NEA IONIA, Greece — Alexandra Nikolovieni, 55, lost her job escorting young children on a school bus four years ago and has not been able to find another one since. To help financially, her daughter and her son-in-law, who have two children, moved into her house. But now they have lost their jobs, too.
希腊新伊奥尼亚——亚历山德拉·尼克罗维尼(Alexandra Nikolovieni)现年55岁,四年前,她失去了在校车上护送幼童的工作,之后就一直没有找到其他工作。为了接济她,女儿和女婿带着两个孩子,搬到她家居住。但现在,他们自己也失业了。
Ms. Nikolovieni, who volunteers at a food pantry in this suburb of Athens, says that every month she sees more and more people like her, qualifying for bundles of groceries and picking out used shoes for themselves or their children.
“Are things getting better?” she said. “I don’t think so.”

Nowhere have austerity policies been more aggressively tried — and generally failed to live up to results promised by advocates — than in Greece. After more than four years of belt tightening, patience is wearing thin, and tentative signs of improvement have not yet trickled down into the lives of average Greeks.
Now, after its Parliament failed to pick a president on Monday, forcing early elections, Greece faces a turning point in how to heal its devastated economy.
In the Jan. 25 general election, a majority center-right coalition government that has reluctantly stuck with austerity policies will face a charismatic left-wing challenger who says it is time for Greece to take its future into its own hands and do what it can to stimulate growth. Whichever path the country chooses, the outcome is likely to have broad implications for Greece and its place in the European Union.
Among international policy makers and economists, the debate over austerity remains as intense as ever. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the most high-profile advocate of the argument that only through fiscal prudence can nations achieve stability and prosperity, has given little ground even as larger and more influential countries like France and Italy have started balking at her demands.
But at the street level in Greece, there is little debate anymore, if there ever was. The images of suffering here have not been that different from the grainy black and white photos of the United States in the 1930s. Suicides have shot up. Cars sit abandoned in the streets. People sift garbage looking for food.
About 900,000 of the more than 1.3 million who are out of work have not had a paycheck in more than two years, experts say.
Kostas Polychronopoulos, who runs a volunteer soup kitchen in Athens and has been out of a job since 2009, said he had seen many shocking things in recent years, including an old woman in a fur coat who watched from a distance for a long time before finally approaching to accept food.
科斯塔斯·帕利科洛斯(Kostas Polychronopoulos)从2009年开始一直处于失业状态,现在他管理着雅典的一个志愿施粥处。帕利科洛斯说自己最近几年看到了很多令人震惊的事情,其中一件是,一位穿着裘皮外套的老太太,远远地看了他们很久,才过来领取食物。
When he insisted on taking her home, he found she was living in an empty apartment. “She didn’t even have water,” he said.
Even supporters of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras say that he faces an uphill battle to persuade the electorate to stay the course after five years of austerity.
就连希腊总理安东尼斯·萨马拉斯(Antonis Samaras)的支持者都说,他将面临一场艰苦卓绝的战斗:说服选民在经历了五年的紧缩之后继续坚持下去。
His principal opponent, Alexis Tsipras, is promising to defy Greece’s creditors, renegotiate the country’s enormous debt, cut some taxes and work to restore cut pensions.
而他的主要对手、左翼领导人亚历克西斯·奇普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)则承诺,自己将违抗希腊债权人的要求,就该国庞大的债务进行重新协商,削减一些税收,努力恢复遭到削减的养老金。
It is unclear where such an act of defiance might lead, whether Greece’s creditors would be willing to change their approach or whether Greece even might find itself in the unprecedented position of facing expulsion from the eurozone, or even the European bloc altogether.
In a wide-ranging review of the Greece program last year, the I.M.F. found that many of its predictions had failed. There was a sharp fall in imports, but little gain in exports. Public debt overshot original predictions. Predicted revenues from selling public assets were way off. The banking system, perceived as relatively sound at the beginning of the bailout, began having problems as the economy soured.
Looking back, the I.M.F. concluded that many errors had been made, including too much emphasis on raising taxes instead of cutting expenses. In addition, the monetary fund overestimated the ability of the government to deliver the changes it was demanding — because they were proving politically unpopular and because Greek institutions were far weaker that anyone understood.
Over the last four years, the three lenders have demanded more than 800 actions a year, Greek officials say, requiring hundreds of new laws, sometimes changed and readopted within weeks or days.
Administering these changes would have been difficult in a country with sound institutions, but Greece’s were filled with poorly qualified political appointees and were undergoing hiring freezes and budget cuts even as they were supposed to be managing a huge overhaul: a large assortment of new taxes, the opening of closed professions and the sale of state-owned assets.
Experts say that even now the Greek tax collection system does not truly function. Investigations into the Greek elite and their secret foreign accounts have foundered even in the face of public exposure of the accounts.
The one bright spot in the economy has been tourism. But even on Greece’s most famous islands, such as Corfu, there is little sense of relief. Many tourists come on cut-rate or all-inclusive packages. The wages of hotel workers have been cut severely, and many are not paid for months, if at all, according to union officials and Corfu’s mayor, Kostas Nikolouzos.
旅游业是希腊经济上的一个亮点。但是,即使是在希腊最著名的岛屿,比如科孚岛,人们也难以安心。很多游客享受了折扣费率或全包价格。工会官员和科孚岛的市长科斯塔斯·尼克罗佐斯(Kostas Nikolouzos)表示,酒店工作人员的工资严重下滑,很多人的工资被拖延了好几个月,有些人更是完全拿不到薪水。
Mr. Nikolouzos said he was worried that drastic budget cuts could affect the islands’ ability to attract tourists. The municipality once had a budget of 13 million euros a year for capital repairs. This year, it will be one million euros, though roads are buckling and some villagers can no longer drink their tap water.
Eleni Alexaki, 56, has worked as a hotel maid for more than 20 years. She was cleaning 20 rooms a day at the beginning of the crisis and now cleans 35, while her pay has gone from 1,600 euros a month to 985. She receives no holiday pay and fewer days off.
56岁的叶莱妮·阿勒科萨克(Eleni Alexaki)在一家酒店当了20多年的服务员。危机刚开始的时候,她每天打扫20间客房,现在每天打扫35间,工资还从每月的1600欧元降到了985欧元,并且没有节假日工资,休息日也减少了。
“And they terrorize us,” she said. “They say, ‘There, the door is there.’ ”