued to express its feelings out of everybody’s way on the floor.赞福德拽了拽机器人的腿,它就踢赞福德,还冲他大声尖叫。然后,它浑身颤抖地又哭了起来。哭着哭着滑到地上去了,躺在了地板上,继续表达着它那强烈的情感,终于不会妨碍他人了。
Trillian was standing alone in the middle of the chamber tired out but with fiercely burning eyes.崔莉安站在那间大厅中央,有点疲惫,但眼中燃烧着愤怒的火焰。
Ranged in front of her were the pale-faced and wrinkled Elder Masters of Krikkit, motionless behind their widely curved control desk, staring at her with helpless fear and hatred.在她对面,是一张弧形宽阔的控制台。控制台后面,坐着无动于衷的版求长老,面色苍白,满脸皱纹。他们盯着崔莉安,目光里是无助、恐惧和厌恶。
In front of them, equidistant between their control desk and the middle of the chamber, where Trillian stood, as if on trial, was a slim white pillar about four feet tall. On top of it stood a small white globe, about three, maybe four inches in diameter. 在他们和崔莉安之间(这场景有点像法庭),有一根细细的白色柱子,大约四尺高。柱子顶端有一颗小小的白瑟球体,直径大约四寸。旁边站着一个版求机器人,手持多功能战棒。
In fact, explained Trillian, you are so dumb stupid (She was sweating. Zaphod felt that this was an unattractive thing for her to be doing at this point) you are all so dumb stupid that I doubt, I very much doubt, that you’ve been able to build the bomb properly without any help from Hactar for the last five years.“实际上,”崔莉安继续陈述着观点,“你们实在太蠢了。”她出汗了。赞福德觉得这个时候出汗可不太美。“你们蠢得让我怀疑,怀疑你们根本不可能在没有黑克特的帮助下,用五年的时间造出这颗炸弹。”
Who’s this guy Hactar? said Zaphod, squaring his shoulders.“黑克特又是谁?”赞福德挺了挺胸膛。
If Marvin replied, Zaphod didn’t hear him. All his attention was concentrated on the screen.马文也许回答了,但赞福德什么也没听见。他只顾着看屏幕了。
One of the Elders of Krikkit made a small motion with his hand towards the Krikkit robot. The robot raised his club.一位版求长老做了个小手势,那版求机器人便举起了战棒。
There’s nothing I can do, said Marvin. It’s on an independent circuit from the others.“我无能为力,”马文说,“它的电路是独立的。”
Wait, said Trillian.“等一下,”崔莉安说。

That would destroy the Universe in toto, added Marvin. Good idea, if you ask me. They wont get it to work, though.
Why not, if its so brilliant?
Its brilliant, said Marvin, theyre not. They got as far as designing it before they were locked in the envelope. Theyve spent the last five years building it. They think theyve got it right but they havent. Theyre as stupid as any other organic life form. I hate them.
Trillian was continuing.
Zaphod tried to pull the Krikkit robot away by its leg, but it kicked and growled at him, and then quaked with a fresh outburst of sobbing. Then suddenly it slumped over and continued to express its feelings out of everybodys way on the floor.
Trillian was standing alone in the middle of the chamber tired out but with fiercely burning eyes.
Ranged in front of her were the pale-faced and wrinkled Elder Masters of Krikkit, motionless behind their widely curved control desk, staring at her with helpless fear and hatred.
In front of them, equidistant between their control desk and the middle of the chamber, where Trillian stood, as if on trial, was a slim white pillar about four feet tall. On top of it stood a small white globe, about three, maybe four inches in diameter.
In fact, explained Trillian, you are so dumb stupid (She was sweating. Zaphod felt that this was an unattractive thing for her to be doing at this point) you are all so dumb stupid that I doubt, I very much doubt, that youve been able to build the bomb properly without any help from Hactar for the last five years.
Whos this guy Hactar? said Zaphod, squaring his shoulders.
If Marvin replied, Zaphod didnt hear him. All his attention was concentrated on the screen.
One of the Elders of Krikkit made a small motion with his hand towards the Krikkit robot. The robot raised his club.
Theres nothing I can do, said Marvin. Its on an independent circuit from the others.
Wait, said Trillian.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

concentrated ['kɔnsentreitid]


adj. 全神贯注的,浓缩的 动词concentrate

diameter [dai'æmitə]


n. 直径



adj. 弯曲的;弄弯的 n. 倒弧角 vt. 弯曲(c

helpless ['helplis]


adj. 无助的,无依靠的

motionless ['məuʃənlis]


adj. 不动的,静止的

organic [ɔ:'gænik]


adj. 器官的,有机的,根本的,接近自然的

trial ['traiəl]


adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的
n. 尝试,努力

envelope ['enviləup]


n. 信封,封皮,壳层



adj. 不吸引人注意的;没有魅力的;不美丽的





