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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Captain Gills, it's very kind of you,' retorted Mr Toots. 'I'm much obliged to you. Upon my word and honour, Captain Gills, it would be a charity to give me the pleasure of your acquaintance. It really would.'

'You see, brother,' argued the Captain slowly, 'I don't know you.“我得说,老弟,”船长慢吞吞地说道,”我不了解您。”
'But you never can know me, Captain Gills,' replied Mr Toots, steadfast to his point, 'if you don't give me the pleasure of your acquaintance.“可是如果您不让我荣幸地跟您交朋友的话,”图茨先生坚定地向着目标前进,回答道,”那么您就永远也不能了解我了。”
The Captain seemed struck by the originality and power of this remark, and looked at Mr Toots as if he thought there was a great deal more in him than he had expected.船长似乎被这个新颖而有力的意见所打动,看着图茨先生,仿佛心中想到,他身上具有更多的东西,是他原先没有料想到的。
'Well said, my lad,' observed the Captain, nodding his head thoughtfully; 'and true. Now look'ee here: You've made some observations to me, which gives me to understand as you admire a certain sweet creetur. Hey?'“说得好,我的孩子,”船长沉思地点着头,说道,”说得不错。现在您听着,您向我讲过一些话,我从您的话中了解到,您爱慕上一位可爱的人儿,是不是?”
'Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, gesticulating violently with the hand in which he held his hat, 'Admiration is not the word. Upon my honour, you have no conception what my feelings are. If I could be dyed black, and made Miss Dombey's slave, I should consider it a compliment. If, at the sacrifice of all my property, I could get transmigrated into Miss Dombey's dog - I - I really think I should never leave off wagging my tail. I should be so perfectly happy, Captain Gills!'“吉尔斯船长,”图茨先生用拿着帽子的那只手有力她打着手势,说道,”爱慕不是个确切的字眼。我以荣誉发誓,您根本想不出我的感情是怎样的。如果能把我的皮肤染成黑色,让我做董贝小姐的奴隶,那么我将认为这是对我的恩惠。如果我能够以我的全部财产为代价,投生成董贝小姐的一条狗的话,--那么我--我确实认为,我将会永远不停地摇着尾巴。我将会感到无限幸福,吉尔斯船长!”
Mr Toots said it with watery eyes, and pressed his hat against his bosom with deep emotion.图茨先生说这些话的时候,眼泪汪汪,同时怀着深情,把帽子紧紧压着胸脯。

'Captain Gills, it's very kind of you,' retorted Mr Toots. 'I'm much obliged to you. Upon my word and honour, Captain Gills, it would be a charity to give me the pleasure of your acquaintance. It really would.'
'You see, brother,' argued the Captain slowly, 'I don't know you.
'But you never can know me, Captain Gills,' replied Mr Toots, steadfast to his point, 'if you don't give me the pleasure of your acquaintance.
The Captain seemed struck by the originality and power of this remark, and looked at Mr Toots as if he thought there was a great deal more in him than he had expected.
'Well said, my lad,' observed the Captain, nodding his head thoughtfully; 'and true. Now look'ee here: You've made some observations to me, which gives me to understand as you admire a certain sweet creetur. Hey?'
'Captain Gills,' said Mr Toots, gesticulating violently with the hand in which he held his hat, 'Admiration is not the word. Upon my honour, you have no conception what my feelings are. If I could be dyed black, and made Miss Dombey's slave, I should consider it a compliment. If, at the sacrifice of all my property, I could get transmigrated into Miss Dombey's dog - I - I really think I should never leave off wagging my tail. I should be so perfectly happy, Captain Gills!'
Mr Toots said it with watery eyes, and pressed his hat against his bosom with deep emotion.

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violently ['vaiələntli]


adv. 猛烈地,激烈地,极端地

compliment ['kɔmplimənt]


n. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
vt. 称赞,

conception [kən'sepʃən]


n. 概念,观念,构想,怀孕

admiration [.ædmə'reiʃən]


n. 钦佩,赞赏

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

steadfast ['stedfæst]


adj. 坚定的,毫不动摇的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解

originality [ə.ridʒi'næliti]


n. 独创性,创造力,新颖

sacrifice ['sækrifais]


n. 牺牲,供俸,祭品
vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱





