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标致收购案 是一场得不偿失的胜利?

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After more than a hundred years in control of one of Europes great industrial groups, it was no wonder that the Peugeot family became divided over the deal that would take their flagship business out of their hands.

Robert Peugeot, who runs the family holding company, and Philippe Varin, the carmakers chief executive, had agreed that a deal with Chinese carmaker Dongfeng Motor and the French governmentannounced on Wednesdaywas essential.
管理该家族控股公司的罗贝尔•标致(Robert Peugeot)和标致首席执行官菲利普•瓦兰(Philippe Varin)都认为,周三宣布的与中国汽车制造商东风汽车(Dongfeng Motor)和法国政府达成的交易,对标致而言至关重要。
Not only would the 3bn capital injection put the group on a firmer footing for investing in Europe, where car sales have been at their worst for 20 years, but it would also enable Peugeot to grow its footprint in Asia.
Dongfeng had let it be known that it might be willing to help out at the start of 2013. Preliminary discussions with Dongfeng and the French state began in July, and a plan of action was hatched.
Code names were even chosen, based on famous artists. In secret documents, the Peugeot family wasPicasso”, Dongfeng wasDegas”, General Motors, which until recently owned a small stake in Peugeot, wasGauguinand the French state wasFragonard”.
各方甚至各自选取了著名艺术家的名字作为代号。在秘密文件中,标致家族被称为“毕加索”(Picasso),东风被称为“德加”(Degas),直到最近一直持有标致少量股权的通用汽车(General Motors)被称为“高更”(Gauguin),法国政府则是“弗拉贡纳尔”(Fragonard)。
But Thierry Peugeot, set to lose the chairmanship and weighed down by a sense of responsibility over the legacy of a mighty French dynasty, had other ideas. There were other ways to fend off disaster, he felt.
然而,即将失去董事会主席职务的蒂埃里•标致(Thierry Peugeot),却对这笔交易却有不同感受。对这个曾代表了法兰西工业荣光的家族企业,他怀有强烈的使命感。他相信,还有其他方法挽救这个企业。
He argued that the family, which survived two world wars and multiple financial crises at the helm, was giving away too muchand, while the company needed a new direction, it could raise enough money on the markets without the Chinese.
Last month, he penned a letter to his brother Robert, which later appeared in the press, saying that the deal was abad ideaand adding: “I am worried about the strategy of withdrawal from Peugeot that you seem to want to carry out.”
He is not the only one with reservations, which will see the French state and Dongfeng pay 800m for 14 per cent each of Peugeot, Europes second-largest carmaker by sales, alongside a deeper industrial partnership with the Chinese group.
The three main shareholdersDongfeng, Paris and the familyhave committed to not increasing their stakes above 14 per cent for the next 10 years, Mr Varin told the Financial Times in an interview on Wednesday.
But Harald Hendrikse, head automotive analyst at Nomura, says: “Its a bargain. For Dongfeng this is an absolute bargain . . . and a game-changer for the Chinese car industry. Peugeot had no choice for negotiation in any part of this deal.”
野村(Nomura)首席汽车分析师哈拉德•亨德里克斯(Harald Hendrikse)表示:“这是笔好买卖。对东风而言,价格绝对便宜……这个交易能改变中国汽车业的格局。从谈判各个方面看,标致都处于弱势。”
Some analysts have argued that it would have been better for Peugeot instead to sell its financing armwhich lends money to new car buyersor its parts division, Faurecia, if it really needed money to invest in cars and powertrains.
Critics also argue that sales in Asia, while clearly welcome, will not address the core issues of its weakness in Europeand the new ownership arrangement by Beijing, the Elysée Palace and the Peugeot family has the potential to create conflict.
We see a risk of a Pyrrhic victory,” says Max Warburton, analyst at Bernstein Research. “The Dongfeng deal will close out strategic options,” and government involvementis hardly likely to lead to improved efficiency, competitiveness and growth.”
“我们认为,这有可能成为一场‘得不偿失的胜利’,”伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein Research)分析师马克斯•沃伯顿(Max Warburton)说。“引进东风,就排除了标致的其他战略选择”,而法国政府的角色将很难让公司实现“效率、竞争力和增长的提升”。
However, these objectionsand those of Thierryhave been overruled after months of disagreements. On Wednesday, Peugeot said it had begun a new chapter in its history and its global expansion. “PSA is back on the attack,” said Mr Varin.
Now, the question remains over how successfully the group can execute its plan under the aegis of new chief executive Carlos Tavares, an industry veteran and former number two at Renault who takes over in March, but will be in charge of operations from Wednesday.
现在的问题是,集团能否在新任首席执行官卡洛斯•塔瓦雷斯(Carlos Tavares)的带领下,逐步推进计划。塔瓦雷斯是业界资深人物,曾任雷诺(Renault)二把手。他将于3月份正式接任,但从本周三起已开始坐镇标致。
The company is now in a much stronger position to move forward, but there are still some important questions to be sorted out,” said Mr Varin. “I am not saying everything is solved. A lot of work still has to be done.”
Peugeots first problem has always been its small size and focus on Europewhich became untenable as European sales began to tumble after the 2008 economic crisis. It still relies on the continent for 58 per cent of its sales. A turnround here will be tough. The European market shrunk for the sixth straight year in 2013, and Peugeots market share in the region shrank from 12.8 per cent in 2007 to 11.9 per cent, although it has shown recent signs of improvements.
With little help likely from wider markets, Mr Tavares will need to squeeze costs and suppliers as much as possible, try to regain market share, and invest part of the 3bn in the next generation of cars and powertrains.
However, further cost-cutting will be hard with the government on the boardand with Peugeot having agreed with unions last March that it will not close any plants in France for three years, and that it will increase French production.
Peugeot already accounts for 60 per cent of Frances car production and employs close to 100,000 people locally, in an industry that, directly or indirectly, accounts for about one in 10 French jobs.
Its an absolutely strategic investment,” said Pierre Moscovici, French finance minister. “The idea for the state is to guarantee the presence of PSA in France. Well be a stable, sound and non-sleeping shareholder.”
“这绝对是一笔战略性投资,”法国财长皮埃尔•莫斯科维奇(Pierre Moscovici)说。“政府的宗旨是保障标致雪铁龙在法国的存在。我们将是稳健而清醒的股东。”
Mr Tavaressecond challenge is the crucial, but tough task of trebling sales in China to hit a 1.5m target by 2020, as part of a wider goal to sell 50 per cent of its cars outside Europe by 2015.
Then there is the tall order of turning round operations in Latin America and Russiathe two emerging markets in which Peugeot has been struggling to turn a profit for years. “China, southeast Asia [will be the focus],” said Mr Varin. “In Latin America and Russia, what is at stake is more turning around in terms of profitability. Market share is not an objective per se . . . Clearly, here, we are still to find a proper structural solution. For the rest it is really, full speed on the execution.”
Finally, Mr Tavares will have to manage potentially conflicting forces in the board room, with likely two seats each going to Beijing, the Elysée and the divided Peugeot family.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
multiple ['mʌltipl]


adj. 许多,多种多样的
n. 倍数,并联

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

financing [fai'nænsiŋ]


n. 融资,资金供应 动词finance的现在分词

regain [ri'gein]


v. 恢复,重回,复得

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

execution [.eksi'kju:ʃən]


n. 执行,实施,处决
n. 技巧,表演

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

squeeze [skwi:z]


v. 压榨,挤压,塞进
n. 压榨,勒索,榨取

guarantee [.gærən'ti:]


n. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品





