If Guy Debelle was a hedge fund trader, he might have made a killing this week. Three days ago Mr Debelle – a top official at Australia’s central bank – predicted that markets were heading for wild volatility, since investors were naive about structural risks. A “sizeable” number of them, he observed, probably presumed that they could exit their positions before any sell-off. “History tells us that this is generally not a successful strategy,” he warned. “The exits tend to get jammed unexpectedly and rapidly.”
假如盖伊•德贝尔(Guy Debelle)是一名对冲基金经理,那么本周他已经大赚了一笔。三天前,这名澳大利亚央行的高官预言,由于投资者对结构性风险缺乏认识,市场将出现剧烈的波动。他表示,数量“可观的”投资者很可能认为,他们能在发生任何抛售前退出自己的头寸。“历史告诉我们,这一策略总体上是不成功的,”他警告称,“出口往往很快就会变得出人意料的拥挤。”
A day later his prediction came true. On Wednesday volatility exploded in the markets, prompting the price of Treasury bonds to swing wildly and European stocks and bonds to move violently. While these swings may fade in coming days, the importance of Mr Debelle’s message will not. This week’s gyrations have shown that the question of “liquidity” – the degree to which assets can be traded – matters hugely.

What is worrying is liquidity appears to have decreased because unorthodox monetary policy experiments have collided with financial reforms and technological upheaval in an unexpectedly pernicious way. Or to cite Mr Debelle: “Market liquidity is structurally lower now than it was in the past. [This] is not evident in a rising market when assets are being bought, but will quickly become apparent in a down market.”
To a non-banker, that might seem odd. Since the 2008 crisis, western central banks have flooded the system with cash and expanded their balance sheets by – depending on how you calculate it – an eye-popping $7tn-$10tn. But the problem with “liquidity” is that the word can mean several things; having lots of money in the system does not guarantee that funding will flow freely, or that traders can cut deals. Systems flooded with cash can sometimes freeze.
Sometimes this occurs because investors lose faith in each other and stop doing trades, as they did in 2008. But markets can also become illiquid because it is difficult to match buyers and sellers. This last problem, above all else, created this week’s wild price gyrations in Treasuries and much else.
There are at least four reasons behind the current liquidity problem. The simplest is lopsided investor views. A Bloomberg poll last week revealed that 100 per cent of market economists – yes, 100 per cent – predicted that US interest rates would soon rise. This consensus is unusual, and it meant that when investors became gloomier about the economic outlook at last weekend’s International Monetary Fund meetings, many tried to shift their trading positions at the same time.
A second reason is that asset managers are becoming more prone to acting as a herd – reinforcing the challenge of matching buyers and sellers. This is partly because investors are increasingly using similar benchmarks to judge performance. The biggest fund managers are also surging in size, creating more industry concentration. In emerging markets, for example, the Bank for International Settlements estimates that the top 20 global asset managers hold 30 per cent of all bonds and equities – double the level a decade ago. Similar trends can be seen in other markets
A third issue is the growing use of computer programs to execute trades. In theory this should make markets more liquid since computers can match trades around the world at lightning speed. But the programs that techies at hedge funds and banks create tend to look alike. Computers – like humans – are thus moving as herds, intensifying the imbalance.
But the thorniest issue is regulation. In the past big investment banks often matched buyers and sellers by holding large inventories of securities. But since 2008 banks have slashed their inventories by between 30 and 80 per cent (depending on the asset class) to meet tighter rules. This reduced their ability to act as market makers, and removed shock absorbers from the system,
Is there any solution? Central bankers have debated whether government bodies should make markets in a crisis. Regulators are also moving to impose curbs on automated trading programs, and the US Office of Financial Research is trying to monitor investor herds with more precision. Unsurprisingly, private sector banks are now lobbying for another potential “solution”: a reversal of recent regulatory rules.
有什么解决方案吗?就政府部门在危机中是否应出面做市,央行官员们展开了辩论。监管人士也在采取行动限制自动交易程序,美国金融研究办公室(US Office of Financial Research)正试图更加精确地监控投资者的羊群行为。令人不感意外的是,私人部门银行业现在正游说官方采纳另一种可能的“解决方案”:重新放松监管。
But given the political heat around banking, do not bet on that last move happening soon. And that has an unnerving implication: though the banking system may be safer than it was before 2008, parts of the markets may have become more dangerous for unwary investors, given all that herd behaviour. Or to put it another way, the most important point about this week’s price swings is that they may be merely a foretaste of what could happen when central banks finally put rates up again (rather than endlessly talk about it). Investors stand warned.