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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Any idea why these guys might want to do this to me?” he added a moment later.“你知道这些家伙为什么想这样对我吗?”过了片刻,他叉补充道。
“They believe it will be the best way of destroying you for ever. They know what you’re after.”“他们想什么,他们知道你在寻找。”
“Could they drop me a note and let me know as well?”“他们会写个便条给我,也让我知道吗,”
“You know,” said Roosta, “you know, Beeblebrox. You want to meet the man who rules the Universe.”“你是知道的。”罗斯塔说,“你是知道的,毕博布鲁克斯。你想见到那个统治宇宙的人。”
“Can he cook?” said Zaphod. On reflection he added: “I doubt if he can. If he could cook a good meal he wouldn’t worry about the rest of the Universe. I want to meet a cook.”“他会做饭吗?”赞福德说。沉思片刻,他又补充道,“我很怀疑。如果他能做一手好菜,他也就不会为宇宙中别的事瞎操心了。我最想见的其实是一个厨师。”
Roosta sighed heavily.罗斯塔重重地叹了口气。
“What are you doing here anyway?” demanded Zaphod, “what’s all this got to so with you?”“可你又在这儿做什么,”赞福德突然问,“所有这些和你有什么关系?”
“I’m just one of those who planned this thing, along with Zarniwoop, along with Yooden Vranx, along with your great grandfather, along with you, Beeblebrox.”“我是整件事情的策划者之一,和扎尼乌普一起,和域敦·万克斯一起,和你的曾祖父一起,也和你一起,毕博布鲁克斯。”
“Yes, you. I was told you had changed, I didn’t realize how much.”“是的你。在此之前,我已经被告知你发生了一些变化,不过我当时段有意识到这种变化有多大。”
“I am here to do one job. I will do it before I leave you.”“我在这儿是要完成一件工作。我将会在离开你之前完成它。”
“What job, man, what are you talking about?”“什么工作,伙计!你都在说些什么啊?”
“I will do it before I leave you.”“我将在离开你之前完成它。”
Roosta lapsed into an impenetrable silence.说完,罗斯塔陷入了令人费解的沉默。
Zaphod was terribly glad.赞福德高兴极了。

Any idea why these guys might want to do this to me?” he added a moment later.
They believe it will be the best way of destroying you for ever. They know what youre after.”
Could they drop me a note and let me know as well?”
You know,” said Roosta, “you know, Beeblebrox. You want to meet the man who rules the Universe.”
Can he cook?” said Zaphod. On reflection he added: “I doubt if he can. If he could cook a good meal he wouldnt worry about the rest of the Universe. I want to meet a cook.”
Roosta sighed heavily.
What are you doing here anyway?” demanded Zaphod, “whats all this got to so with you?”
Im just one of those who planned this thing, along with Zarniwoop, along with Yooden Vranx, along with your great grandfather, along with you, Beeblebrox.”
Yes, you. I was told you had changed, I didnt realize how much.”
I am here to do one job. I will do it before I leave you.”
What job, man, what are you talking about?”
I will do it before I leave you.”
Roosta lapsed into an impenetrable silence.
Zaphod was terribly glad.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

impenetrable [im'penitrəbl]


adj. 不能穿过的,不可理喻的





