The question that hounds every major Chinese film director was asked of Jiang Wen at a news conference earlier this month in Beijing. Mr. Jiang and his business associates had organized the event to generate buzz over the upcoming "Gone with the Bullets," a gangster film set in 1920s Shanghai that is a follow-up to "Let the Bullets Fly," the top earner in the Chinese film industry four years ago.
The question, of course, had to do with a certain gold-plated statuette that gets handed out every year on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. A film from mainland China has yet to win one, and Chinese officials are eager for the cultural validation that an Oscar brings.
"As far as I know, for a film to compete for an Oscar, it needs the recommendation of the country's film bureau," Mr. Jiang said at the news conference on Sept. 1, according to Chinese news reports. "You can compete for an Oscar only with that recommendation. I can't decide that. Or should I make the recommendation for them? I'm not sure whether they would mind that."
Mr. Jiang then turned to officials from the national film bureau who were sitting in a front row.
"How about just sending us?" he said with some mirth. "Who else could represent China at the Oscars?"Among observers of the Chinese film industry, two other films have been mentioned as possible contenders to be an official Oscar entrant from China this year or next: "Coming Home," directed by Zhang Yimou, arguably the most famous Chinese director; and "Wolf Totem," directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, a Frenchman. Each year, China's sole entry for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is selected by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, which regulates the Chinese film industry.
“要不推荐我们吧?”他笑着说道,“要不谁代表咱们中国去呢?”中国电影业的观察者们提到了另外两部影片,认为它们有可能在今年或明年成为中国官方推荐的奥斯卡参赛影片:一部是中国最著名的导演张艺谋执导的《归来》;另一部是法国导演让-雅克·阿诺(Jean-Jacques Annaud)执导的《狼图腾》。中国每年唯一能参加奥斯卡最佳外语片奖评选的影片是由中国国家新闻出版广电总局挑选的。
Critics of the Chinese film system say the selections are capricious and hobbled by censorship restrictions. Last year, the widely praised "A Touch of Sin," directed by Jia Zhangke, was never allowed by the film bureau to be released in Chinese theaters, presumably because of its depictions of violence and economic disparities in contemporary China. That meant, of course, that China did not submit it as an Oscar entry, and a World War II drama, "Back to 1942," directed by Feng Xiaogang, was chosen instead.
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, which awards the Oscars, says that to be eligible for the category of Best Foreign Language Film for the award given in 2015, a film must have been shown for seven consecutive days in a theater between Oct. 1, 2013, and Sept. 30, 2014, and the submission of a single film must be made by Oct. 1, 2014.
Of the three films mentioned recently as potential contenders, the only one that has been released so far is Mr. Zhang's "Coming Home," which had its worldwide premiere at the Cannes Film Festival last May and features Gong Li, Mr. Zhang's longtime collaborator. Mr. Jiang's film is expected to be formally released in China before the end of this year, and Mr. Annaud's film probably will not be released until early 2015, though there is a chance it could be shown before the new year.
Mr. Zhang has long been a favorite filmmaker of the Communist Party and is known in China as much for directing the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing as for his formidable cinematic oeuvre, which includes "Red Sorghum," "Ju Dou," "Raise the Red Lantern," "To Live" and "Hero." But the Oscar for Best Foreign Film has long eluded Mr. Zhang. His 2011 film, "The Flowers of War," starring Christian Bale as a con man turned reluctant hero in wartime Shanghai, was an official Oscar entry from China, but it got little love from film critics in the United States. In the Oscar race, it did not even make the shortlist of nine films in the Best Foreign Language Film category, from which five nominees are selected.
张艺谋长期以来是中国共产党最青睐的导演,他在中国的名气不仅源于担任2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式的导演,而且源于他令人惊叹的电影作品,包括《红高粱》、《菊豆》、《大红灯笼高高挂》、《活着》和《英雄》。不过他一直与奥斯卡最佳外语片奖无缘。他2011年的影片《金陵十三钗》是中国官方推荐的奥斯卡参选影片,克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)在片中扮演战时上海的一个骗子,后来变成了一个不情愿的英雄,但是美国的电影评论家们不喜欢这部影片。在奥斯卡角逐中,它甚至没能入选最佳外语片类别的入围名单,入围名单上的九部影片中会产生五部提名影片。
At Cannes this year, a Chinese reporter asked Mr. Zhang about his "Oscar complex."
"If you take a look at all my interviews in the last decade, you'll see that what I have said on this has never changed," he said, according to an article in Guangzhou Daily. "The right to recommend Oscar entries is not in my hand. You have a script and feel it could be a winner, but a year later when you've finished the shooting, how can you ensure that Sapprft will recommend you?"
"There is only one chance — that is you finish it well, then luck strikes and you are recommended," he said. "Then luck strikes again, and five out of nine, you're among the Oscar finalists. Then only when luck strikes again can you win. You need three lucky strikes in a row."
"Coming Home" is a love story set in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, as a husband and wife try to rekindle their relationship after a long separation and the emotional trauma of one of modern China's darkest periods, one that is often addressed only obliquely in historical material by the Chinese Communist Party.
In an email interview, Shelly Kraicer, a film critic and festival programmer who until recently lived in Beijing, said the view of history reflected in Mr. Zhang's latest film conformed with official norms, and so the film could well get the Oscar nod from the film bureau.
电影评论家、电影节策划人谢枫(Shelly Kraicer)在邮件采访中说,张艺谋最新影片中体现的历史观与中国官方的基调一致,所以该片很有可能获得电影局推荐申报奥斯卡奖。谢枫曾在北京居住,前不久才离开。
"Given Zhang's film's obvious consonance with the CCP's current line — history is something to be celebrated when it reflects on the glory of the party, but is something to be ignored and buried to the extent that it questions the CCP's legitimacy — and also given Zhang's (distressingly long-legged) continuing reputation in the West as one of China's prime name-brand cultural exports, I wouldn't be at all surprised if ‘Coming Home' ends up being China's official Oscar entry," Mr. Kraicer said.
Another prestigious film whose producers are aiming to capture a wide international audience is "Wolf Totem," based on a popular contemporary novel by Lü Jiamin, who writes under the name of Jiang Rong. The novel is a commentary on the settled nature of Chinese civilization and its weaknesses, in contrast to the robust culture of nomads roaming the vast Asian steppes. The protagonist is an ethnic Han intellectual who lives among Mongolian herders in the northern grasslands during the Cultural Revolution.
A main backer of the project is China Film Group, the largest state film production and distribution enterprise. The choice of Mr. Annaud as director was an interesting one, given that he had previously directed "Seven Years in Tibet," which portrays the friendship between an Austrian climber, Heinrich Harrer, and the 14th Dalai Lama, who fled Tibet in 1959 due to the Chinese occupation.
这部影片的一个主要投资方是中国最大的国营电影制作和发行公司——中国电影集团。选择阿诺担任导演的决定很有意思,因为他之前导演过《西藏七年》,这部影片讲述的是奥地利登山运动员海因里希·哈勒(Heinrich Harrer)和十四世达赖喇嘛之间的友谊,后者在1959年中国政府实际控制西藏后逃离了那里。
Mr. Annaud and other people involved in the film held a news conference in Beijing on Aug. 29. No date has been announced for the film's release, though La Peikang, chairman of China Film Group, said at the news conference that it might not happen until early 2015, around the Lunar New Year. Depending on release dates, "Wolf Totem" could end up vying with "Gone with the Bullets" to be China's Oscar entry next year.
"I think there is a big possibility that this film will bid for the Oscar next year," Mr. La said, according to a report in Guangzhou Daily. "The rules state that each country can send only one film, and in China that final selection is made by the film bureau. Which film will it pick in the end? I don't know, but I am hopeful about ‘Wolf Totem.' And since ‘Wolf Totem' is a joint production by China and France, it could represent not just China but also France in vying for the Oscar. That is to say, ‘Wolf Totem' has two chances to go to the Oscars."
The film has a built-in audience in China since the book has sold five million copies there, and perhaps double that if counting pirated copies. Total book sales outside of China are in the six figures.
"My own sense is that the film is likely to do very well in China, based on the popularity of the book," said Jo Lusby, managing director of Penguin Books China, which has foreign rights to the novel. "For all concerned in the movie — the local film company, the publishers, the author — the main priority though was to make a movie that would cross over and become a mainstream success internationally."
“我个人感觉这部电影很可能会在中国大卖,因为原著小说很畅销,”企鹅(北京)咨询有限公司的董事总经理周海伦(Jo Lusby)说。该公司拥有这本小说的海外版权。“对于当地电影公司、出版社和作者等所有和这部电影有关的方面来说,最重要的是拍摄一部能够跨越大洋、在国际主流世界获得成功的影片。”
Despite the movie's potential global appeal, Isabelle Glachant, a French producer who works in China, said she would be surprised if Chinese film officials selected "Wolf Totem" to be the official Oscar entry, since "many countries only propose films that have been directed by their national directors."
尽管这部电影有可能吸引国际观众,但是在中国工作的法国电影制片人伊莎(Isabelle Glachant)说,如果中国电影局选择《狼图腾》作为官方推荐的奥斯卡参赛影片,她会感到意外,因为“很多国家只推荐本国导演执导的影片”。
"Knowing how China decides on their submission, somehow I doubt that they will ask a French director to represent China," she said.
Weighing the chances of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Jiang, Ms. Glachant said she believed Mr. Zhang was a more probable choice, since Mr. Jiang's "Let the Bullets Fly" was "a big political question mark for the authorities," given the many ways in which viewers interpreted the film, an allegory set in pre-Communist China. She also pointed out that Mr. Jiang had been "banned from acting and directing at a point of his career," referring to his fate after he presented his second feature film, "Devils on the Doorstep," at Cannes in 2000 without official permission. The film, a farce about a Chinese village during the closing days of World War II, won the Grand Jury Prize there.