Hong Kong is gearing up for an end-of-year listings push with two big initial public offerings that could vault the city’s exchange into second place globally this year from fourth.
The listings would leave Hong Kong trailing New York, but ahead of London and Nasdaq.
尽管这两起IPO不会改变港交所远远落后于纽约证交所(New York Stock Exchange)的现实,却会使它的排名超过伦敦证交所(London Stock Exchange)和纳斯达克(Nasdaq)。

Last week CGN Power, China’s biggest nuclear operator, filed its IPO prospectus in Hong Kong, joining a queue that includes the country’s biggest commercial property developer, Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties.
就在上周,中国最大的核电运营商中广核电力(CGN Power)在香港提交了IPO招股说明书,加入包括中国最大商业地产开发商大连万达商业地产股份有限公司(Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties)在内的IPO行列。
CGN is looking to raise up to US$3bn while Wanda is seeking between $3bn and $5bn which, at the top of that range, would make it the city’s biggest offering in three years.
Globally, the top 10 exchanges have raised $215bn this year – half as much again as they managed at this point last year. Hong Kong’s late deal surge comes as investor nerves appear to have steadied following the global market turmoil in October.
Nicholas Johnson, head of Asia-Pacific equity capital markets at JPMorgan, said: “We’ve seen a reasonable recovery in the US, making it easier to believe October was a correction and not something more sinister.”
摩根大通(JPMorgan)亚太股权资本市场主管尼古拉斯•约翰逊(Nicholas Johnson)表示:“我们看到美国股市已出现理性反弹。这更容易让人认为,10月只是一次调整,而不是某种更凶险的兆头。”
Companies have raised $17.7bn in Hong Kong this year, according to Dealogic, while Nasdaq and the London Stock Exchange have attracted $21bn apiece in new listings. All, however, trail the New York Stock Exchange with $65bn to its credit, including the record-breaking $25bn raised by Alibaba, the Chinese ecommerce giant, last month.
根据Dealogic的数据,各家IPO的公司今年在香港已筹集177亿美元,与此同时纳斯达克和伦敦证交所则分别筹集了210亿美元的IPO资金。不过,它们都远远逊于纽约证交所650亿美元的筹资规模,其中包括9月中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba) 250亿美元的创纪录IPO。
Hong Kong market participants believe the biggest deals pencilled in for the next two months can get done if companies are prepared to accept moderate valuations.
Damien Brosnan, head of Asia equity syndicate at UBS, said: “The market isn’t bullish exactly but it is constructive.” Other people suggested that the bigger IPOs stood a better chance of going ahead because their sheer size meant fund managers would have to look carefully at each whereas they can simply shun far smaller offerings.
瑞银(UBS)亚洲权益辛迪加主管达明•布罗斯南(Damien Brosnan)表示:“目前市场并不是严格意义上的牛市,不过形势颇为有利。”其他人则暗示,较大规模的IPO成功的可能性更高一些,原因是它们的庞大规模让基金经理人不得不仔细研究审视,同时会干脆不去理会规模小得多的IPO。