James Zhonglei Wang is president of the Huayi Brothers Media Corporation, a Chinese entertainment and film production company that he co-founded in 1994. Huayi Brothers recently announced plans to set up a $130 million American subsidiary.
Q. Do you remember the first time you became a manager?
A. I founded the company with my older brother, Wang Zhongjun, in 1994. I was only 24 and I have to admit I was totally unprepared. I didn’t have any experience in operations and management, but my brother asked me to take care of the daily operations of the company.

Q. That was quite young. How did you make it work?
A. Well, when you start out as a young manager you need a lot of self-confidence [laughs]. But I don’t think age is really an issue, and I was often working with people as young as me. I think maybe I had some natural leadership skills in me because I’d always been looking at problems and finding solutions. But I never wanted to be a manager. I just wanted to be a free man. Even to this day. I deal with a lot of freelancers in my line of work, and I wouldn’t mind being a freelancer myself.
Q. How has your perspective on leadership changed over time?
A. When I first became a manager I was involved in every single detail of the work. Now, I see my role as providing continuous support and vision to the team, but I don’t feel I need to be involved in everything.
Q. What have you enjoyed most about leadership?
A. For me it’s not about power, it’s about the working process and making links within the industry.
Q. What makes a great leader?
A. Three qualities: You need to be honest with your team, you need perseverance, and you need to be decisive. Beyond these, I also think you need to be passionate about what you do. That’s the way I feel about my own job and I do think passion is the secret to success — with also some luck.
Q. Some would say you make your own luck.
A. No matter in which form it comes, it’s still luck.
Q. How do you resolve professional disagreements with your brother, who is chairman and chief executive of the company?
A. It’s something quite private. Maybe you won’t believe me, but we don’t really have very strong disagreements, which is why we’re able to work so well together. We trust each other, and when we have a slight disagreement we just discuss things and try to convince the other to our views. We both know we have the best interest of the corporation at heart.
We are quite different in terms of character. My brother tends to charge forward, even when there are obstacles. I think I do things differently to reach my objective, but we have a very close relationship and we complement each other well in terms of abilities. He is a decisive leader, very good at making strategic decisions; I’m very good at getting things executed and cementing the right team around us.
Q. What qualities do you look for in your senior management?
A. Loyalty is the most important factor for me. To some extent it’s more important than capabilities. Loyalty can have a more influential impact on the overall enterprise than capabilities. It doesn’t mean that the person must stay with you forever — they might only be working for you for a short period of time — but during that time they are completely committed to your company.
Q. What management differences have you observed betweenChina and the United States?
A. There are significant differences even when companies are in the same field, in particular in the way they manage employees. In China, most companies are managed by their founders, led by an entrepreneurial spirit, while in the U.S. they are likely to be managed by career managers. That means you approach problems differently.
For example, at Alibaba, Jack Ma, who is a friend, told me he used to try to employ career managers to manage each sector, but in the end he found it was more suitable to the Chinese market that he use the people closer to him that he founded the company with. At Huayi Brothers, we do the same. But I think that if we proceed in the U.S. market, we will be using career managers; we’ll need to employ someone there whose cultural background is similar to their U.S. counterparts.
Q. There is this notion that it’s very important to “give face” in China. Is that still true?
A. Well, I think Western C.E.O.s also need to be given face, it’s not just the Chinese ones [laughs]. It’s just a different understanding of the face issue. In China, “giving face” is an expression “to show respect to the other party,” and usually this implies mutual respect for each other. I believe that mutual respect is equally important in Western societies, though the way it is expressed may be different. “Giving face” tends to be a more external expression, where one pays attention to details and requires skills to appropriately express it.
There is no right or wrong, good or bad; this is just a social and cultural difference between the East and the West. One may need to experience it for themselves in China to fully understand the concept.
Q. What advice would you give to Western executives wanting to work in China?
A. Stick to your own way. Keep your differences. All you need to acquire is the trust of your boss. When a boss hires someone, what they are looking out for is results. Only by producing results can you build up your boss’s trust in you. So, when interacting with your boss, do not deliberately change your style or method, as long as it is effective for the job hired.
Of course, the basic respect and social etiquette are still necessary. When interacting with colleagues or subordinates, do pay attention to how you communicate with them. Do not distance yourself from others, as one’s popularity can create unexpected opportunities for a smooth career.
Q. What advice would you give to your young self?
A. I’m still young — wrong question.
Q. O.K., what would you tell someone starting a company?
A. You shouldn’t care too much about failure, but stick to your own path. I’m very glad to see the new generation of entrepreneurs. Those born in the 1990s have grown in self-confidence, because I think for a very long time the Chinese lacked confidence in themselves.