In 2010 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the Hollywood studio behind such legendary films as The Wizard of Oz and the James Bond and Hobbit franchises, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. It was the classic victim of a leveraged buyout, from a group including Providence Equity Partners and TPG Capital, alongside Sony and Comcast.
The Wizard of Oz)、《007》(
James Bond)和《霍比特人》(
The Hobbit)等家喻户晓的影片。米高梅是杠杆收购的典型受害者,发起收购的财团中包括普罗维登斯投资(
Providence Equity Partners)、德州太平洋集团(
TPG Capital)、索尼(

The studio is currently rumoured to be the target of another group of investors with deep pockets — this time the Chinese. Mainland companies Dalian Wanda and the Fosun conglomerate are flush with cash. Dalian Wanda just went public in Hong Kong, raising almost $4bn, and Fosun has access to the coffers of its Portuguese insurer among other sources of money.
目前,有传言称米高梅已成为又一个由资金雄厚的投资者组成的财团的目标——这一次是中国财团。中国大陆企业万达集团(Dalian Wanda)和复星集团(Fosun)都手握巨额现金。万达刚刚在香港上市,融资近40亿美元;而复星除了其他财源,还可以动用旗下葡萄牙保险公司的财力。
Both groups are interested in the movies; indeed they seem to be interested in acquiring almost anything, regardless of lack of apparent synergy. They control a dizzying range of businesses, and their purchases are coming at an accelerating speed. Moreover, they are merely two out of numerous Chinese firms on outbound buying sprees.
Whatever the object of a possible sale, the Chinese have surfaced as potential buyers. They are becoming what private equity used to be — buyers of first resort.
It is a dramatic turnround. In 2014 mainland groups spent almost $70bn on offshore acquisitions, according to data from Dealogic. By contrast foreigners spent just $25.5bn on acquisitions going into China, down significantly from the $41.6bn peak in 2010.
Soon brokers will obligingly put out lists of potential targets for the Chinese, just as they used to put out lists of take-private candidates. That way everyone else could front-run the buyout firms, purchasing shares and selling debt of target companies, which would inevitably be downgraded if the reports proved correct.
Today the private equity sit on the sidelines, as the prices of companies in their sights soar way higher than those their spreadsheets tell them are reasonable. Corporate buyers with expensive shares and stagnant revenues swoop in and clinch the deals instead. It seems safe to assume that 2015 will be a big year for cross-border deals generally, whether growth picks up globally or (as seems more likely) falls short of New Year hopes.
There are lots of reasons to expect the Chinese to become even bigger participants, especially in the US. Movies say a lot about where China is today — increasingly urban, hungry for entertainment and able to pay for it. More and more acquisitions will be driven by the needs of this huge class of ever-more sophisticated consumers, rather than just the needs of the voracious state-owned enterprises, with their focus on natural resource extraction in emerging markets from Africa to Latin America.
Future transactions are more likely to be driven by new players that are either private sector or less state-ish in their goals. That means more investment and acquisitions in Europe and the US, both for bargains and the most upmarket brands. These groups will be helped by the relative strength of the currency, which makes acquisitions abroad cheaper in Chinese terms.
Of course the path is not entirely free of obstacles. For one thing, especially in the US, politicians and regulators have had a chilling effect on Chinese buyers since Cnooc withdrew from a planned $18.5bn purchase of Unocal in 2005 in the face of huge political opposition.
The Committee on Foreign Investment, which reviews transactions with potential national security issues, has vetted deals that lawyers say have few security implications, such as a Hong Kong-based bank’s sale of a handful of US branches to a Chinese bank. It has also vetoed the Chinese sovereign wealth fund’s purchase of a 7 per cent indirect stake in a US telecoms towers company.
美国外国投资委员会(Committee on Foreign Investment)负责评估有潜在国家安全问题的收购交易,已审查了律师表示对安全影响甚小的几项交易,比如一家香港的银行将几家美国分行出售给一家中资银行的交易。该委员会还否决了中国主权财富基金收购一家美国电信塔公司7%的非直接股权的交易。
Moreover, the ambitions of Chinese managements often exceed their ability to oversee their new toys. One adviser based in China recalls pointing out that if his financial client had nobody who spoke Russian, acquiring a Russian bank might prove challenging. It is possible that the Chinese will not buy MGM or Lions Gate Entertainment or anything else in which they have expressed an interest. And if they do, and the investment goes wrong — well, it will not be the first time. We have seen this movie before.
Lions Gate Entertainment)或任何其他它们曾表达兴趣的公司。如果它们确实收购了,并且投资出了问题——好吧,那将不是第一次。我们以前也看到过这种桥段。