The US and Canada have urged the EU to resolve its internal political differences and do more to stimulate its economy, amid concerns the bloc could impede a global recovery as geopolitical tensions and financial market risks grow.
“If the efforts to boost demand are deferred for too long there is a risk that the headwinds get stronger,” Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, said yesterday at a G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bankers.
Jack Lew)昨日在20国集团(

He said the US had “philosophical differences with our friends in Europe” and called on European countries to agree to boost short-term demand to stimulate growth.
The pressure exerted by the EU’s international partners comes amid a fractious debate within the eurozone over the best way to boost growth. France and Italy are pushing for fiscal stimulus while Germany is an advocate of budgetary restraint.
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, last month urged governments to match the central bank’s efforts to revive the economy with growth-boosting measures of their own. Mr Draghi urged members states with room to spend, such as Germany, to raid their fiscal coffers, while at the same time demanding France and Italy revamp their economies through labour market reforms.
欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)上月敦促各国政府配合央行努力,推出各自的刺激增长措施以重振经济。德拉吉敦促尚有支出余力的成员国——如德国——花掉一部分财政资金,同时要求法国和意大利通过改革劳动力市场来重整经济。
The G20, which represents 85 per cent of the global economy, said it agreed a suite of structural reform measures that would boost collective growth by an additional 1.8 per cent above the trajectory implied by current policies over the next five years. This is just short of a 2 per cent target, which ministers claim would add about $2tn to the world economy by 2018. Extra measures are expected to be agreed at a G20 leaders’ summit in November.
Nonetheless, economists expect the International Monetary Fund to revise down its forecast for global growth next month. Concerns about the risk of deflation in Europe, weakening growth in China and a potential stalling in Japan’s economic stimulus after a rise in consumption taxes hung over the gathering in Cairns.
“Downside risks persist, including in financial markets and from geopolitical tensions. The global economy still faces persistent weaknesses in demand, and supply-side constraints hamper growth,” said the G20 communiqué issued after the meeting yesterday.
The US has been a persistent critic of Europe’s response to the financial crisis, arguing that countries with a large trade surplus such as Germany should invest more and cut taxes to boost growth.
Canada waded into the debate yesterday, urging Europe to act to tackle its “insipid growth”.
“Strong action and political leadership is needed to ensure growth in the region does not settle on to a persistently weak path,” said Joe Oliver, Canada’s finance minister.
加拿大财长乔•奥利弗(Joe Oliver)表示:“为确保该地区经济增长不会陷入持续疲软的轨道,需要强有力的政治领导和强有力的行动。”
Any hope of a change of heart in Berlin was dashed before the meeting had even begun, with Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany’s finance minister, warning against debt-financed growth.
Wolfgang Schä