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复星国际竞得地中海俱乐部 意富豪退出

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PARISShares of Club Méditerranée fell on Monday, after an Italian businessman who had been battling for control of the vacation resort operator conceded to his rival, the Chinese conglomerate Fosun International.

巴黎——竞购地中海俱乐部(Club Méditerranée)的意大利商人放弃与中国竞争对手复星国际的争夺后,这家度假村经营机构的股价在周一应声下跌。

The Global Resorts consortium, led by the Italian investor Andrea C. Bonomi, said late Friday thatafter careful considerationit would not top Fosuns offer of 24.60 euros, or $29.40, a share, which Fosun made on Dec. 19. The stock dropped on Monday afternoon in Paris to just below the winning bid, falling 2.1 percent, to 24.54 a share.

上周五晚间,由意大利投资人安德烈亚·C·博诺米(Andrea C. Bonomi)牵头的Global Resorts财团宣布,“经过慎重考虑”,决定不提出高于复星12月19日做出的每股24.60欧元(约合182.6元人民币)的报价。周一下午在巴黎,地中海俱乐部的股价下滑了2.1%,报收24.54欧元,比赢得竞购的报价略低。

Mr. Bonomi and his partners in the bidding, which include his Investindustrial private equity group, the Wall Street titan K.K.R., and Sol Kerzner, a South African hotelier, were facing a Wednesday deadline set by the French market regulator to either raise their own offer or walk away.

博诺米的竞购合作方包括:他本人旗下的私募集团Investindustrial、华尔街巨头KKR,以及南非酒店业大亨索尔·科兹那(Sol Kerzner)。巴黎的市场监管机构给他们设定了周三的最后期限,要么提高报价,要么退出竞争。
In the end, Mr. Bonomis decision was hardly a surprise, as analysts had said that he would have trouble justifying a higher offer in view of Club Meds prospects.“Global Resorts, as an institutional investor, feels that the current situation and the levels of valuation do not warrant further consideration of Club Med as an investment opportunity,” Mr. Bonomi said in a statement.
博诺米最后做出的决定并不出人意料。分析师们表示,考虑到地中海俱乐部的前景,他很难证明提高报价的合理性。“作为机构投资者,Global Resorts认为,目前的形势和估值水平,使得我们没有理由进一步考虑地中海俱乐部的投资机会,”博诺米在声明中称。
The winning offer, made by Fosuns Gaillon Invest II consortium, values the company at 939 million, or about $1.1 billion, including Club Meds convertible securities. In addition to Fosun, the Gaillon group includes Ardian, a French private equity investor; Fidelidade, a Portuguese insurance company controlled by Fosun; Beijing Utour International Travel Service, a Shanghai-listed travel company; and Club Meds management. Nelson Tanure, a Brazilian investor, has also been invited to join the project.
复星牵头的Gaillon Invest II财团赢得了竞购战,其报价对地中海俱乐部的估值为9.39亿欧元,包括公司的可转换证券。除了复星,财团中还包括:法国私募投资机构Ardian、复星控制的葡萄牙保险公司Fidelidade、在上海上市的北京众信国际旅行社,以及地中海俱乐部的管理层。巴西投资人纳尔逊·坦努雷(Nelson Tanure)也得到邀请参入这一项目。
Fosuns chairman, Guo Guangchang, joined in May 2013 with Henri Giscard dEstaing, Club Meds chairman and chief executive, in a bid to take the company private at 17 a share. After months of legal wrangling and a small improvement in the offering price, that deal looked set to go ahead at 17.50, until Mr. Bonomi upended the tables in June 2013.
2013年5月,复星集团董事长郭广昌携手地中海俱乐部董事长兼首席执行官亨利·吉斯卡尔·德斯坦(Henri Giscard dEstaing)提出了每股17欧元的收购价,计划把该公司私有化。经过多个月的法律纠纷和竞价的小幅提升,这一交易看似将以17.50欧元的价格成交。可是,博诺米2013年6月进来搅了局。
Mr. Bonomi had tried to sway investors with an argument for more balanced investment in Club Meds international and European growth, including middle-market consumers, rather than the more Asia-focused luxury strategy espoused by Fosun and Club Meds management.
Fehmi Ben Naamane, an analyst at Oddo Securities, said Mr. Bonomi had been seeking to change almost overnight the resort companys 10-year-old strategy of moving upscale and the management model built around that. It was completely predictable that Mr. Bonomi walked away, Mr. Ben Naamane said, considering the logic of his investment would be lost at a higher price.
奥多证券(Oddo Securities)的分析师费赫米·本·纳马内(Fehmi Ben Naamane)表示,博诺米希望几乎一夜之间改变地中海俱乐部10年来的高端化路线,以及围绕这一策略打造的管理模式。他认为,考虑到博诺米的投资逻辑会在高报价下难以成立,他的退出完全在意料之中。
With the battle over, Club Meds futurestill looks difficult,” Mr. Ben Naamane said, “but if Fosun rapidly puts its strategy into place, and if they can expand significantly in China, of course that would bring major growth.”
If nothing else, Global Resorts has helped holdout investors to make a handsome return. Mr. Bonomi and his allies themselves bought more than 3.5 million Club Med shares on June 30, when they closed at 19.51 share; that could give them a paper gain of roughly 18 million on those shares alone.
Global Resorts并非一无所获。它帮助坚守下来的投资者赢得了丰厚回报。博诺米及其盟友在6月30日的时候买入了逾350万股地中海俱乐部的股票,而当日的收盘价为19.51欧元。光是这些股份,就能够给他们带来约1800万欧元的账面收益。
Over the ensuing months, the consortium members ultimately acquired several million more shares as they built their nearly 20 percent stake in Club Med. They intend to tender their Club Med shares to the winning bidders or sell them on the market, they said.
Through a spokesman, Mr. Bonomi declined to comment.
Fosun, in a statement, expressed itssatisfactionat its victory. The board of Club Med is expected to meet as early as this week to endorse the winning offer, after which only the approval of the market regulator would be necessary for the deal to move toward completion.
Club Med declined to comment.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
luxury ['lʌkʃəri]


n. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品

overnight ['əuvə'nait]


n. 前晚
adj. 通宵的,晚上的,前夜的<

convertible [kən'və:təbl]


adj. 可改变的,可交换,同意义的 n. 有活动摺篷的

predictable [pri'diktəbl]


adj. 可预知的

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

equity ['ekwəti]


n. 权益,产权,(无固定利息的)股票,衡平法

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

expand [iks'pænd]


v. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀,

insurance [in'ʃuərəns]


n. 保险,保险费,安全措施

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,





