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日本歌手 演员李香兰在东京逝世

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Yoshiko Yamaguchi, a singer and actress who starred in Japanese propaganda films during Japans brutal military occupation of China in the 1930s and ’40s and who, after narrowly escaping execution by the Chinese after the war, helped normalize relations between the nations, died on Sept. 7 in Tokyo. She was 94.

Her death was announced by a family spokesman, according to the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

Ms. Yamaguchis life was marked by a series of self-reinventions, most of them forced on her by the same historic events that changed the face of Asia in the 20th century. In recent years, her story became a touchstone for film histories, television dramas, a novel and an operaall in some way exploring national identity in Asia.

Beginning in 1938, when she was 18, she was a movie star known in China as Li Xianglan, the Chinese pseudonym she assumed to hide her Japanese identity in films promoting Japanese occupation. After the war, she lived as an exile from China, the country of her birth; acted in 1950s Hollywood B-movies under the name Shirley Yamaguchi; and became a cosmopolitan voice for Sino-Japanese détente in the Japanese parliament.
1938年,18岁的山口淑子是一个电影明星,以艺名李香兰在中国广为人知。她以这个中国化名来隐藏自己的日本人身份,参演了若干用来赞美日本占领的宣传片。战后,她被中国驱逐(中国是她的出生地),在50年代使用雪莉·山口(Shirley Yamaguchi)这个名字出演了若干好莱坞B级片;在日本议会中成为超越民族偏见、缓和中日关系的代言人。
In the United States Ms. Yamaguchi had starring roles in King VidorsJapanese War Bride,” a 1952 film co-starring Don Taylor; “House of Bamboo,” a 1955 film noir directed by Samuel Fuller and co-starring Robert Stack; and a short-lived 1956 Broadway musical, “Shangri-La,” based on the James Hilton novelLost Horizon.”
在美国,山口淑子曾出演1952年的《日本战地新娘》(Japanese War Bride),该片由金·维达(King Vidor)导演,唐·泰勒(Don Taylor)饰演男主角;以及1955年的黑色电影《竹屋》(House of Bamboo),由萨缪尔·富勒(Samuel Fuller)导演,罗伯特·斯塔克饰演男主角(Robert Stack);此外还有1956年昙花一现的百老汇音乐剧《香格里拉》(Shangri-La),由詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《远逝的地平线》(Lost Horizon)改编。
She played her major roles, on and off the screen, in Asia.
Born to Japanese parents in Manchuria, the northwest region of China that was invaded by the Japanese in 1931 and held at a cost of hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilian lives over the next 14 years, Ms. Yamaguchi was an 18-year-old Mandarin speaker when the Manchurian Film Association cast her in the first of a series of Chinese-language propaganda films.
At the time, she wrote inMy Life as Li Xianglan,” her 2004 autobiography, she did not understand the not-too-subtle message in the melodramatic romances she made, likeHoneymoon Express” (1938), “China Nights” (1940) andSong of the White Orchid” (1942).
她曾出演许多戏剧性的爱情电影,比如1938年的《蜜月快车》、1940年的《支那之夜》和1942年的《迎春花》,在2004年的自传《我作为李香兰的人生》(My Life as Li Xianglan)中,她说自己当时对于这些电影中的露骨信息,并不太理解。
In each film Ms. Yamaguchi played essentially the same role: a downtrodden but beautiful Chinese woman who initially spurns help from a handsome Japanese sailor or soldier, then falls in love with him. (InChina Nights,” after she is slapped and hurled into a wall by one exasperated Japanese savior, she pleads: “Forgive me! It didnt hurt at all to be hit by you. I was happy, happy! Ill be better, just watch.”)
The Japanese owners of the film studio knew that Ms. Yamaguchi was Japanese, and a Japanese citizen, but presented her as Chinese to suit the underlying allegory of the films: An oppressed China, resisting the occupation at first, soon embraces Japan as its rescuer.
I thought my films were simple romances,” Ms. Yamaguchi told The Boston Globe in 1991. “I thought I was working for the good of the Manchurian people.”
“我以为我的电影只是简单的爱情故事,”1991年,山口淑子在接受《波士顿环球报》(Boston Globe)采访时说。“我觉得我是在为满洲人民做好事。”
After Japans defeat, the Chinese authorities arrested her for treason amid calls for her execution. As nationalist and Communist forces fought in Chinas civil war, she spent nine months in prison before she could produce a copy of her birth certificate, proving she was not Chinese but Japanese.
Her Japanese citizenship legally absolved her of treason. But in ordering her deported to Japan, a Chinese judge condemned her wartime role asa Chinese impostor who used her outstanding beauty to make films that humiliated China and compromised Chinese dignity.”
Ms. Yamaguchi, who settled in Japan in 1946, openly apologized for what she said had been her unwitting role as a propaganda tool during the war. And she was one of the first prominent Japanese citizens to acknowledge the history of Japanese brutality during the occupation, an episode for which many Japanese nationalists still refuse to apologize.
She later campaigned for greater public awareness of that history and advocated paying reparations to so-called comfort women, Korean women who were forced into sex slavery by the Japanese military during the war. (Japanese leaders later apologized to the women.)
AsRi Koran,” a Japanization of Li Xianglan, Ms. Yamaguchi began re-establishing her film career in Hong Kong and Japan in the late 1940s. She appeared in a dozen Japanese films, including Akira Kurosawas 1950 filmScandal,” in addition to her work in Hollywood, before retiring from acting in 1957. She married Hiroshi Otaka, a Japanese diplomat, the same year. He died in 2001. A previous marriage, to the Japanese-American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, ended in divorce. Information about her survivors was not available.
20世纪40年代末,山口淑子以“Ri Koran”,即“李香兰”的日文拼法在香港与日本重新开始自己的电影事业。1957年息影之前,她出演了十几部日本电影,其中包括1950年黑泽明的《丑闻》,此外还在好莱坞拍片。息影那一年,她与日本外交官大鹰弘结婚,后者于2001年逝世。此前她与日裔美国雕塑家野口勇的婚姻以离婚告终。她在世亲人的信息无法获得。
Ms. Yamaguchi became a talk-show host on Japanese television in the 1960s under her married name, Otaka Yoshiko. She was elected to the upper house of the Japanese Parliament in 1974, and served until 1992. As chairwoman of that bodys foreign affairs committee in the 1980s, she was among the legislatures most effective proponents of improving relations with the Peoples Republic of China.
Ms. Yamaguchi was born on Feb. 12, 1920, in Fushun, a coal mining region of Manchuria, where her father, Fumio, was a Beijing-educated Japanese linguist and teacher of Mandarin. She began singing on the radio at 13 as Li Xianglan (Fragrant Orchid), the stage name that would later became the masquerade that haunted her life.
Ms. Yamaguchis shape-shifting persona and instinct for survival became the topic of film histories and inspired two Japanese television dramas, a 2008 novel by Ian Buruma (“The China Lover”) and an opera, “Ri Koran,” about Ms. Yamaguchis protean life during the occupation of Manchuria.
山口淑子变化的表面形象与求生的本能成了若干历史电影和两部日本电视剧的题材,此外还有伊恩·布鲁玛(Ian Buruma)2008年的小说《中国恋人》(The China Lover)与歌剧《李香兰》,这部歌剧是关于山口淑子在日军占领满洲期间多变的生活。
The opera, produced by a Japanese theater company with her cooperation, became a political phenomenon in Japan when it was first staged in 1991, mainly for its depiction of Japans wartime aggressions. Many Japanese raised in the 1950s and after knew little about them. A Chinese production, titledLi Xianglan,” had a successful run in Beijing in 1992.
Ms. Yamaguchi told interviewers that as a young woman she considered China herhome countryand Japan herancestral country.” She had always loved them both, she told The Globe in 1991, and never fully recovered from the war between them.
The war, in my mind, is never over,” she said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

identity [ai'dentiti]


n. 身份,一致,特征

survival [sə'vaivəl]


n. 生存,幸存者

propaganda [.prɔpə'gændə,prɔpə'gændə]


n. 宣传,宣传的内容

acknowledge [ək'nɔlidʒ]


vt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

autobiography [.ɔ:təbai'ɔgrəfi]


n. 自传

retiring [ri'taiəriŋ]


adj. 腼腆的,隐居的,不喜社交的 动词retire的

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的





