Gopalakrishnan is not the only Indian author whose management book has found an audience in China. While there always was demand for books by Indian origin professors like Ram Charan and CK Prahalad in China, there is a marked increase in interest on Indian management practices.
Gopalakrishnan并不是唯一的自己的管理类书籍在中国拥有大量读者的印度作家。虽然印度籍教授像是Ram Charan 和 CK Prahalad的书在中国一直是供不应求,但印度的管理实践类书籍仍然有明显的利润上升空间。
![为什么中国人会学习印度企业文化.jpg 为什么中国人会学习印度企业文化.jpg](
"There is a lot of appetite for content in China and a lot of interest in management structures — both absolute as well as comparative studies," says Vivek Mehra, MD & CEO, Sage India, which signed an MoU with Central Compilation and Translation in 2010 to publish Indian books in Chinese and vice-versa. "The number of people who can access these materials in English is relatively low given the actual size of the population."
“在中国人们对于管理类书籍的需求量大,兴趣度高——这是两个相对独立但又互相依靠的方面” Sage India 的总裁兼总经理Vivek Mehra说到,“可以读懂这些方面的英语材料的人数和(对这方面有需求的)实际人数相比实在是太少了”,Sage India在2010年与中央编译局签订备忘录,允许Sage India出版中文版本的印度书籍,反之亦然。
So while English language editions of the books may sell in the larger cities, the demand for the Chinese editions are a lot more. Several factors have stoked Chinese readers' appetite for Indian management gyaan.
After being primarily focused on manufacturing, the last few years have seen a gradual, but perceptible shift in China towards services, entrepreneurship and building global brands— areas where India has more experience over China.
Industry watchers contend that given both countries are Asian emerging markets, there are likely to be more similarities in how business is done as compared to the USA or Europe. One of the earliest books to have a Mandarin edition was management consultant Rama Bijapurkar's Winning in the Indian Market: Understanding the Transformation of Consumer India, which was translated in 2008.
According to Bijapurkar, China is India's non-identical twin, which has investment but no consumption. "They are a bit bewildered by consumption and are interested in understanding what makes India tick. They want to hear the inside story about India told in an Indian voice," she says.
After the release of the book, she received inquiries from high-end product manufacturers who were keen on understanding how they can break into India. Sometimes, the curiosity can be traced to more mundane reasons.
Matthew Barney's book Leadership @ Infosys was translated into Mandarin and Barney believes his book isn't a manual on "Indian management per se" but about a company founded by Indians which was influenced by global leadership ideas. "In China, I suspect particular interest about Infosys comes from the beautiful campuses Infosys creates, including the development center in Shanghai that I haven't visited, but am told it is like Mysore," says Barney.
Matthew Barney的书《领导力-以Infosys为 例》被翻译为中文 ,Matthew Barney认为他的书并非简单描述印度管理学本身而是讲述了深受全球领袖思想所影响的印度人所创建一家公司。"我猜在中国,人们对Infosys公司特别感兴趣原因是因为Infosys所创造的美丽校园 ,在这其中就包括建在上海的发展中心,我从没去过那 ,但有人 告诉我那里和Mysore很像"Barney如是说.
Beryl Young at the Publishing House of Electronics Industry in China which published a local edition of Tata: The Evolution of a Corporate Brand says, "The reason why we were interested in this book is that we know Tata is the top corporation in India...we still don't have much knowledge about Indian corporations, so we only published this one book about the most representative one."
来自出版 了本地版的<塔塔-企业品牌发展之路>的中国电子工业出版社的Beryl Young说道:“我们之所以对这本书感兴趣,是因为我们知道塔塔是印度最顶级的企业,现在 我们对印度的企业还所知甚少,所以我们才选择出版这本最具有代表性的书 。”
Gopalakrishnan is not the only Indian author whose management book has found an audience in China. While there always was demand for books by Indian origin professors like Ram Charan and CK Prahalad in China, there is a marked increase in interest on Indian management practices.
Gopalakrishnan并不是唯一的在中国有着大量读者的管理学著作的作者。过去,中国人对Ram Charan和 CK Prahalad这样的印度裔教授的著作都有需求,现在中国对印度管理学实践方面变的越来越感兴趣.
"There is a lot of appetite for content in China and a lot of interest in management structures — both absolute as well as comparative studies," says Vivek Mehra, MD & CEO, Sage India, which signed an MoU with Central Compilation and Translation in 2010 to publish Indian books in Chinese and vice-versa. "The number of people who can access these materials in English is relatively low given the actual size of the population."
“在中国,人们对管理类书籍的爱好和兴趣十分浓厚— —既包括绝对研究也包括比较研究,”赛捷公司在印度的市场总监兼首席执行官 Vivek Mehra如是说道,其在2010年与中共中央编译局签署了一份谅解备忘录,以在中国出版译为中文的印度书籍,反之亦然。“考虑到实际的人口规模,能接触到这类(管理相关)英语资料的人相对较少。”
So while English language editions of the books may sell in the larger cities, the demand for the Chinese editions are a lot more. Several factors have stoked Chinese readers' appetite for Indian management gyaan.
After being primarily focused on manufacturing, the last few years have seen a gradual, but perceptible shift in China towards services, entrepreneurship and building global brands— areas where India has more experience over China.
Industry watchers contend that given both countries are Asian emerging markets, there are likely to be more similarities in how business is done as compared to the USA or Europe. One of the earliest books to have a Mandarin edition was management consultant Rama Bijapurkar's Winning in the Indian Market: Understanding the Transformation of Consumer India, which was translated in 2008.
行业观察家认为,两国都是亚洲的新兴市场,与美国与欧洲的贸易方式相比,他们间可能具有更多共同点。最早的中文正式版印度管理类书籍是翻译于2008年,市场顾问Rama Bijapurkar的畅销书:《赢得印度市场:理解印度消费者的转变》。
According to Bijapurkar, China is India's non-identical twin, which has investment but no consumption. "They are a bit bewildered by consumption and are interested in understanding what makes India tick. They want to hear the inside story about India told in an Indian voice," she says.
qAfter the release of the book, she received inquiries from high-end product manufacturers who were keen on understanding how they can break into India. Sometimes, the curiosity can be traced to more mundane reasons.
Matthew Barney's book Leadership @ Infosys was translated into Mandarin and Barney believes his book isn't a manual on "Indian management per se" but about a company founded by Indians which was influenced by global leadership ideas. "In China, I suspect particular interest about Infosys comes from the beautiful campuses Infosys creates, including the development center in Shanghai that I haven't visited, but am told it is like Mysore," says Barney.
Matthew Barney的书《领导力-以Infosys为 例》被翻译为中文 ,Matthew Barney认为他的书并非简单描述印度管理学本身而是讲述了一个印度人建立的深受全球领导理念影响的公司 的成长史。"我猜在中国,人们对Infosys特别感兴趣是因为Infosys公司所创造的美丽校园 ,在这其中就包括建在上海的发展中心,我从没去过那 ,但有人 告诉我那里和Mysore很像"Barney如是说.
Beryl Young at the Publishing House of Electronics Industry in China which published a local edition of Tata: The Evolution of a Corporate Brand says, "The reason why we were interested in this book is that we know Tata is the top corporation in India...we still don't have much knowledge about Indian corporations, so we only published this one book about the most representative one."
Beryl Young 来自出版了本地版的<塔塔-企业品牌发展之路>的中国电子工业出版社说道;我们之所以对这本书感兴趣,是因为我们知道塔塔是印度最顶级的企业,现在我们对印度的企业还所知甚少,所以我们选择出版这本最具代性的 .
Over the last five years, publisher Wiley has published over 500 books which have seen considerable traction in the Chinese market on the broad themes of leadership and modern management, emerging opportunities in Asia, consumer trends and finance and investment.
在过去的5年里,出版商wiley出版了超过500本书,从这些书中可以看出,以领导力,现代管理,亚洲新机遇,消费趋势,金融投资等广泛 内容为主题的作品,在中国市场有巨大的吸引力
Vikas Gupta, Managing Director, Wiley India, says, "As services have grown and Chinese brands have started going overseas, there was a need to learn more about how to do things. There is huge respect for Indian IT and finance and books on these topics tend to do well."
Vikas Gupta wiley iinddia公司德尔总经理 说道:随着服务的增长和中国品牌逐渐走出国门,中国企业需要学习的东西也越来越多,印度在it和金融方面取得的成就是可敬的,所以 关于这个题材的书籍十分畅销。