A Chinese insurance company is buying one New York's most glamorous hotels – the Waldorf Astoria inmidtown Manhattan.

Anbang Insurance Group Co Ltd is purchasingthe Waldorf for $1.95bn from a subsidiary of Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.Anbang will pay Hilton a $100m deposit, and is expected to pay off the hotel's$525m mortgage as part of the deal. Hilton will continue to manage the hotelfor the next 100 years.
安邦保险公司正出资19.5亿美元收购希尔顿全球控股有限公司旗下的华尔道夫酒店。 安邦保险公司将支付给希尔顿公司1亿美元的保证金,作为交易的一部分,安邦保险公司还将承担酒店5.25亿美元的抵押贷款。未来一百年,希尔顿仍将是这家酒店的管理者。
“We are very excited to be enteringinto this long-term relationship with Anbang, which will ensure thatthe Waldorf Astoria New York represents the brand's world-class standards forgenerations to come,” said Christopher J Nassetta, Hilton Worldwide CEO.
希尔顿全球酒店集团首席执行官ChristopherJ Nassetta 说,“我们很高兴与安邦保险公司建立长期合作关系,这将保证纽约华尔道夫酒店长久地代表该品牌的世界级水准”
Hilton purchased the Waldorf in 1949. In December,Hilton raised $2.35bn in the largest ever initial public offering by a hotelcompany. The majority of Hilton is now owned by Blackstone Group LP, a privateequity firm. Hilton plans to use cash from the Waldorf's sale to buy morehotels across the US,according to a report by Bloomberg.
Closing is scheduled for New Year's Eve,though it could take until 31 March 2015 to finalize the sale.
Andang is a Beijing-based life, health andproperty insurance company with 20 million customers and 30,000 employees,according to a Hilton press release. The company has $113bn in assets.
More than 4,200 properties in 93 countriesare under the Hilton company's control. Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts isa subsidiary of Hilton that owns the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York. The subsidiary owns another 27 hotelsaround the world.