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KARACHI, PakistanWhen I heard that the fourth season of ShowtimesHomelandwould be set in Pakistan and Afghanistan, I awaited its season premiere with anticipation and trepidation. A major American television show would be portraying events set in my country, but I knew those events would be linked to the only thing that seems to interest the worlds eye: terrorism and how Islamist extremism affects Americans and the West.


As advertising for the season premiere was heating up, a short essay by an American writer and activist, Laura Durkay, appeared on The Washington Posts website under the headlineHomeland Is the Most Bigoted Show on Television.” Ms. Durkay wrote, “The entire structure ofHomelandis built on mashing together every manifestation of political Islam, Arabs, Muslims and the whole Middle East into a Frankenstein-monster global terrorist threat that simply doesnt exist.”

随着这一季第一集的广告片开始热播,美国作家与活动人士劳拉·杜尔考伊(Laura Durkay)的一篇短文出现在了《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post)的网站上,文章的标题为“《国土安全》是最狭隘的电视剧”。杜尔考伊写道,“《国土安全》的整个结构建立在这样一个基础之上:把政治伊斯兰、阿拉伯人、穆斯林和整个中东地区的方方面面融合在一起,形成一个弗兰肯斯坦怪物般的全球性恐怖主义威胁,虽然它根本就不存在。”
The shows reputation along those lines had kept me away, even as I longed to examine Claire Daness portrayal of Carrie Mathison as a conflicted C.I.A. agent immersed in a male-dominated world, and engaging with Middle Eastern and Muslim characters. How could the shows creators have dreamed up such a complex protagonist, while depicting the sociopolitical milieu in which so many of its characters exist with so little nuance?
这部电视剧的名声和这些说法使我对它敬而远之,虽然我也想看看克莱尔·达内什(Claire Danes)如何演绎中情局(CIA)探员凯莉·马西森(Carrie Mathison)——这个充满矛盾色彩的角色身陷男性主导的世界,还需要与中东和穆斯林角色打交道。该剧的主创是如何构想出一个如此复杂的主角,却又与此同时将其诸多角色寄身的社会政治环境描绘得如此简略粗疏?
Yes, Hollywood isnt known for historical accuracy or impartial portrayals of any fictionalizedother.” But I still couldnt resist trying to see what Pakistan, my homeland, looked like through its eyes. Im a writer of fiction, so I know about imagined worlds. You look not for complete truthfulness, but for verisimilitudetheappearance of being true” — so it can give your art authenticity, credibility, believability. And we in Pakistan long to be seen with a vision that at least approaches the truth.
Pakistan has long been said to have an image problem, a kind way to say that the world sees us one-dimensionallyas a country of terrorists and extremists, conservatives who enslave women and stone them to death, and tricky scoundrels who hate Americans and lie pathologically to our supposed allies. In Pakistan, weve long attributed the ubiquity of these images to what we believe is biased journalism, originating among mainstream American journalists who care little for depth and accuracy. By the time these tropes filter down into popular culture, and have morphed into the imaginings of showbiz writers, weve gone from an image problem to the realm of Jungian archetypes and haunting traumatized psyches.
Whenever a Western movie contains a connection to Pakistan, we watch it in a sadomasochistic way, eager and nervous to see how the West observes us. We look to see if we come across to you as monsters, and then to see what our new, monstrous face looks like. Again and again, we see a refracted, distorted image of our homeland staring back at us. We know we have monsters among us, but this isnt what we look like to ourselves.
There have been previous international attempts to portray Pakistan on film: “A Mighty Heart,” about the kidnapping and murder of Daniel Pearl; orZero Dark Thirty,” about the assassination of Osama bin Laden. The Pearl film was shot largely in India, with some scenes in Pakistan; the Bin Laden film was shot in Jordan and India; in these and other films, streets and shops in India were given nominal Pakistani makeovers, and Indian actors were hired to pass as Pakistanis. In them, I have seen Indias signature homemade Ambassador cars traveling down Pakistani streets; actors who play tribal Pashtuns but look Bihari; Western women wearing chadors where they dont have to, or going around bareheaded when they should be covered.
国际上有人曾试图把巴基斯坦拍进电影:讲述丹尼尔·珀尔(Daniel Pearl)遭到绑架和谋杀的《坚强的心》(A Mighty Heart),以及讲述奥萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)被暗杀故事的《刺杀本·拉登》(Zero Dark Thirty)。珀尔的那部电影主要在印度拍摄,只有一些场景摄于巴基斯坦;本·拉登的那部电影则摄于约旦和印度。在这些和其他电影中,印度的街道和商店都被装扮成了带有些许巴基斯坦色彩的样子,剧组还会聘请印度演员扮作巴基斯坦人。在它们当中,我看到印度特有的国产大使车沿着巴基斯坦街道行驶,扮演普什图族的演员看起来像是比哈里人,而有时西方女性会在不需要穿黑色罩袍的时候穿罩袍,或者在需要把头盖住的时候,四处抛头露面。
In the season premiere ofHomeland,” Carrie Mathison orders an airstrike on a terrorist compound in a Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan. It is utterly surreal for a Pakistani to watch a fictional imagining of the dreaded strike from the viewpoint of the person ordering it in an American control room: the disconnection, the studied casualness, the presenting of a birthday cake afterward. Its not clear who the monsters are in this scene, even before its revealed that the strike hit a wedding party, killing women and children. Its a moment of obvious reversal, but also of nuance, when I wasnt expecting it.
Still, the seasons first hour, in which Carrie also goes to Islamabad, offers up a hundred little clues that tell me this isnt the country where I grew up, or live. When a tribal boy examines the dead in his village, I hear everyone speaking Urdu, not the regions Pashto. Protesters gather across from the American Embassy in Islamabad, when in reality the embassy is hidden inside a diplomatic enclave to which public access is extremely limited. I find out later that the season was filmed in Cape Town, South Africa, with its Indian Muslim community standing in for Pakistanis.
I realize afterward that Ive been creating a test, for the creators ofHomelandand all who would sell an imagined image of Pakistan: If this isnt really Pakistan, and these arent really Pakistanis, then how they see us isnt really true.
A verse in the Quran says, “Behold, we have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another.” Even after everything thats happened between us, we in Pakistan still want you to know us, not as you imagine us, but as we really are: flawed, struggling, complex, human. All of us, in the outside world as well as in Pakistan, need artfilm and television, story and songthat closes that gap between representation and reality, instead of prying the two further apart.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

credibility [.kredi'biliti]


n. 可信,确实性,可靠

trepidation ['trepi'deiʃən]


n. 恐惧,惊惶,忧虑

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

extremely [iks'tri:mli]


adv. 极其,非常

authenticity [,ɔ:θen'tisəti]


n. 真实性,确实性;可靠性

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

portrayal [pɔ:'treiəl]


n. 描绘,肖像,画像





