Thea (12) is Norway’s first child bride. The young girl will walk down the aisle on Saturday October 11, to meet her 37 years old husband to be. Being Norway’s first official child wedding, the event has sparked an outcry of reactions from the public.
“Hey! My name is Thea and I’m 12 years old. I am getting married in one month!”.

This is how Thea has introduced her upcoming journey and major life event of soon being a child bride in Norway. Using this blog she will tell her story and express how she believes her experience of marriage will be.
Thea’s wedding blog has become Norway’s most read blog during the course of one day. It instantly provoked reactions where people immediately contacted the police and childwelfare in order to stop the upcoming wedding.
Thousands of people debated the subject on social media as well. The aim is to engage the population to take immediate action and stop the wedding before Thea has planned to tell Geir “I do”.
The shocking blog is leading up to the fictional couple’s wedding date, October 11, which coincides with the UN’s International Day of the Girl Child.
39,000 girls are robbed of their childhood every day.
We believe that provocation is a powerful tool in order to demonstrate a reality that truly is very provoking. We hope people will mobilize against child marriage by being girl sponsors, so that most of the 39,000 girls facing Thea’s situation every day can escape their brutal fate.