When did winter become the season of television’s most distinguished content? The fall season, with its organized and heavily publicized broadcast-network premieres, still gets the attention, but a greater number of interesting shows now arrive on cable, broadcast and online in the first quarter of the year.
More than 110 new and returning series made the shortlist for this roundup before being whittled down to the 20 that appear here. (And that’s without the HBO shows “True Detective,” which is being moved to later in the year, and “Game of Thrones,” “Veep” and “Silicon Valley,” whose April premiere dates haven’t been announced.) From a “Breaking Bad” spinoff, to the return of “Broadchurch,” to the final season of “Justified,” the winter is high season for the serious TV watcher.
True Detective],因为它被移到今年晚些时候,亦不包括《权力的游戏》[
Game of Thrones]、《副总统》[
Silicon Valley],其中《硅谷》将在四月播出第一集,具体日期未宣布)。从《绝命毒师》(
Breaking Bad)的衍生剧到《小镇疑云》(

THE BRIDGE (Hulu, Friday) The second season of this Danish-Swedish crime drama (the source for FX’s recently canceled series of the same name) once again involves the Oresund Bridge connecting the two countries.
《边桥谜案》(The Bridge),Hulu,周五播出。这部丹麦、瑞典合拍的犯罪剧即将迎来第二季(FX的同名剧集就是根据它改编的,最近刚刚被砍掉),新的一季仍与连接两个乡村的奥莱桑德桥有关。
DOWNTON ABBEY (PBS, Sunday) Season 5 begins with new blows to Lord Grantham’s self-esteem and the somewhat Victorian touch of an illegitimate baby hidden away in a cottage. For those who haven’t already pirated the British broadcasts or read the recaps, let’s just say that the first episode involves a very heated situation.
《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey),PBS,周日播出。第五季一开始,格兰瑟姆伯爵的自尊就遭到了新打击,还有一个非婚生的婴儿藏匿在乡间小屋的情节,有些维多利亚时代的气息。对于那些还没有通过不法方式看到英国播出的剧集的人,以及那些没看过剧情梗概的人,我们只说第一集中有非常激烈的场面。
EMPIRE (Fox, Wednesday) The filmmaker Lee Daniels (“Precious,” “Lee Daniels’ The Butler”) is behind this new hip-hop soap opera starring Terrence Howard as a rap mogul with a terminal disease.
《嘻哈帝国》(Empire),Fox,周三播出。这部最新的嘻哈乐肥皂剧的导演是电影人李·丹尼尔斯(Lee Daniels),他曾执导《珍爱》(Precious)和《白宫管家》(Lee Daniels’ The Butler))。片中泰伦斯·霍华德(Terrence Howard)饰演一个身患致命疾病的说唱乐大明星。
BABYLON (Sundance, Thursday) James Nesbitt, recently seen as the obsessed father of a long-vanished child in “The Missing,” shows up here in a very different role: as a calculating old-school police commissioner who hires an American public-relations expert (Brit Marling) to update the image of Scotland Yard. Danny Boyle (“Slumdog Millionaire”) created this satirical drama, which bears some resemblance to Armando Iannucci’s political comedy film “In the Loop.”
《警察故事》(Babylon),Sundance,周四播出。詹姆斯·内斯比特(Jame Nesbitt)最近在《失踪》(The Missing)中出演了一个孩子失踪多年、备受折磨的父亲,他在这部剧中饰演的是完全不同的角色:一个斤斤计较的老派警官,雇用一个美国公关专家(布里特·马灵[Brit Marling]饰),来改善苏格兰场的形象。这部讽刺剧集由《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)的导演丹尼·博伊尔(Danny Boyle)执导,有点像阿尔曼多·伊安努奇(Armando Iannucci)的政治喜剧片《灵通人士》(In the Loop)。
TOGETHERNESS (HBO, Jan. 11) HBO’s Sunday night comedy block already covers early-20-something New York women (“Girls,” beginning its fourth season the same night) and late-20-something San Francisco gay men (“Looking,” beginning its second). Now it adds 30-something Los Angeles straight people in this sometimes bleakly comic half-hour from Jay and Mark Duplass, the brothers behind quirky films like “The Puffy Chair” and “Baghead.” Mark Duplass and Melanie Lynskey play a married couple sharing a house with his best friend (Steve Zissis) and her sister (Amanda Peet).
《患难与共》(Togetherness),HBO,1月11日播出。HBO台的周日晚间喜剧组合中已经有了20出头的纽约女人(《都市女孩》[Girls]第四季第一集将在同一天晚上播出),还有快到30岁的旧金山男同性恋(《寻》[Looking]也在当天开播第二季)。现在又来了30多岁的洛杉矶异性恋者们。这部有点阴郁的半小时喜剧来自杰伊(Jay)和马克·杜普拉斯(Mark Duplass),兄弟俩曾经合拍过《肥大的椅子》(The Puffy Chair)和《纸袋头》(Baghead)等诡异的电影。马克·杜普拉斯和梅兰妮·林斯基(Melanie Lynskey)饰演一对夫妻,和杜普拉斯最好的朋友(史蒂夫·齐西斯[Steve Zissis]饰演)与林斯基的姊妹(阿曼达·皮特[Amanda Peet]饰)合住一栋房子。
BROAD CITY (Comedy Central, Jan. 14) Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson return for a second season of satirizing the poses, compromises and sheer physical grossness of life in New York when you’re underemployed and self-absorbed.
《大城小妞》(Broad City),Comedy Central,1月14日播出。伊拉纳·格雷泽(Ilana Glazer)与艾比·雅克布逊(Abbi Jacobson)带着第二季回归了,它讽刺了纽约那些大材小用而又自恋的人们生活中的故作姿态、妥协与纯粹粗俗。
THE NIGHTLY SHOW WITH LARRY WILMORE (Comedy Central, Jan. 19) Mr. Wilmore’s topical comedy show replaces “The Colbert Report” at 11:30 p.m. and represents the latest opportunity to introduce some diversity to late-night programming. No pressure there!
《拉里·威尔莫夜间秀》(The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore),Comedy Central,1月19日播出。威尔莫的主题喜剧秀将取代《科尔伯特报告》(The Colbert Report)在夜间11:30播出,这是深夜节目多样化的最新尝试。完全没有压力!
JUSTIFIED (FX, Jan. 20) The series-long love-hate relationship between Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) and his friend and nemesis Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins) will be resolved, one way or another, in the show’s sixth and final season.
《火线警探》,FX,1月20日。副警长瑞兰·吉文斯(Raylan Givens,蒂莫西·奥利芬特[Timothy Olyphant]饰)与他的朋友兼天敌博伊德·克劳达(Boyd Crowder,沃尔顿·戈金斯[Walton Goggins]饰)之间爱恨交织的关系贯穿了整部剧,不管怎样,这个问题将在第六季,也就是最终季中得到最终解决。
BACKSTROM (Fox, Jan. 22) Last year, Fox tried a show about a self-destructive lawyer (“Rake,” starring Greg Kinnear) that was based on an Australian TV series. That didn’t work, but now the network is trying a show about a self-destructive detective (played by Rainn Wilson of “The Office”) that’s based on a series of Swedish novels. The show was created by Hart Hanson, who was responsible for the Fox series “Bones,” but in the pilot Mr. Wilson’s Backstrom looks a lot more House-like than Bones-like.
《巴克斯托姆》(Backstrom),Fox,1月22日播出。去年,福克斯推出根据一部澳大利亚电视剧《法庭浪子》(Rake),由格雷格·金尼尔(Greg Kinnear)主演,讲述一个自毁律师的故事。那部剧没成功,但现在Fox又试着推出了一部根据瑞典系列小说改编的自毁侦探的故事,由《办公室》(The Office)男星雷恩·威尔森(Rainn Wilson)主演。这部剧由Fox的系列剧《识骨寻踪》(Bones)的编剧哈特·汉森(Hart Hanson)主创,但在试播集里,威尔森饰演的巴克斯托姆看上去更像豪斯医生(House),而不像《识骨寻踪》里的角色。
THE AMERICANS (FX, Jan. 28) Season 3 of this terrific blend of Cold War spy thriller and family drama begins with Washington’s K.G.B. contingent feeling the weight of the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Frank Langella joins the cast as the new handler for the show’s husband-and-wife agents, replacing Margo Martindale’s Claudia. (Making its premiere eight days later: NBC’s “Allegiance,” about Russian spies embedded in the United States. Huh.)
《美国谍梦》(The Americans),FX,1月28日播出。这部剧精彩地将冷战间谍惊悚剧与家庭剧融为一体,第三季一开始,潜伏在华盛顿的克格勃小队感受到了苏联的阿富汗战争的压力。弗兰克·兰格拉(Frank Langella)加入演员阵容,饰演剧中夫妻间谍的新联系人,取代了玛戈·马丁代尔(Margo Martindale)饰演的克劳迪娅(Claudia)。顺便说一句,八天后NBC即将首播的《忠诚》(Allegiance)是讲述潜伏在美国的俄罗斯间谍的。哈。
FOYLE’S WAR (acorn.tv, Feb. 2) After nabbing the final three episodes of “Agatha Christie’s Poirot” last year, the streaming service Acorn TV scores another coup in the field of traditional British mysteries with the American premiere of this superior show’s ninth season. Starring Michael Kitchen as Christopher Foyle, a detective as honorable as he is shrewd, the series has morphed over the years from a provincial home-front cop show to a le Carré-like Cold War thriller. New episodes involve the Nuremberg trials and Britain’s role in Palestine.
《战地神探》(Foyle’s War),acorn.tv,2月2日播出。去年流媒体服务网络Acorn TV放完了《大侦探波洛》(Agatha Christie’s Poirot)的最后三集,如今又带来另一部传统英国推理剧,这部超级剧集在英国已经拍到第九季,在美国还是首次播出。迈克尔·基臣(Michael Kitchen)在剧中饰演克里斯托弗·弗伊(Christopher Foyle),一位可敬而又狡黠的侦探,这部剧多年来从一部“二战”后方警探剧演变成勒卡雷(le Carré)式的冷战惊悚剧。新的几集中有纽伦堡审判以及英国在巴勒斯坦所扮演的角色。
FRESH OFF THE BOAT (ABC, Feb. 4) A Chinese-American family adjusts to life in mid-'90s Florida in this culture-clash comedy based on a memoir by the restaurateur and food-and-travel-show host Eddie Huang. Hudson Yang plays the 11-year-old hip-hop wannabe Eddie, and Randall Park (Kim Jong-un in “The Interview”) plays his father, proud proprietor of a suburban steakhouse.
《初来乍到》(Fresh off the Boat),ABC,2月4日播出。这部喜剧是根据大厨与美食、旅游真人秀主持人黄颐铭的回忆录改编的,讲述20世纪90年代中期的佛罗里达,一个华裔美国家庭克服文化冲突,努力适应美国生活的故事。哈德逊·杨(Hudson Yang)饰演迷恋嘻哈乐的11岁男孩艾迪,在《采访》(The Interview)中饰演金正恩的兰道尔·朴(Randall Park)饰演他的父亲,一位郊区牛排餐厅骄傲的店主。
BETTER CALL SAUL (AMC, Feb. 8) Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould’s “Breaking Bad” spinoff is probably the most anticipated new series of the winter. Starring Bob Odenkirk as the crooked lawyer Saul Goodman, the show is set before the action of “Breaking Bad,” so any appearances by Bryan Cranston or Aaron Paul would be cameos at best. But the audience favorite Jonathan Banks reprises his role as the phlegmatic enforcer Mike Ehrmantraut.
《风骚律师》(Better Call Saul),AMC,2月8日播出。这是文斯·吉里根(Vice Gilligan)与彼得·古尔德(Peter Gould)的《绝命毒师》的衍生剧,或许是今年冬天最受期待的新剧了。鲍勃·奥登科克(Bob Odenkirk)饰演狡猾的律师索尔·古德曼(Saul Goodman),剧情设定在《绝命毒师》的故事发生之前,所以布莱恩·克莱斯顿(Bryan Cranston)或亚伦·保罗(Aaron Paul)至多只是客串出演而已。但观众们最喜欢的乔纳森·班克斯(Jonathan Banks)将在里面重现他在《绝命毒师》中的角色——冷静的行动执行者迈克·厄尔曼特劳特(Mike Ehrmantraut)。
JINX: THE LIFE AND DEATHS OF ROBERT DURST (HBO, Feb. 8) Andrew Jarecki (“Capturing the Friedmans”) directed this six-part documentary series with the cooperation of Mr. Durst, the New York real estate scion linked to several killings and the unsolved disappearance of his first wife.
《倒霉蛋:罗伯特·博斯特的生与死》(Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst),HBO,2月8日播出。《追捕弗雷德曼家族》(Capturing the Friedmans)的导演安德鲁·杰瑞克奇(Andrew Jarecki)执导了这部六集系列纪录片,在片中与博斯特先生通力合作。博斯特出身纽约房地产世家,与数起谋杀事件有关,他的第一任妻子失踪之谜至今未曾解开。
THE SLAP (NBC, Feb. 12) Jon Robin Baitz and Lisa Cholodenko are producers of this adaptation of an Australian mini-series about the fallout from a momentary loss of control at a backyard birthday party. The impressive cast includes Peter Sarsgaard, Uma Thurman, Thandie Newton, Brian Cox and Melissa George (who also appeared in the original).
《一记耳光》(The Slap),NBC,2月12日播出。乔恩·罗宾·贝茨(Jon Robin Baitz)与丽莎·查罗登科(Lisa Cholodenko)担任制作人,这部剧改编自一部澳大利亚迷你剧,讲述一个后院生日派对失控后带来的后果。演员阵容非常强大,包括彼得·萨斯加德(Peter Sarsgaard)、乌玛·瑟曼(Uma Thurman)、桑迪·牛顿(Thandie Newton)、布莱恩·考克斯(Brian Cox)和梅丽莎·乔治(Melissa George,她也在原剧中出演角色)。
HOUSE OF CARDS (Netflix, Feb. 27) Netflix’s political grand guignol gets a 13-episode third season. Kim Dickens of “Treme” joins Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright in the cast, and two members of Pussy Riot will make a guest appearance.
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards),Netflix,2月27日播出。Netflix的政治大戏,第三季有13集。除凯文·斯派西(Kevin Spacey)与罗宾·怀特(Robin Wright)外,曾出演《忧愁河上桥》(Treme)的基姆·迪金斯(Kim Dickens)亦加盟该剧,“Pussy Riot”的两位成员亦有客座出演。
BATTLE CREEK (CBS, March 1) What a difference a hit makes. Vince Gilligan wrote a pilot script for this frenemy-cop show more than a decade ago, before he was Vince Gilligan, creator of “Breaking Bad” (and “Better Call Saul”). Now it’s being made into a series with a 13-episode guarantee from CBS. Dean Winters (“Law & Order: SVU,” “30 Rock”) plays a local detective and Josh Duhamel (“Las Vegas”) a slick F.B.I. agent who work together, uneasily, in the Cereal City of Battle Creek, Mich.
《江城警事》(Battle Creek),CBS,3月1日播出。重磅剧就是会带来这样的改变。文斯·吉利根在十几年前就为这部亦敌亦友的警探搭档剧写好了试播集剧本,当时他还不是《绝命毒师》与《风骚律师》的主创。如今它终于被CBS拍成13集连续剧了。《法律与秩序:特殊受害者》(Law & Order: SVU)和《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)的主演在剧中饰演一个当地警探,《拉斯维加斯》(Las Vegas)主演乔希·杜哈明(Josh Duhamel)饰演一个老练的联邦调查局探员,两人在密西根州巴托溪的塞里尔城共事,相处得很不自在。
BROADCHURCH (BBC America, March 4) David Tennant returns in the second season of this evocative British mystery, playing Detective Alec Hardy again (after a season as Detective Emmett Carver in the American remake, “Gracepoint”). With the British premiere scheduled for Monday, the producers have begun to talk a little about the show’s top-secret Season 2 story line, and fans may not like what they hear: Chris Chibnall, the creator and writer, told a British magazine, “It’s not another crime case.” Olivia Colman returns as Detective Ellie Miller, while Charlotte Rampling and Marianne Jean-Baptiste join the cast.
《小镇疑云》,BBC America,3月4日播出。大卫·田纳特(David Tennant)携第二季归来,在这部引人共鸣的英国推理剧中继续饰演亚力克·哈迪(Alec Hardy)探员(去年他在美国翻拍版的《小镇疑云》[Gracepoint]中饰演埃米特·卡弗探员)。这部剧将于周一在英国首映,制作人们已经开始谈起第二季的秘密情节了,编剧克里斯·齐布纳尔(Chris Chibnall)在接受英国杂志采访时说的话可能会让剧迷不爱听,“第二季不是讲罪案的。”奥莉薇娅·科尔曼(Olivia Colman)继续饰演艾丽·米勒(Ellie Miller)探员,夏洛特·兰普林(Charlotte Rampling)和玛丽安娜·琼-巴普迪斯特(Marianne Jean-Baptiste)也加入了演员阵容。
CANCER: THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES (PBS, March 30) Barak Goodman (“Scottsboro: An American Tragedy,” “My Lai”) is the director and Ken Burns is an executive producer of this six-hour series based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer” by Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee.
《癌症:众病之王》(Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies),PBS,3月30日播出。该剧由《斯科茨伯勒:美国的悲剧》(Scottsboro: An American Tragedy)与《美莱》(My Lai)的导演巴拉克·古德曼(Barak Goodman)执导,肯·伯恩斯(Ken Burns)担任执行制作人,这部六小时的剧集是根据普利策获奖书籍、悉达多·穆克吉(Siddhartha Mukherjee)医生的《众病之王:癌症传》(The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer)改编的。
WOLF HALL (PBS, April 5) In the season’s most promising piece of casting, Damian Lewis (“Homeland”) will play Henry VIII and the two-time Tony Award winner Mark Rylance will play Thomas Cromwell in this “Masterpiece” adaptation of the popular Hilary Mantel historical novels.
Wolf Hall),
Damian Lewis)将在该剧中饰演亨利八世,两获托尼奖的马克·里朗斯(
Mark Rylance)将饰演托马斯·克伦威尔(
Thomas Cromwell),这部经典改编剧改编自希拉里·曼特尔(
Hilary Mantel)的畅销历史小说。