Samsung Electronics warned that its third-quarter earnings would fall 60 per cent from a year earlier as cheaper China competitors sent its smartphone division reeling.
Samsung Electronics)警告说,由于其智能手机部门受到了中国廉价竞争对手的冲击,第三季度其盈利将同比下滑60%。

The reversal in fortunes for the Korean group prompted some to draw parallels with once-dominant producers such as Nokia and Motorola.
“Samsung is getting closer to the fate of its peers,” Richard Windsor, analyst at Edison, said. “If market share continues to fall . . . Samsung will come closer to joining the long-suffering ranks of every other Android handset maker.”
Edison分析师理查德•温莎(Richard Windsor)表示:“三星正日益走上其同代生产商的老路。如果市场份额继续下跌……三星将越来越类似于其他陷入长期困境的Android手机制造商。”
Samsung’s earnings have been on a slide over the past year, culminating in yesterday’s preliminary guidance that operating profit for the three months to September 30 would be Won4.1tn ($3.8bn), the weakest figure for more than three years.
It is struggling against the threat from Chinese competitors such as Huawei, Lenovo and Xiaomi, which are enjoying growing sales across Asia.
Samsung’s smartphone market share was 25 per cent in the second quarter, down from the 32 per cent share reported a year ago, according to the research group IDC.