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'Pardon me, Madam,' he continued, 'if in my perplexity, I presume to take counsel with you, and to consult your pleasure. I think I have observed that you are greatly interested in Miss Florence?'

What was there in her he had not observed, and did not know? Humbled and yet maddened by the thought, in every new presentment of it, however faint, she pressed her teeth upon her quivering lip to force composure on it, and distantly inclined her head in reply.她有哪一点他没有注意到和不知道的呢?这个想法每次出现的时候,不论它是多么微弱,都使她感到屈辱,同时却又感到极为愤怒;她牙齿紧咬着颤抖的嘴唇,竭力保持镇静,同时冷淡地点了一下头,作为回答。
'This interest, Madam - so touching an evidence of everything associated with Mr Dombey being dear to you - induces me to pause before I make him acquainted with these circumstances, which, as yet, he does not know. It so shakes me, if I may make the confession, in my allegiance, that on the intimation of the least desire to that effect from you, I would suppress them.'“夫人,您的这个兴趣令人感动地证明了一点:凡是跟董贝先生有关的一切,对您来说,都是宝贵的;您的这个兴趣使我迟疑不决,没有把那些具体情况告诉他,因此他至今还不知道它们。如果允许我坦白承认的话,那么我应当说,您的这个兴趣使我对他的忠诚发生了动摇;您哪怕只要稍稍暗示一下您的愿望,我就会把这些事实向他瞒住不说的。”
Edith raised her head quickly, and starting back, bent her dark glance upon him. He met it with his blandest and most deferential smile, and went on.伊迪丝迅速地抬起头,吃惊地向后退缩,并把阴沉的眼光投射到他的身上。他用他最温顺、最恭敬的微笑回答了她的眼光,继续说下去:
'You say that as I describe them, they are perverted. I fear not - I fear not: but let us assume that they are. The uneasiness I have for some time felt on the subject, arises in this: that the mere circumstance of such association often repeated, on the part of Miss Florence, however innocently and confidingly, would be conclusive with Mr Dombey, already predisposed against her, and would lead him to take some step (I know he has occasionally contemplated it) of separation and alienation of her from his home. Madam, bear with me, and remember my intercourse with Mr Dombey, and my knowledge of him, and my reverence for him, almost from childhood, when I say that if he has a fault, it is a lofty stubbornness, rooted in that noble pride and sense of power which belong to him, and which we must all defer to; which is not assailable like the obstinacy of other characters; and which grows upon itself from day to day, and year to year.“您说我在叙述这些具体情况时歪曲了真相。恐怕不是这样!可是让我们假定确实如此吧。这个问题有时曾使我感到不安,这是由于以下情况引起的:弗洛伦斯小姐经常不断地保持着那些联系,不论她是多么天真和轻信,可是单就这一件事情来说,它对于本来就早已嫌恶她的董贝先生来说就具有决定性的意义,就会促使他采取步骤(我知道他有时已在考虑这一点),让她离开这个家,跟她疏远。夫人,请记得我几乎从小孩子的时候起就跟董贝先生交往,我了解他,我尊敬他。请恕我直言,如果他有什么缺点的话,那就是高傲的固执,这根源于他对属于他的权力的高贵的自豪与意识,我们全都必须服从他的权力。他的固执跟其他人的固执不同,它是刚毅不屈的,它是一天又一天,一年又一年地成长起来的。”
She bent her glance upon him still; but, look as steadfast as she would, her haughty nostrils dilated, and her breath came somewhat deeper, and her lip would slightly curl, as he described that in his patron to which they must all bow down. He saw it; and though his expression did not change, she knew he saw it.她的眼光依旧没有离开他;可是当他叙述到他们全都必须服从他的权力时,她的眼光尽量地坚定不移,她的傲慢的鼻孔张开来了,她的呼吸变得更加深沉,她的嘴唇稍稍地歪着。他看到了这些情形;虽然他的表情没有改变,但她知道他已看到了。
'Even so slight an incident as last night's,' he said, 'if I might refer to it once more, would serve to illustrate my meaning, better than a greater one. Dombey and Son know neither time, nor place, nor season, but bear them all down. But I rejoice in its occurrence, for it has opened the way for me to approach Mrs Dombey with this subject to-day, even if it has entailed upon me the penalty of her temporary displeasure. Madam, in the midst of my uneasiness and apprehension on this subject, I was summoned by Mr Dombey to Leamington. There I saw you. There I could not help knowing what relation you would shortly occupy towards him - to his enduring happiness and yours. There I resolved to await the time of your establishment at home here, and to do as I have now done. I have, at heart, no fear that I shall be wanting in my duty to Mr Dombey, if I bury what I know in your breast; for where there is but one heart and mind between two persons - as in such a marriage - one almost represents the other. I can acquit my conscience therefore, almost equally, by confidence, on such a theme, in you or him. For the reasons I have mentioned I would select you. May I aspire to the distinction of believing that my confidence is accepted, and that I am relieved from my responsibility?'“甚至像昨天夜间这样无足轻重的小事(如果我可以再一次提到它的话),”他说道,”也可以比更重大的事情更好地阐明我的意思。董贝父子公司不知道时间、地点和季节,它把它们全部压倒。但是发生了这件小事情使我感到高兴,因为它使我今天有可能跟董贝夫人谈到这个问题,哪怕它必须使我遭到她暂时的不满也罢。夫人,我就是在对这个问题感到极为不安与忧虑的时候被董贝先生召唤到莱明顿去的。我在那里见到了您。我在那里无法不了解到您不久就要跟他结成什么样的关系,这种关系将会给他和您带来持久的幸福。我在那里作出决定,等您在这里安下家以后再来做我现在已经做了的事情。如果我把我知道的事情向您吐露了,那么我在心里就不用担心我对董贝先生没有尽到我的责任了,因为在这样的婚姻中,两人之间只有一颗心,一个灵魂,他们当中的一位几乎就代表着另一位。因此,我把这个问题的真情向您或向他吐露,我几乎可以同样安心。由于我已提到过的理由,我愿意选择您。我是不是可以荣幸地相信:我所吐露的真情已被接受,我已尽到了我的责任了?”
He long remembered the look she gave him - who could see it, and forget it? - and the struggle that ensued within her. At last she said:他长久地记得她向他投来的眼光--谁看到这个眼光能忘记呢?--以及她随后在内心所进行的斗争。最后,她说道:
'I accept it, Sir You will please to consider this matter at an end, and that it goes no farther.'“我接受它,先生。这件事情您到这里就告一结束,不用再讲什么了。”
He bowed low, and rose. She rose too, and he took leave with all humility. But Withers, meeting him on the stairs, stood amazed at the beauty of his teeth, and at his brilliant smile; and as he rode away upon his white-legged horse, the people took him for a dentist, such was the dazzling show he made. The people took her, when she rode out in her carriage presently, for a great lady, as happy as she was rich and fine. But they had not seen her, just before, in her own room with no one by; and they had not heard her utterance of the three words, 'Oh Florence, Florence!'他深深地鞠了个躬,并站起身来。她也站起来,然后他毕恭毕敬地告辞了。但是威瑟斯在楼梯上遇见他,看见他漂亮的牙齿和喜气洋洋的微笑时,惊愕地站住了;当他骑着白腿的马离开时,路上的人们都以为他是一位牙科医生,因为他显露出的牙齿是多么晃眼睛啊!当她不久之后乘着马车出去游逛的时候,路上的人们都把她看成是一位不仅富有、美丽而且又是幸福的贵妇人。但是他们没有看到她刚才一个人在自己房间里时的情景,他们也没有听到她是怎样喊着:”啊,弗洛伦斯,弗洛伦斯!”这几个字的!
Mrs Skewton, reposing on her sofa, and sipping her chocolate, had heard nothing but the low word business, for which she had a mortal aversion, insomuch that she had long banished it from her vocabulary, and had gone nigh, in a charming manner and with an immense amount of heart, to say nothing of soul, to ruin divers milliners and others in consequence. Therefore Mrs Skewton asked no questions, and showed no curiosity. Indeed, the peach-velvet bonnet gave her sufficient occupation out of doors; for being perched on the back of her head, and the day being rather windy, it was frantic to escape from Mrs Skewton's company, and would be coaxed into no sort of compromise. When the carriage was closed, and the wind shut out, the palsy played among the artificial roses again like an almshouse-full of superannuated zephyrs; and altogether Mrs Skewton had enough to do, and got on but indifferently.斯丘顿夫人躺在沙发上休息,并一点一点地喝着巧克力饮料,除了听到”业务”这个粗俗的词儿外,什么也没有听进去。她对这个词有一种不共戴天的嫌恶,早就把它从她的词汇中驱除了,并因此用一种可爱的方式,并以大量善良的心意(就别提善良的心灵了)让各种妇女服饰商和其他商人都陷于破产。因此,斯丘顿夫人没有提任何问题,也没有表示任何好奇心。说实在的,桃红色的丝绒帽子在相当大的程度上占去了她在户外的注意力,因为它被放在她的后脑壳上,而这天风很大。它发疯似地想从斯丘顿夫人头上逃走,不跟她在一起,不管怎么哄它,它也丝毫不肯妥协。当把马车门关上,风被挡在外面的时候,由于神经麻痹症引起的颤抖又开始像济贫院中年迈的西风老人那样,跟假玫瑰花闹着玩儿;总之,斯丘顿夫人有不少事情要做,她对其他事情都漠不关心。
She got on no better towards night; for when Mrs Dombey, in her dressing-room, had been dressed and waiting for her half an hour, and Mr Dombey, in the drawing-room, had paraded himself into a state of solemn fretfulness (they were all three going out to dinner), Flowers the Maid appeared with a pale face to Mrs Dombey, saying:到了晚间她不见好转。因为董贝夫人在化妆室里穿好衣服,已等了她半个小时;董贝先生在客厅里踱着方步,变得神色阴沉严肃、烦躁不安(他们三人要出去吃晚饭);这时,侍女弗劳尔斯脸色苍白地走到董贝夫人跟前,说道:
'If you please, Ma'am, I beg your pardon, but I can't do nothing with Missis!'“对不起,夫人,请您原谅,可是我对老夫人一点办法也没有!”
'What do you mean?' asked Edith.“您这是什么意思?”伊迪丝问道。

'Pardon me, Madam,' he continued, 'if in my perplexity, I presume to take counsel with you, and to consult your pleasure. I think I have observed that you are greatly interested in Miss Florence?'
What was there in her he had not observed, and did not know? Humbled and yet maddened by the thought, in every new presentment of it, however faint, she pressed her teeth upon her quivering lip to force composure on it, and distantly inclined her head in reply.
'This interest, Madam - so touching an evidence of everything associated with Mr Dombey being dear to you - induces me to pause before I make him acquainted with these circumstances, which, as yet, he does not know. It so shakes me, if I may make the confession, in my allegiance, that on the intimation of the least desire to that effect from you, I would suppress them.'
Edith raised her head quickly, and starting back, bent her dark glance upon him. He met it with his blandest and most deferential smile, and went on.
'You say that as I describe them, they are perverted. I fear not - I fear not: but let us assume that they are. The uneasiness I have for some time felt on the subject, arises in this: that the mere circumstance of such association often repeated, on the part of Miss Florence, however innocently and confidingly, would be conclusive with Mr Dombey, already predisposed against her, and would lead him to take some step (I know he has occasionally contemplated it) of separation and alienation of her from his home. Madam, bear with me, and remember my intercourse with Mr Dombey, and my knowledge of him, and my reverence for him, almost from childhood, when I say that if he has a fault, it is a lofty stubbornness, rooted in that noble pride and sense of power which belong to him, and which we must all defer to; which is not assailable like the obstinacy of other characters; and which grows upon itself from day to day, and year to year.
She bent her glance upon him still; but, look as steadfast as she would, her haughty nostrils dilated, and her breath came somewhat deeper, and her lip would slightly curl, as he described that in his patron to which they must all bow down. He saw it; and though his expression did not change, she knew he saw it.
'Even so slight an incident as last night's,' he said, 'if I might refer to it once more, would serve to illustrate my meaning, better than a greater one. Dombey and Son know neither time, nor place, nor season, but bear them all down. But I rejoice in its occurrence, for it has opened the way for me to approach Mrs Dombey with this subject to-day, even if it has entailed upon me the penalty of her temporary displeasure. Madam, in the midst of my uneasiness and apprehension on this subject, I was summoned by Mr Dombey to Leamington. There I saw you. There I could not help knowing what relation you would shortly occupy towards him - to his enduring happiness and yours. There I resolved to await the time of your establishment at home here, and to do as I have now done. I have, at heart, no fear that I shall be wanting in my duty to Mr Dombey, if I bury what I know in your breast; for where there is but one heart and mind between two persons - as in such a marriage - one almost represents the other. I can acquit my conscience therefore, almost equally, by confidence, on such a theme, in you or him. For the reasons I have mentioned I would select you. May I aspire to the distinction of believing that my confidence is accepted, and that I am relieved from my responsibility?'
He long remembered the look she gave him - who could see it, and forget it? - and the struggle that ensued within her. At last she said:
'I accept it, Sir You will please to consider this matter at an end, and that it goes no farther.'
He bowed low, and rose. She rose too, and he took leave with all humility. But Withers, meeting him on the stairs, stood amazed at the beauty of his teeth, and at his brilliant smile; and as he rode away upon his white-legged horse, the people took him for a dentist, such was the dazzling show he made. The people took her, when she rode out in her carriage presently, for a great lady, as happy as she was rich and fine. But they had not seen her, just before, in her own room with no one by; and they had not heard her utterance of the three words, 'Oh Florence, Florence!'
Mrs Skewton, reposing on her sofa, and sipping her chocolate, had heard nothing but the low word business, for which she had a mortal aversion, insomuch that she had long banished it from her vocabulary, and had gone nigh, in a charming manner and with an immense amount of heart, to say nothing of soul, to ruin divers milliners and others in consequence. Therefore Mrs Skewton asked no questions, and showed no curiosity. Indeed, the peach-velvet bonnet gave her sufficient occupation out of doors; for being perched on the back of her head, and the day being rather windy, it was frantic to escape from Mrs Skewton's company, and would be coaxed into no sort of compromise. When the carriage was closed, and the wind shut out, the palsy played among the artificial roses again like an almshouse-full of superannuated zephyrs; and altogether Mrs Skewton had enough to do, and got on but indifferently.
She got on no better towards night; for when Mrs Dombey, in her dressing-room, had been dressed and waiting for her half an hour, and Mr Dombey, in the drawing-room, had paraded himself into a state of solemn fretfulness (they were all three going out to dinner), Flowers the Maid appeared with a pale face to Mrs Dombey, saying:
'If you please, Ma'am, I beg your pardon, but I can't do nothing with Missis!'
'What do you mean?' asked Edith.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

solemn ['sɔləm]


adj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的

dazzling ['dæzliŋ]


adj. 令人眼花缭乱的,耀眼的 动词dazzle的现在

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

establishment [is'tæbliʃmənt]


n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威

patron ['peitrən]


n. 赞助人,保护人,老主顾

consult [kən'sʌlt]


v. 商讨,向 ... 请教,查阅

frantic ['fræntik]


adj. 疯狂的,狂乱的

faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

distinction [dis'tiŋkʃən]


n. 差别,对比,区分,荣誉,优秀





