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"Well, there are no papers. But I filled him up about constitutions and books of rules and forms of membership. He expects to get right down to the end of everything before he leaves."“啊,根本就没有什么文件。我告诉他全体会员的登记表和章程都在我这里,他指望把一切秘密弄到手,然后再离开此地。”
"Faith, he's right there," said McGinty grimly. "Didn't he ask you why you didn't bring him the papers?"“果然不错,"麦金蒂咧嘴笑道,“他没有问你为什么没把这些文件带去给他看吗?”
"As if I would carry such things, and me a suspected man, and Captain Marvin after speaking to me this very day at the depot!"“我说我才不能带这些出门呢,我本来是一个受怀疑的人,况且马文队长这天又在车站上和我说过话,怎么可以呢!”
"Ay, I heard of that," said McGinty. "I guess the heavy end of this business is coming on to you. We could put him down an old shaft when we've done with him; but however we work it we can't get past the man living at Hobson's Patch and you being there to-day."“对,我听说了,"麦金蒂说道,“我认为你能担当这一重任。我们把他杀掉以后,可以把他的尸体扔到一个旧矿井里。不过不管怎么干,我们也没法瞒过住在霍布森领地的人,况且你今天又到过那里。”
McMurdo shrugged his shoulders. "If we handle it right, they can never prove the killing," said he. "No one can see him come to the house after dark, and I'll lay to it that no one will see him go. Now see here, Councillor, I'll show you my plan and I'll ask you to fit the others into it. You will all come in good time. Very well. He comes at ten. He is to tap three times, and me to open the door for him. Then I'll get behind him and shut it. He's our man then."麦克默多耸了耸双肩,说道:“只要我们处置得法,他们就找不出这件杀人案的证据来。天黑以后,没有人能看见他来过我的寓所中,我会安排好,不使一个人看到他。现在,参议员先生,我把我的计划向你讲一下,并且请你转告另外那几位。你们一起早一些来。他来的时间是十点钟,敲三下门,我就去给他开门,然后我在他身后把门关上。那时他就是我们的囊中之物了。”
"That's all easy and plain."“这倒很简单容易。”
"Yes; but the next step wants considering. He's a hard proposition. He's heavily armed. I've fooled him proper, and yet he is likely to be on his guard. Suppose I show him right into a room with seven men in it where he expected to find me alone. There is going to be shooting, and somebody is going to be hurt."“是的,不过下一步就需要慎重考虑了。他是一个很难对付的家伙,而且武器精良。我把他骗来,他很可能十分戒备。他本打算只有我一个人单独和他谈,可是我要是直接把他带到那间屋子,里面却坐着七个人。那时他一定会开枪,我们的一些人就会受伤。”
"That's so."“对。”
"And the noise is going to bring every damned copper in the township on top of it."“而且枪声会把附近镇上所有该死的警察都招引来。”
"I guess you are right."“我看你说得很对。”
"This is how I should work it. You will all be in the big room--same as you saw when you had a chat with me. I'll open the door for him, show him into the parlour beside the door, and leave him there while I get the papers. That will give me the chance of telling you how things are shaping. Then I will go back to him with some faked papers. As he is reading them I will jump for him and get my grip on his pistol arm. You'll hear me call and in you will rush. The quicker the better; for he is as strong a man as I, and I may have more than I can manage. But I allow that I can hold him till you come."“我一定能安排得很好。你们大家都坐在你和我谈过话的那间大屋子里,我给他开门以后,把他让到门旁会客室里,让他等在那里,我假装去取材料,借机告诉你们事情的进展情况。然后我拿着几张捏造的材料回到他那里。趁他读材料的时候,我就跳到他身前,紧紧抓住他双手,使他不能放枪。你们听到我喊,就立刻跑过来,越快越好,因为他也象我一样健壮,我一定竭力坚持,保证坚持到你们来到。”
"It's a good plan," said McGinty. "The lodge will owe you a debt for this. I guess when I move out of the chair I can put a name to the man that's coming after me."“这是一条妙计,"麦金蒂说道,“我们分会不会忘记你这次的功劳,我想我不做身主时,我一定提名让你接替我。”
"Sure, Councillor, I am little more than a recruit," said McMurdo; but his face showed what he thought of the great man's compliment.“参议员先生,说实话,我不过是一个新入会的弟兄,"麦克默多说道,可是他脸上的神色表明,他很愿听到这位有实力的人说出这样赞扬的话。
When he had returned home he made his own preparations for the grim evening in front of him. First he cleaned, oiled, and loaded his Smith & Wesson revolver. Then he surveyed the room in which the detective was to be trapped. It was a large apartment, with a long deal table in the centre, and the big stove at one side. At each of the other sides were windows. There were no shutters on these: only light curtains which drew across. McMurdo examined these attentively. No doubt it must have struck him that the apartment was very exposed for so secret a meeting. Yet its distance from the road made it of less consequence. Finally he discussed the matter with his fellow lodger. Scanlan, though a Scowrer, was an inoffensive little man who was too weak to stand against the opinion of his comrades, but was secretly horrified by the deeds of blood at which he had sometimes been forced to assist. McMurdo told him shortly what was intended.麦克默多回到家中,着手准备夜晚这场你死我活的格斗。麦克默多首先把他那支史密斯和威森牌左轮擦干净,上好油,装足子弹,然后检查一下这位侦探即将落入圈套的那间厅房。这间厅房很宽阔,中间放着一条长桌,旁边有一个大炉子。两旁全是窗户,窗户上没有窗板,只挂着一些浅色的窗帘。麦克默多很仔细地检查了一番。毫无疑问,这间房屋非常严密,正适于进行这样秘密的约会,而且这里离大路很远,不会引来不良后果。最后麦克默多又与他的同伙斯坎伦商议,斯坎伦虽是一个死酷党人,但却是一个于人无害的小人物,他极为软弱无能,不敢反对他那些同伙的意见,可是有时他被迫参加一些血腥的暗杀勾当,私下里却异常惊恐厌恶。麦克默多三言两语把即将发生的事告诉了他。
"And if I were you, Mike Scanlan, I would take a night off and keep clear of it. There will be bloody work here before morning."“假如我要是你的话,迈克·斯坎伦,我就在今夜离开这里,落得一身清净。这里在清晨以前,一定会有流血事件发生。”
"Well, indeed then, Mac," Scanlan answered. "It's not the will but the nerve that is wanting in me. When I saw Manager Dunn go down at the colliery yonder it was just more than I could stand. I'm not made for it, same as you or McGinty. If the lodge will think none the worse of me, I'll just do as you advise and leave you to yourselves for the evening."“真的,麦克,"斯坎伦答道,“我并不愿意这样,可是我缺乏勇气。在我看到离这里很远的那家煤矿的经理邓恩被害时,我几乎忍受不住了。我没有象你或麦金蒂那样的胆量。假如会里不加害于我,我就照你劝告我的那样办,你们自己去处理晚上的事好了。”
The men came in good time as arranged. They were outwardly respectable citizens, well clad and cleanly; but a judge of faces would have read little hope for Birdy Edwards in those hard mouths and remorseless eyes. There was not a man in the room whose hands had not been reddened a dozen times before. They were as hardened to human murder as a butcher to sheep.麦金蒂等人如约赶来。他们是一些外表很体面的人,衣着华丽整洁,可是一个善于观察的人可以从他们紧闭的嘴角和凶恶残忍的目光中看出,他们渴望擒获伯尔弟·爱德华。室内没有一个人的双手以前不是多次沾满鲜血的,他们杀仆人来心肠铁硬,如同屠夫屠宰绵羊一般。
Foremost, of course, both in appearance and in guilt, was the formidable Boss. Harraway, the secretary, was a lean, bitter man with a long, scraggy neck and nervous, jerky limbs, a man of incorruptible fidelity where the finances of the order were concerned, and with no notion of justice or honesty to anyone beyond. The treasurer, Carter, was a middle-aged man, with an impassive, rather sulky expression, and a yellow parchment skin. He was a capable organizer, and the actual details of nearly every outrage had sprung from his plotting brain. The two Willabys were men of action, tall, lithe young fellows with determined faces, while their companion, Tiger Cormac, a heavy, dark youth, was feared even by his own comrades for the ferocity of his disposition. These were the men who assembled that night under the roof of McMurdo for the killing of the Pinkerton detective.当然,从令人生畏的身主麦金蒂的外貌和罪恶来看,他是首要人物。书记哈拉威是一个骨瘦如柴的人,心黑手狠,长着一个皮包骨的长脖子,四肢神经痉挛,很关心分会的资金来源,却不顾得来是否公正合法。司库卡特是一个中年人,冷漠无情、死气沉沉,皮肤象羊皮纸一般黄。他是一个有才干的组织者,几乎每一次犯罪活动的细节安排都出自此人的罪恶头脑。威拉比两兄弟是实干家,个子高大,年轻力壮,手脚灵活,神色坚决果断。他们的伙伴老虎科马克是一个粗眉大眼的黑脸大汉,甚至会中的同伙对他那凶狠残暴的秉性也畏惧几分。就是这些人,准备这夜在麦克默多寓所杀害平克顿侦探。
Their host had placed whisky upon the table, and they had hastened to prime themselves for the work before them. Baldwin and Cormac were already half-drunk, and the liquor had brought out all their ferocity. Cormac placed his hands on the stove for an instant--it had been lighted, for the nights were still cold.他们的主人在桌上摆了些威士忌酒,这些人便急匆匆大吃大喝起来。鲍德温和科马克已经半醉,醉后更暴露出他们的凶狠残暴。因为这几夜依然寒冷异常,屋中生着火,科马克便把双手放到火上取暖。
"That will do," said he, with an oath.“这就妥当了,"科马克发誓说道。
"Ay," said Baldwin, catching his meaning. "If he is strapped to that, we will have the truth out of him."“喂,"鲍德温捉摸着科马克话中的含意说道,“如果我们把他捆起来,我们就能从他口中得知真相。”
"We'll have the truth out of him, never fear," said McMurdo. He had nerves of steel, this man; for though the whole weight of the affair was on him his manner was as cool and unconcerned as ever. The others marked it and applauded.“不用怕,我们一定能从他口中得知真相的,"麦克默多说道,他生就铁石心肠,尽管这样重大事情的全部重任落到他身上,他依然象平时一样沉着冷静、毫不在意。因此,大家都称赞他。
"You are the one to handle him," said the Boss approvingly. "Not a warning will he get till your hand is on his throat. It's a pity there are no shutters to your windows."“由你来对付他,"身主麦金蒂赞许地说,“他毫不警惕地就会被你扼住喉咙。可惜你的窗户上没有窗板。”
McMurdo went from one to the other and drew the curtains tighter.麦克默多便走过去,把一个个窗子上的窗帘拉紧,说道:
"Sure no one can spy upon us now. It's close upon the hour."“此时肯定没有人来探查我们的。时间也快到了。”

"Well, there are no papers. But I filled him up about constitutions and books of rules and forms of membership. He expects to get right down to the end of everything before he leaves."
"Faith, he's right there," said McGinty grimly. "Didn't he ask you why you didn't bring him the papers?"
"As if I would carry such things, and me a suspected man, and Captain Marvin after speaking to me this very day at the depot!"
"Ay, I heard of that," said McGinty. "I guess the heavy end of this business is coming on to you. We could put him down an old shaft when we've done with him; but however we work it we can't get past the man living at Hobson's Patch and you being there to-day."
McMurdo shrugged his shoulders. "If we handle it right, they can never prove the killing," said he. "No one can see him come to the house after dark, and I'll lay to it that no one will see him go. Now see here, Councillor, I'll show you my plan and I'll ask you to fit the others into it. You will all come in good time. Very well. He comes at ten. He is to tap three times, and me to open the door for him. Then I'll get behind him and shut it. He's our man then."
"That's all easy and plain."
"Yes; but the next step wants considering. He's a hard proposition. He's heavily armed. I've fooled him proper, and yet he is likely to be on his guard. Suppose I show him right into a room with seven men in it where he expected to find me alone. There is going to be shooting, and somebody is going to be hurt."
"That's so."
"And the noise is going to bring every damned copper in the township on top of it."
"I guess you are right."
"This is how I should work it. You will all be in the big room--same as you saw when you had a chat with me. I'll open the door for him, show him into the parlour beside the door, and leave him there while I get the papers. That will give me the chance of telling you how things are shaping. Then I will go back to him with some faked papers. As he is reading them I will jump for him and get my grip on his pistol arm. You'll hear me call and in you will rush. The quicker the better; for he is as strong a man as I, and I may have more than I can manage. But I allow that I can hold him till you come."
"It's a good plan," said McGinty. "The lodge will owe you a debt for this. I guess when I move out of the chair I can put a name to the man that's coming after me."
"Sure, Councillor, I am little more than a recruit," said McMurdo; but his face showed what he thought of the great man's compliment.
When he had returned home he made his own preparations for the grim evening in front of him. First he cleaned, oiled, and loaded his Smith & Wesson revolver. Then he surveyed the room in which the detective was to be trapped. It was a large apartment, with a long deal table in the centre, and the big stove at one side. At each of the other sides were windows. There were no shutters on these: only light curtains which drew across. McMurdo examined these attentively. No doubt it must have struck him that the apartment was very exposed for so secret a meeting. Yet its distance from the road made it of less consequence. Finally he discussed the matter with his fellow lodger. Scanlan, though a Scowrer, was an inoffensive little man who was too weak to stand against the opinion of his comrades, but was secretly horrified by the deeds of blood at which he had sometimes been forced to assist. McMurdo told him shortly what was intended.
"And if I were you, Mike Scanlan, I would take a night off and keep clear of it. There will be bloody work here before morning."
"Well, indeed then, Mac," Scanlan answered. "It's not the will but the nerve that is wanting in me. When I saw Manager Dunn go down at the colliery yonder it was just more than I could stand. I'm not made for it, same as you or McGinty. If the lodge will think none the worse of me, I'll just do as you advise and leave you to yourselves for the evening."
The men came in good time as arranged. They were outwardly respectable citizens, well clad and cleanly; but a judge of faces would have read little hope for Birdy Edwards in those hard mouths and remorseless eyes. There was not a man in the room whose hands had not been reddened a dozen times before. They were as hardened to human murder as a butcher to sheep.
Foremost, of course, both in appearance and in guilt, was the formidable Boss. Harraway, the secretary, was a lean, bitter man with a long, scraggy neck and nervous, jerky limbs, a man of incorruptible fidelity where the finances of the order were concerned, and with no notion of justice or honesty to anyone beyond. The treasurer, Carter, was a middle-aged man, with an impassive, rather sulky expression, and a yellow parchment skin. He was a capable organizer, and the actual details of nearly every outrage had sprung from his plotting brain. The two Willabys were men of action, tall, lithe young fellows with determined faces, while their companion, Tiger Cormac, a heavy, dark youth, was feared even by his own comrades for the ferocity of his disposition. These were the men who assembled that night under the roof of McMurdo for the killing of the Pinkerton detective.
Their host had placed whisky upon the table, and they had hastened to prime themselves for the work before them. Baldwin and Cormac were already half-drunk, and the liquor had brought out all their ferocity. Cormac placed his hands on the stove for an instant--it had been lighted, for the nights were still cold.
"That will do," said he, with an oath.
"Ay," said Baldwin, catching his meaning. "If he is strapped to that, we will have the truth out of him."
"We'll have the truth out of him, never fear," said McMurdo. He had nerves of steel, this man; for though the whole weight of the affair was on him his manner was as cool and unconcerned as ever. The others marked it and applauded.
"You are the one to handle him," said the Boss approvingly. "Not a warning will he get till your hand is on his throat. It's a pity there are no shutters to your windows."
McMurdo went from one to the other and drew the curtains tighter.
"Sure no one can spy upon us now. It's close upon the hour."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exposed [iks'pəuzd]


adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,

pistol ['pistl]


n. 手枪
vt. 用手枪射击

impassive [im'pæsiv]


adj. 无感情的,冷漠的,平静的

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果

honesty ['ɔnisti]


n. 诚实,正直

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶

fidelity [fi'deliti]


n. 忠实,忠诚,准确性

inoffensive [.inə'fensiv]


adj. 无害的,没恶意的,不讨厌的

detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

shaft [ʃɑ:ft]


n. 轴,杆状物,矛,柄,竖井,(一道)光线





