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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第31章4

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Oh yeah, said Zaphod. It’s easy for you to say that. I just told you. Anyway, I don’t see what it’s got to do with anything.“噢是啊,”赞福德说,“你倒说得轻松。我先说出来的。反正,我是看不出它跟这个有什么联系。”
And especially, continued Trillian, the odds against it intersecting with the orbit of the one planet in the Galaxy, or the whole of the Universe as far as I know, that would be totally traumatized to see it. You don’t know what the odds are? Nor do I, they’re that big. Again, it’s a set-up. I wouldn’t be surprised if that spaceship was just a fake.“而且,”崔莉安接着说,“尤其是这一点。据我所知,一艘飞船恰好穿过银河系中一颗行星的轨道、乃至全宇宙中一颗行星的轨道,这样的几率是很惊人的,简直令人伤心。你不知道有多小是吧?我也不知道,它太小了。还是那句话,这是个圈套。要是谁告诉我,那飞船是假的,我一点也不会惊讶。”
Zaphod managed to move the robot’s battleclub. Behind it on the screen were the figures of Ford, Arthur and Slartibartfast who appeared astonished and bewildered by the whole thing.赞福德终于把机器人的战棒弄开了。他看见屏幕上有福特、阿瑟和司拉提巴特法斯,他们几个都一脸的困惑和震惊。
Hey, look, said Zaphod excitedly. The guys are doing great. Ra ra ra! Go get ‘em, guys.“嘿,瞧啊,”赞福德兴奋地说,“小伙子们干得多棒!上啊上啊!干掉他们伙计!”
And what about, said Trillian, all this technology you suddenly managed to build for yourselves almost overnight? Most people would take thousands of years to do all that. Someone was feeding you what you needed to know, someone was keeping you at it.“还有,”崔莉安说,“你们怎能在一夜之间掌握那么多高新科技?很多人要用几千年才能做到的。有人在故意提供你们需要的信息。有人在控制你们。”
I know, I know, she added in response to an unseen interruption, I know you didn’t realize it was going on. This is exactly my point. You never realized anything at all. Like this Supernova Bomb.“我知道我知道,”她没等有人插嘴,就自己接道,“我知道,你们都没意识到,这正是我要说的。你们什么都没意识到,包括这颗超新星炸弹。”
How do you know about that? said an unseen voice.“你是怎么知道的?”不知谁的声音问道。
I just know, said Trillian. You expect me to believe that you are bright enough to invent something that brilliant and be too dumb to realize it would take you with it as well? That’s not just stupid, that is spectacularly obtuse.“我就是知道。”崔莉安道,“你们想让我相信,你们聪明无比、能完成如此强大的发明,却又愚蠢无比、竟没想过它也会毁掉你们自己?这不止是傻,这简直白痴到家了。”
Hey, what’s this bomb thing? said Zaphod in alarm to Marvin.“嘿,什么炸弹?”赞福德紧张地向马文问道。
The supernova bomb? said Marvin. It’s a very, very small bomb.“超新星炸弹?”马文答道,“它是一颗很小很小的炸弹。”
Oh yeah, said Zaphod. It’s easy for you to say that. I just told you. Anyway, I don’t see what it’s got to do with anything.
And especially, continued Trillian, the odds against it intersecting with the orbit of the one planet in the Galaxy, or the whole of the Universe as far as I know, that would be totally traumatized to see it. You dont know what the odds are? Nor do I, theyre that big. Again, its a set-up. I wouldnt be surprised if that spaceship was just a fake.
Zaphod managed to move the robots battleclub. Behind it on the screen were the figures of Ford, Arthur and Slartibartfast who appeared astonished and bewildered by the whole thing.
Hey, look, said Zaphod excitedly. The guys are doing great. Ra ra ra! Go getem, guys.
And what about, said Trillian, all this technology you suddenly managed to build for yourselves almost overnight? Most people would take thousands of years to do all that. Someone was feeding you what you needed to know, someone was keeping you at it.
I know, I know, she added in response to an unseen interruption, I know you didnt realize it was going on. This is exactly my point. You never realized anything at all. Like this Supernova Bomb.
How do you know about that? said an unseen voice.
I just know, said Trillian. You expect me to believe that you are bright enough to invent something that brilliant and be too dumb to realize it would take you with it as well? Thats not just stupid, that is spectacularly obtuse.
Hey, whats this bomb thing? said Zaphod in alarm to Marvin.
The supernova bomb? said Marvin. Its a very, very small bomb.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
supernova [,sju:pə'nəuvə]


n. [天]超新星

invent [in'vent]


vt. 发明,创造,捏造

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

galaxy ['gæləksi]


n. 银河,一群显赫之人

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

interruption [.intə'rʌpʃən]


n. 打岔,中断

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt]


adj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词

overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<





