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HONG KONGA FEW years back I got a callfrom a film director based in China who had read one of my detective novels."Can you help me write a screenplay for a crime story?" he asked. "The tricky thing is that it's set in Beijing, so no crime can be involved."


广电总局:没有犯罪的中国犯罪片.jpgWelcome to the world of screenwriting for China, where crime stories are crime free, ghost tales have no ghosts and crooked politicians can't be crooked.China has a large film industry and thesecond-biggest box office in the world, but few people outside the country have ever watched a Chinese movie released there: Once you've seen one acrobatichero single-handedly dispatch an enemy platoon, you've seen a lifetime's worth. For that, you can blame the rules of film censorship in China, and a Chinese government extremely sensitive about how the nation is portrayed.

No one can start making a film in China without submitting the plot to the State General Administration of Press, Publication,Radio, Film and Television (SGAPPRFT), an agency set up to administer government-owned media but best known (and feared) as a committee of censors.If any organization from outside mainland China is involved, including Hong Kong partners, a full screenplay must be submitted for review. Once approved,it can't be modified, meaning actors and directors must resist any urge to improvise during filming.At irregular intervals the agency providesa list of unmentionables. Sex scenes or depictions of "excessive drinking,smoking and other bad habits" are a no-go. “Propagating passive or negative outlook on life, world view and value system" is banned; so is "stirring upambivalence and conflicts between different religions or sects, and betweenbelievers and nonbelievers, causing disharmony in the community."
The vetting committee might reject a storyline for being "unscientific," because, say, it features time travel. It also bans"historical untruths," which, this being China, often means historical truths.The ethnicity of villains is a major concern as well. "If it's about international crime, the bad guy must not be Chinese," explained a Hong Kong screenwriter with 25 years' experience. (Heasked not to be identified for fear of being blacklisted.) Further more, thecrime must not be initiated within China's borders, as if the land itself were somehow pure. All characters in the uniformed services must be good guys.Government employees may never be corrupt. There are no prostitutes in China.Getting a SGAPPRFT permit is just the firsthurdle. If the hero is a monk or the setting is a temple or a church, the script will also require a permit from the State Administration for Religious Affairs. If it's a spy movie, national security agents will have to vet it. Forcop shows, you need approval from the police's so-called art department.Ghost stories are farcically problematic.In the spring of 2006, an online novel by Zhang Muye called "Gui Chui Deng"(literally "Ghost Blows Out the Light") was enormously popular. It was read by millions. There was much excited discussion about a print version and aninternational movie adaptation. Then the project stalled. The government-licensed version of the book published in print was purged of any reference to thesupernatural, and with that, the film project vanished, too.
At least half of Hong Kong movies today areco-produced with mainland organizations, and screenwriters here are also having to toe the Beijing line. "That's why we usually make 'ancient swordsman' films,or stories that happen in the period before the founding of the New China," the Hong Kong screenwriter explained. He meant that you can show something negativein mainland China only so long as it happened before the Communist revolutionin 1949 — but be careful not to portray that period as a golden era, because for that you might get censored.Can a good story be written under suchconditions? It's difficult. Some screenwriters have managed through cunning:One director squeaked a crime movie set in Hong Kong past the censors afterclaiming the action took place before the transfer in 1997, while the territory was still under the rule of those evil Brits.
More often, the rules kill creativity. The 2002 Hong Kong movie "Infernal Affairs," a gripping tale about a triad member who infiltrates the police, was remade in Hollywood as "The Departed,” which won four Oscars, including one for best adapted screenplay. In the original,the gangster antihero ultimately avoids being exposed by killing someone in his own gang. Is he still faking it, or has he become the top cop he was pretending to be? In the version of the film that was reshot in China, the ending is a clunker:Confronted by police officers who accuse him of being a mole, he turns in his badge without a word.That crime story I co-wrote with theChinese director had to be rejiggered multiple times. It eventually resulted inan implausible tale about an Italian businessman who flies into Beijing, stealsa huge cache of art treasures, and flies out while pursued by noble detectives of Chinese origin. It was never filmed, to my relief.The problem is not about to go away.According to Xinhua, the state-run news agency, China's uncompromising president, Xi Jinping, told a forum of writers in October, "The arts must serve the people and serve socialism." Anthony Lee, a Hong Kong Polytechnic University lecturer on entertainment, said, "The buzz in theindustry is that the toughness of China's new leader is making things harder,not easier."
但除了这种曲线救国般的点子,审查制度更多的时候还是扼杀了从业人员的创造力。2002年香港电影《无间道》堪称是一部扣人心弦的片子,讲述了三合会与警方相互潜伏的故事,还被好莱坞拿去拍了《无间道风云》,翻拍版还赢得了四项奥斯卡奖,包括最佳改编剧本奖。在原版电影中,出身黑帮的反英雄主角杀掉了同样来自黑帮的某人,从而避免了自己的身份被暴露。那么他是仍旧在假装,还是已经认同了他一直所扮演的顶级警官的角色呢?而在经过特地补拍的大陆版中,这份悬念就灰飞烟灭了:结局被改成了警员们怒指他是间谍,而他一言不发地上交了自己的警徽。我和中国导演合写的那个剧本,在经过多次修订之后终于变成了这样一个故事:一位意大利商人飞到北京,盗走了艺术珍宝,然后在逃跑的过程中被中国出身的高尚的警探追击。这个故事我自己都看得蛋疼,谢天谢地,它一直没被拍成电影。如今这个问题还没有解决的迹象。根据中国国有媒体新华社的报道,领导人习圌近圌平在10月份的文艺座谈会上强调道,“文艺要坚持为圌人圌民圌服圌务、为社会主义服务这个根本方向”。香港理工大学的娱乐业讲师Anthony Lee说道,“业界现在有一种声音,认为中国新任领导人的强硬态度没让事情变得更容易,反而更加艰难了。”
Screenwriters may find some hope in thefact that in the long run the Chinese public, and investors, will demand global standards of story writing. On a domestic airline in China recently, I notedthat a movie showing a lone Chinese hero defeating a Japanese horde was playingon drop-down screens. Not one passenger seemed to be watching it. Instead many were watching Hollywood films on portable devices.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
corrupt [kə'rʌpt]


adj. 腐败的,堕落的
vt. 使 ...

passive ['pæsiv]


adj. 被动的,消极的
n. 被动性

excessive [ik'sesiv]


adj. 过多的,过分的

censorship ['sensəʃip]


n. 检查制度

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

badge [bædʒ]


n. 徽章,标记,正章,象征
vt. 授给 .

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

portray [pɔ:'trei]


vt. 描写,描绘,饰演

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

urge [ə:dʒ]


vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促
vi. 极力主





