China’s $26bn trainmaker merger last week boosted Bank of America Merrill Lynch from third to first in Asia’s 2014 dealmaking rankings, highlighting the importance of state-owned enterprises for banks’ league table credit.
上周,中国宣布了一笔260亿美元的机车制造商合并案,使得美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)在2014年亚洲交易撮合排行榜上由第三名升至第一名,凸显了国企对投行在排行榜上位置的重要性。

The region’s biggest three deals last year were all the product of SoE reforms — a movement that has triggered bruising battles between banks and league table compilers over how much credit each adviser deserves.
Asian dealmaking reached a record $651bn in 2014, up a fifth on the previous year and led by China. But bank fees are unlikely to have kept pace.At issue is whether such deals, directed by the state, involve the sort of strategic advice involved in western dealmaking — and thus deserve similar credit.
Providing the idea or otherwise broking a deal generates far more in fees than arranging such nuts and bolts as shareholder approval or ironing out legal issues.
“It is not like you’re at the table negotiating. There’s no part in these where someone says ‘I think this is the price’ and someone else disagrees,” said one senior M&A banker of SoE deals.
BofA advised CSR, alongside China’s CICC, in its purchase of fellow SoE trainmaker CNR. The $15.6bn of credit each bank got for the deal — the value of CNR, according to Dealogic — vaulted BofA past Citigroupand Goldman Sachs, formerly first and second.
在中国南车(CSR)收购其同行、国有机车制造商中国北车(CNR)的交易中,美银和中国的中金公司(CICC)一起提供了咨询服务。美银和中金公司各自被计入156亿美元的撮合金额(Dealogic数据显示,这正是中国北车的价值),使得美银一举超过了先前分别位居第一和第二的花旗集团(Citigroup)和高盛(Goldman Sachs)。
One banker involved in the train deal, however, said it was in fact more complex than many SoE deals since it required agreement by four sets of shareholders as both groups are dual-listed in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
“It was agreed by the Chinese government that’s true. But how exactly to merge — to balance shareholders, to get regulatory agreement — that was still a big issue to sort out,” he said.
More SoE deals are expected this year as Beijing’s push for reform gathers pace — part of its efforts to improve the performance of its sprawling corporate empire, which has long lagged the returns produced by the private sector.
The CSR-CNR deal was the second-biggest in Asia last year, by Dealogic’s rankings, behind Sinopec’s $17.4bn partial spin-off of its retail arm and just ahead of Citic’s $15.6bn reverse merger — which involved the injection of $37bn of state-owned assets into the group’s listed Hong Kong subsidiary.
UBS advised CNR alongside Somerley Capital, an independent mid-market Hong Kong adviser, and Great Wall Securities.
瑞银(UBS)跟香港一家独立的中间市场顾问公司Somerley Capital以及长城证券(Great Wall Securities)一道向中国北车提供了咨询服务。
Dealogic’s tables now give BofA credit for work on deals worth $81bn, Citi for $78bn and Goldman for $68bn in Asia excluding Japan. Add in Australia, where Goldman is particularly strong, and BofA moves to second from third with $92bn, behind Goldman with $110bn but pushing ahead of Citi with $87bn.