YPRES, Belgium — The padlocked cage beside the driveway on the Butaye family farm near this town in western Belgium is almost full of rusting bombs again. Since January, Stijn Butaye has collected 46 mortar shells on his family's 100 acres, World War I munitions he found among the sugar beet and potato fields, sometimes with the help of his metal detector.
比利时伊普尔——布塔耶家的农场坐落于比利时西部的伊普尔城外,通道旁上了锁的笼子里几乎又装满了锈迹斑斑的炸弹。斯汀·布塔耶(Stijn Butaye)在自家的甜菜和土豆田里清除着第一次世界大战遗留的炸弹,有时也会借助金属探测仪。自今年1月以来,他已在这片100英亩的农田里,发现了46颗迫击炮弹。
Mr. Butaye's father, Luc, won't even plow two of his fields for fear of what the blades might hit. Not long ago, a neighbor riding his tractor ruptured an aging shell, and the explosion sent shrapnel through his windshield, tearing off a chunk of his ear.
"You don't know what could happen," said Stijn Butaye, 26, who has built a small museum beside the barn with hundreds of items — including shoes and eyeglasses and razors and a perfectly preserved gas mask — that he has found on his family's property. "We just use that land for grazing the cows."

It has been 100 years since World War I erupted in these parts. The men who survived the thousands of miles of muddy trenches that surrounded this strategically important region are long gone and buried. But the earth, in its own way, has become the last witness, coughing up constant reminders of a bloody and relentless war that would demolish empires, leave at least 8.5 million soldiers and seven million civilians dead, and produce legacies that continue to play out today.
Around Ypres, the Allies and the Germans fought for nearly four years in a marathon slugfest that produced some of the war's most famous and deadly battles. It was here that the Germans first used chlorine and mustard gas on Allied troops. Yet neither side ever made much headway despite artillery barrages so fierce and long that they wiped away roads and villages, leaving miles in which not a building or a tree or a blade of grass was left.
The area became a battlefield when German forces wheeled north after being stymied in their initial drive on Paris in the war's opening months in 1914. After that, the conflict shifted toward Belgium as the Germans tried a flanking maneuver and the Allies raced to protect their control of the vital French seaports of Calais and Boulogne. There, along a front stretching southward from the Belgian coast, the opposing armies settled in, turning fertile farmlands into nightmarish killing fields.
Experts say that in one particularly intense three-month campaign in 1917, known as the Third Battle of Ypres, or the Battle of Passchendaele, the British alone fired more than four million shells. In the end, more than 500,000 men had been killed or wounded, and the constant shelling had turned the landscape into a lifeless swamp. Up to 30 percent of the artillery shells fired never went off, experts say. Some were duds, but many simply slid deep into the mud without exploding.
Over the years, many of those shells have begun to rise, some appearing even in fields that have been plowed many times before. Most years, there are two or three injuries from World War I munitions in Ypres and the surrounding villages. In March, two workers were killed and a third seriously wounded while handling a shell at a construction site.
The land here still holds so many explosives that almost every construction project poses a danger. Every turned spade has the potential to unearth not just munitions but bones, some carefully laid to rest in full uniform, others blown apart. A local highway stands half finished; work ended abruptly because the bulldozers began uncovering graves, and the British government quickly objected to the project.
It is impossible to live around Ypres without feeling the weight of living atop a former battlefield where young men from Germany, France, Britain, Belgium, Australia, Canada and North Africa died, some as young as 15.
Cemeteries are everywhere. Some are just small clusters of graves surrounded by stone fences beside country roads. Others are carefully laid out rows of crosses that seem to extend forever, crowned by huge monuments. In a German cemetery in the nearby village of Langemark, a patch of grass holds the bones of about 25,000 men, many of them unidentified.
And yet more bodies always seem to be found. In recent years, as the city decided to develop an industrial zone along the Yser Canal, a local team of amateur archaeologists, calling themselves "the Diggers," have followed the bulldozers and uncovered the bones of 200 soldiers, only one of whom could be identified.
The archaeologists also unearthed a stretch of trench that has been partly restored for tourists. Aurel Sercu, one of the Diggers, walked the site recently, explaining how tunnels had led away from the trenches to an underground pump room, a changing area, a workroom and a stock of ammunition, all underwater now. If warm weather ever dries out the area, he said, the ground above might collapse, as has happened elsewhere.
这些考古者还掘出了一段旧时战壕,现已部分修复,向游人开放。“挖掘者”成员奥莱尔·塞尔居(Aurel Sercu)最近来到战壕,向大家解释了这条沟渠如何把战壕与地下泵房、更衣区、工作间和军火库连通起来,而这些空间如今均已被水淹没。他说,如果有一天这片土地随暖热的天气而干涸,那覆盖在上面的土壤可能会坍塌,类似的事在其它地方已有发生。
Much of what the Diggers found was either reburied with the soldiers or went to museums. But Mr. Sercu, a retired language teacher, has kept some of what was not wanted, including a broken crucifix, a harmonica and a pair of almost perfectly preserved wool socks found in the mud at the bottom of one of the tunnels.
When an item, like a straight razor, had a name and number scratched on its side, Mr. Sercu tried to track down the soldier's family. Once, he actually succeeded, but the soldier's last living relative had just died. The woman's husband sent Mr. Sercu a picture of the soldier and said he should keep the razor. Mr. Sercu handles the photograph with care.
"This man died here, and he must know we are looking at his photo," Mr. Sercu said. "There is so much history here. You can't help but become obsessed."
Officials in Ypres say there is more interest in the war today than there was 20 years ago. Tens of thousands of British schoolchildren come here every year, as do thousands of the soldiers' family members and history buffs, contributing about 40 million euros a year to the local economy. Joseph Verschoore, the deputy mayor of Ypres, said that even Germans were beginning to show interest.
伊普尔的官员称,比起20年前,人们对一战的关注度提高了。每年都有上万的英国中小学生前来参观,另外还有数千名一战老兵家属和历史爱好者来访,为当地经济带来4000万欧元(约合3.1亿元人民币)的年收入。伊普尔副市长约瑟夫·维诃舒赫(Joseph Verschoore)说,就连德国人也开始关注这里。
"I think before they were not always at ease," Mr. Verschoore said. "They were maybe afraid that the people here were still angry. But now there is more understanding that there was a regime there, and it was not very good for their people, either. Many of the German soldiers had no idea why they were here."
But some bitterness lingers. Stijn Butaye's grandfather, who bought the farm in 1960, was eager to rid it of any signs that the Germans had once camped there. He tried to blow up a bunker near the house, and objected to his grandson's hobby.
"Whenever he takes a picture of the house, he cuts the bunker out," Mr. Butaye said. "He hates that it was a German bunker."