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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第12章2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Did you not learn Ancient Galactic History when you were a child?“你小时候没有学过远古银河史吗?”
I was in the cybercubicle behind Zaphod, said Ford, it was very distracting. Which isn’t to say that I didn’t learn some pretty stunning things.“我坐在赞福德隔壁,”福特说,“根本没法集中。不过这不代表我没学到惊人的知识。”
At this point Arthur noticed a curious feature to the song that the party were singing. The middle eight bridge, which would have had McCartney firmly consolidated in Winchester and gazing intently over the Test Valley to the rich pickings of the New Forest beyond, had some curious lyrics. The songwriter was referring to meeting with a girl not “under the moon” or “beneath the stars” but “above the grass”, which struck Arthur a little prosaic. Then he looked up again at the bewildering black sky, and had the distinct feeling that there was an important point here, if only he could grasp what it was. It gave him a feeling of being alone in the Universe, and he said so.此刻,阿瑟注意到那群人的歌有点特别。中间第八段的歌词挺奇特——如果是麦卡特尼的话,就会唱他盘桓于温切斯特城,深情遥望泰斯特山谷和新森林那可爱的远景。作者提到遇见一个女孩时,不是说“月光里”或“星空下”,而是“草地上”,阿瑟觉得太缺乏诗意。他一抬头,看见那古怪的漆黑夜空,他有种强烈的感觉:问题的重点就在这儿,只不过他不知是什么问题。他只觉得自己在宇宙中是孤独的。他把这个感觉讲了出来。
No, said Slartibartfast, with a slight quickening of his step, the people of Krikkit have never thought to themselves “We are alone in the Universe.” They are surrounded by a huge Dust Cloud, you see, their single sun with its single world, and they are right out on the utmost eastern edge of the Galaxy. Because of the Dust Cloud there has never been anything to see in the sky. At night it is totally blank, During the day there is the sun, but you can’t look directly at that so they don’t. They are hardly aware of the sky. It’s as if they had a blind spot which extended 180 degrees from horizon to horizon.“不。”司拉提巴特法斯稍稍加快脚步,“版求人从未想过‘我们在宇宙中是孤独的’。他们被包围在巨大的尘云中,你瞧,只有他们自己的世界,自己的太阳。他们处在银河系最东端的边缘。由于尘云的包裹,他们的天上什么也没有。入夜之后,天空彻底空无一物;白天有太阳,但无法直视,他们也就不去看。他们根本不注意天空。就像是有个180度的盲点,从地平线的这端直到另一端。
You see, the reason why they have never thought “We are alone in the Universe” is that until tonight they don’t know about the Universe. Until tonight.“你瞧,他们之所以从未想过‘我们在宇宙中是孤独的’,是因为,直到今晚,他们从未了解宇宙。直到今晚。”
He moved on, leaving the words ringing in the air behind him.他往前走着,他的话则向后飘来。
Imagine, he said, never even thinking “We are alone” simply because it has never occurred to you to think that there’s any other way to be.“想想看,”他说,“从未想过‘我们是孤独的’,就因为你根本没想到其他的可能性。”
He moved on again.他继续走着。
I’m afraid this is going to be a little unnerving, he added. As he spoke, they became aware of a very thin roaring scream high up in the sightless sky above them. They glanced upwards in alarm, but for a moment or two could see nothing.“待会儿恐怕会有点吓人。”他补了一句。话音未落,只听一声微弱的尖啸,划破空寂的苍穹。他们连忙向上看,可是过了好一会儿,也不见有东西。
Then Arthur noticed that the people in the party in front of them had heard the noise, but that none of them seemed to know what to so with it. They were glancing around themselves in consternation, left, right, forwards, backwards, even at the ground. It never occurred to them to look upwards.阿瑟看到,那边玩乐的人们也听见了响声,但似乎谁也不知该怎么办。他们警觉地四处张望,左看,右看,前看,后看,连地上也看了,就是没人往头上看。
The profoundness of the shock and horror they emanated a few moments later when the burning wreckage of a spaceship came hurtling and screaming out of the sky and crashed about half a mile from where they were standing was something that you had to be there to experience.不久,一团燃烧的飞船残骸呼啸着从天而降,砸到离这群人半里远的地方。这群人顿时陷入巨大的震惊和恐惧。这真是值得亲历的时刻。
Some speak of the Heart of Gold in hushed tones, some of the Starship Bistromath.当人们提到黄金之心、或者提到意馆数学飞船时,会连语气都充满神圣的感情。
Many speak of the legendary and gigantic Starship Titanic, a majestic and luxurious cruise-liner launched from the great shipbuilding asteroid complexes of Artifactovol some hundreds of years ago now, and with good reason.亦或是提到那传奇色彩的超巨型飞船——泰坦尼克时,人们也会如此。那是一艘高贵奢华的游船,在数百年前、由人工星系小行星造船集团制造,它可是很有来历的。
It was sensationally beautiful, staggeringly huge, and more pleasantly equipped than any ship in what now remains of history (see note below on the Campaign for Real Time) but it had the misfortune to be built in the very earliest days of Improbability Physics, long before this difficult and cussed branch of knowledge was fully, or at all, understood.那艘飞船美得醉人,大得惊心,其装备比史上已知任何飞船都要齐全(关于“史上已知”这点,参见“真实时间运动”条目)。不幸的是,它的制造远在非概率物理学建立之前。
The designers and engineers decided, in their innocence, to build a prototype Improbability Field into it, which was meant, supposedly, to ensure that it was Infinitely Improbable that anything would ever go wrong with any part of the ship.它的设计师和工程师决定——出于好意——在飞船上建一个类似非概率场的东西。这意味着:理论上讲,这能保证飞船上出现任何差错的可能性是无限不可能。
They did not realize that because of the quasi-reciprocal and circular nature of all Improbability calculations, anything that was Infinitely Improbable was actually very likely to happen almost immediately.然而,有一点他们未能认识到。所有非概率算术的性质,都是近似可逆、环状结构的。所以那些无限不可能的事,恰恰非常可能发生,而且随时可能发生。
The Starship Titanic was a monstrously pretty sight as it lay beached like a silver Arcturan Megavoidwhale amongst the laserlit tracery of its construction gantries, a brilliant cloud of pins and needles of light against the deep interstellar blackness; but when launched, it did not even manage to complete its very first radio message an SOS before undergoing a sudden and gratuitous total existence failure.泰坦尼克飞船停泊在海边时,是一道无比美丽的风景线。它就像一只银色的大角星巨空鲸,被花格窗般霓光纷呈的塔架所环绕,衬托着幽深黑暗的星际空间,犹如一片金丝银线织就的云彩。但是,它甚至没能成功发送第一条电波信号——一条SOS信号——在它无端遭遇难场毁灭性灾难之前。
However, the same event which saw the disastrous failure of one science in its infancy also witnessed the apotheosis of another. It was conclusively proven that more people watched the tri-d coverage of the launch than actually existed at the time, and this has now been recognized as the greatest achievement ever in the science of audience research.话说回来,虽然这一事件让人们看到,一门科学创始阶段那可怕的失败,却也造就了另一项科研的丰功伟绩。 此事件首次证实:观看了飞船发射仪式报道的人数,比当时实际存在于世上的人数还要多。这一发现被称为受众调查学最伟大的成就。
Another spectacular media event of that time was the supernova which the star Ysllodins underwent a few hours later. Ysllodins is the star around which most of the Galaxy’s major insurance underwriters live, or rather lived.当时还有另一桩轰动性的事件:伊斯洛丁星,在泰坦尼克发射几小时后,就发生了超新星爆发。伊斯洛丁星周围地带,正是银河系最大的保险商们所居住(确切地说,曾经居住)的地方。
But whilst these spaceships, and other great ones which come to mind, such as the Galactic Fleet Battleships the GSS Daring, the GSS Audacy and the GSS Suicidal Insanity are all spoken of with awe, pride, enthusiasm, affection, admiration, regret, jealousy, resentment, in fact most of the better known emotions, the one which regularly commands the most actual astonishment was Krikkit One, the first spaceship ever built by the people of Krikkit. This is not because it was a wonderful ship. It wasn’t.除此之外,尚有许多著名的飞船。比如银河舰队战船——GSS敢死队,GSS豹子胆队,GSS自杀狂人队……当人们提到这些名字时,是满心敬畏的/骄傲的/热情的/钟情的/崇拜的/遗憾的/嫉妒的/忿恨的——也就是所有感情的。不过,最最惊天动地的飞船,当数“版求一号”。那是版求星人制造的第一艘飞船,它惊人不是因为它很棒。它可一点也不棒。
It was a crazy piece of near junk. It looked as if it had been knocked up in somebody’s backyard, and this was in fact precisely where it had been knocked up. The astonishing thing about the ship was not that it was one well (it wasn’t) but that it was done at all. The period of time which had elapsed between the moment that the people of Krikkit had discovered that there was such a thing as space and the launching of their first spaceship was almost exactly a year.它约等于一块废铁。看上去,像是在谁家后院里胡乱拼成的——它的确也是。最最惊人的地方,不在于它有多好(它一点也不好),而是它竟然被造出来了。版求星人从发现太空这个东西,到造出第一艘飞船之间,只隔了一年的时间。
Ford Prefect was extremely grateful, as he strapped himself in, that this was just another Informational Illusion, and that he was therefore completely safe. In real life it wasn’t a ship he would have set foot in for all the rice wine in China. “Extremely rickety” was one phrase which sprang to mind, and “Please may I get out?” was another.福特此时心怀强烈的感恩之情。因为他知道,自己只是处在信息幻影之中,故而是非常安全的。要在现实中的话,他就是喝光全中国的米酒,也不会想踏进这艘飞船一步。“太不靠谱了吧?”是他脑中蹦出的第一句话。“我能不能出去?”则是第二句。
This is going to fly? said Arthur, giving gaunt looks, at the lashed-together pipework and wiring which festooned the cramped interior of the ship.“它能飞吗?”阿瑟说。他以怀疑的眼神看着面前这堆东西。拴在一起的管子、电线,“装饰”着飞船内部逼仄的空间。
Slartibartfast assured him that it would, that they were perfectly safe and that it was all going to be extremely instructive and not a little harrowing.司拉提巴特法斯向他表示肯定,并保证他非常安全,这将是很有意义的体验,一点也不吓人。
Ford and Arthur decided just to relax and be harrowed.福特和阿瑟决定放轻松,做好被吓的准备。

Did you not learn Ancient Galactic History when you were a child?
I was in the cybercubicle behind Zaphod, said Ford, it was very distracting. Which isnt to say that I didnt learn some pretty stunning things.
At this point Arthur noticed a curious feature to the song that the party were singing. The middle eight bridge, which would have had McCartney firmly consolidated in Winchester and gazing intently over the Test Valley to the rich pickings of the New Forest beyond, had some curious lyrics. The songwriter was referring to meeting with a girl notunder the moonorbeneath the starsbutabove the grass”, which struck Arthur a little prosaic. Then he looked up again at the bewildering black sky, and had the distinct feeling that there was an important point here, if only he could grasp what it was. It gave him a feeling of being alone in the Universe, and he said so.
No, said Slartibartfast, with a slight quickening of his step, the people of Krikkit have never thought to themselvesWe are alone in the Universe.” They are surrounded by a huge Dust Cloud, you see, their single sun with its single world, and they are right out on the utmost eastern edge of the Galaxy. Because of the Dust Cloud there has never been anything to see in the sky. At night it is totally blank, During the day there is the sun, but you cant look directly at that so they dont. They are hardly aware of the sky. Its as if they had a blind spot which extended 180 degrees from horizon to horizon.
You see, the reason why they have never thoughtWe are alone in the Universeis that until tonight they dont know about the Universe. Until tonight.
He moved on, leaving the words ringing in the air behind him.
Imagine, he said, never even thinkingWe are alonesimply because it has never occurred to you to think that theres any other way to be.
He moved on again.
Im afraid this is going to be a little unnerving, he added. As he spoke, they became aware of a very thin roaring scream high up in the sightless sky above them. They glanced upwards in alarm, but for a moment or two could see nothing.
Then Arthur noticed that the people in the party in front of them had heard the noise, but that none of them seemed to know what to so with it. They were glancing around themselves in consternation, left, right, forwards, backwards, even at the ground. It never occurred to them to look upwards.
The profoundness of the shock and horror they emanated a few moments later when the burning wreckage of a spaceship came hurtling and screaming out of the sky and crashed about half a mile from where they were standing was something that you had to be there to experience.
Some speak of the Heart of Gold in hushed tones, some of the Starship Bistromath.
Many speak of the legendary and gigantic Starship Titanic, a majestic and luxurious cruise-liner launched from the great shipbuilding asteroid complexes of Artifactovol some hundreds of years ago now, and with good reason.
It was sensationally beautiful, staggeringly huge, and more pleasantly equipped than any ship in what now remains of history (see note below on the Campaign for Real Time) but it had the misfortune to be built in the very earliest days of Improbability Physics, long before this difficult and cussed branch of knowledge was fully, or at all, understood.
The designers and engineers decided, in their innocence, to build a prototype Improbability Field into it, which was meant, supposedly, to ensure that it was Infinitely Improbable that anything would ever go wrong with any part of the ship.
They did not realize that because of the quasi-reciprocal and circular nature of all Improbability calculations, anything that was Infinitely Improbable was actually very likely to happen almost immediately.
The Starship Titanic was a monstrously pretty sight as it lay beached like a silver Arcturan Megavoidwhale amongst the laserlit tracery of its construction gantries, a brilliant cloud of pins and needles of light against the deep interstellar blackness; but when launched, it did not even manage to complete its very first radio message an SOS before undergoing a sudden and gratuitous total existence failure.
However, the same event which saw the disastrous failure of one science in its infancy also witnessed the apotheosis of another. It was conclusively proven that more people watched the tri-d coverage of the launch than actually existed at the time, and this has now been recognized as the greatest achievement ever in the science of audience research.
Another spectacular media event of that time was the supernova which the star Ysllodins underwent a few hours later. Ysllodins is the star around which most of the Galaxys major insurance underwriters live, or rather lived.
But whilst these spaceships, and other great ones which come to mind, such as the Galactic Fleet Battleships the GSS Daring, the GSS Audacy and the GSS Suicidal Insanity are all spoken of with awe, pride, enthusiasm, affection, admiration, regret, jealousy, resentment, in fact most of the better known emotions, the one which regularly commands the most actual astonishment was Krikkit One, the first spaceship ever built by the people of Krikkit. This is not because it was a wonderful ship. It wasnt.
It was a crazy piece of near junk. It looked as if it had been knocked up in somebodys backyard, and this was in fact precisely where it had been knocked up. The astonishing thing about the ship was not that it was one well (it wasnt) but that it was done at all. The period of time which had elapsed between the moment that the people of Krikkit had discovered that there was such a thing as space and the launching of their first spaceship was almost exactly a year.
Ford Prefect was extremely grateful, as he strapped himself in, that this was just another Informational Illusion, and that he was therefore completely safe. In real life it wasnt a ship he would have set foot in for all the rice wine in China. “Extremely ricketywas one phrase which sprang to mind, andPlease may I get out?” was another.
This is going to fly? said Arthur, giving gaunt looks, at the lashed-together pipework and wiring which festooned the cramped interior of the ship.
Slartibartfast assured him that it would, that they were perfectly safe and that it was all going to be extremely instructive and not a little harrowing.
Ford and Arthur decided just to relax and be harrowed.

话说回来,虽然这一事件让人们看到,一门科学创始阶段那可怕的失败,却也造就了另一项科研的丰功伟绩。 此事件首次证实:观看了飞船发射仪式报道的人数,比当时实际存在于世上的人数还要多。这一发现被称为受众调查学最伟大的成就。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

supernova [,sju:pə'nəuvə]


n. [天]超新星

illusion [i'lu:ʒən]


n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

circular ['sə:kjulə]


adj. 循环的,圆形的
n. 传单,通报

brilliant ['briljənt]


adj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的
n. 宝石

disastrous [di'zɑ:strəs]


adj. 灾难性的





