ISISDespite slowing growth, street protests and the prospect of higher interest rates, Hong Kong property prices – already the world’s highest – are continuing to rip even higher.
Average prices, as measured by local agency Centaline, clocked up a fresh record in October, presenting another challenge to the Hong Kong government, which is also facing a mass civil disobedience campaign now into its second month.
据香港的中原地产代理公司(Centaline)计算,香港10月平均房价触及新的记录,这向香港政府提出了新的挑战。目前香港的大规模“公民不服从”(civil disobedience)运动进入第二个月,港府还忙于应对。

Despite the protests, which have shut down major highways across the city’s main business districts, new developments have continued to attract strong interest. When sales began last month at Pavilia Hills, a new luxury development, demand was such that a raffle had to be held simply for the right to put down a deposit.
尽管抗议活动持续,导致香港主要商业地区的主干道关闭,但人们对新的开发项目兴趣并未减退。当新的豪宅项目Pavilia Hills上月开盘时,需求旺盛,以至于开发商不得不抽奖,只为让购房者赢得交付订金的权利。
The first round of apartments – the cheapest of which carried an asking price of more than US$2M – sold out within hours.
The strength of the property market poses a serious challenge to Hong Kong’s embattled government as many people struggle to find affordable housing. Average home prices are now 14.9 times median household income, according to research from Demographia, compared to 7.3 in London.
Prices have more than doubled since 2008 fuelled by record low interest rates, imported from the US; a buoyant economy, and interest from mainland Chinese buyers.
In a city suffering from worsening inequality, sky-high home prices are a key political issue. CY Leung, Hong Kong’s chief executive, acknowledged in a recent interview that the cost of housing was a “major concern” and one that the government must “do more” to fix.
在一个不平等程度日益加深的城市,房价高企是一个关键的政治问题。香港特首梁振英(CY Leung)在最近的一次采访中承认,房价是一个“重大问题”,政府必须“采取更多措施”解决这个问题。
“Poll after poll has shown that the one issue that’s uppermost on the minds of the people, particularly the younger generation, is the cost of housing,” said Mr Leung, himself a former developer. “The shortage of housing has worsened to such an extent that some young married couples live apart. It is not acceptable.”
He also admitted that cooling measures – such as tighter lending requirements and increased stamp duty – had proved only “temporarily effective”.
The end of quantitative easing in the US could also act as a dampener by raising borrowing costs.
Though evidence so far is scant, the social unrest in Hong Kong may yet dent sentiment too. Citi recently cut its economic growth forecast for this year and next because of the drag on tourism and retail sales stemming from the protests.
Yet many property analysts remain unmoved, believing that any correction in prices remains a long way off.
“The reality is that interest rates will remain low, and supply will remain constrained. Uncertainty in other parts of the world will persist, and I think that will act to support values,“ said Simon Smith, head of Asia research at Savills.
“现实是,利率仍将保持在低水平,供应仍将趋紧。世界其他地区的不确定性仍不会消失,我觉得这将对香港房价起到支撑作用。”第一太平戴维斯(Savills)的亚洲研究主管西蒙•史密斯(Simon Smith)说。