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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The wanderer looked at her, in doubt and surprise, but without any expression of thankfulness; and sitting down, and taking off one of her worn shoes to beat out the fragments of stone and dust that were inside, showed that her foot was cut and bleeding.

Harriet uttering an expression of pity, the traveller looked up with a contemptuous and incredulous smile.当哈里特发出怜悯的喊声时,这位妇女抬起眼睛望着她,露出轻蔑与怀疑的微笑。
'Why, what's a torn foot to such as me?' she said. 'And what's a torn foot in such as me, to such as you?'“对于像我这样的人来说,一只破伤的脚算得了什么呢?”她说道,”对于像您这样的人来说,我这种人有一只破伤了的脚又算得了什么呢?
'Come in and wash it,' answered Harriet, mildly, 'and let me give you something to bind it up.'“进来洗洗它吧,”哈里特温厚地说道,”我给您一点什么东西把它包扎起来。”
The woman caught her arm, and drawing it before her own eyes, hid them against it, and wept. Not like a woman, but like a stern man surprised into that weakness; with a violent heaving of her breast, and struggle for recovery, that showed how unusual the emotion was with her.这位妇女抓住她的手,拉到她自己眼睛前面,紧贴着,并哭泣起来。这不像是一位妇女的哭泣,而像是一位性格坚强的男子突然屈从于这种弱点时的哭泣;她的胸脯猛烈地上下起伏,并竭力想恢复常态,这说明她内心的情感是多么不寻常地激动。
She submitted to be led into the house, and, evidently more in gratitude than in any care for herself, washed and bound the injured place. Harriet then put before her fragments of her own frugal dinner, and when she had eaten of them, though sparingly, besought her, before resuming her road (which she showed her anxiety to do), to dry her clothes before the fire. Again, more in gratitude than with any evidence of concern in her own behalf, she sat down in front of it, and unbinding the handkerchief about her head, and letting her thick wet hair fall down below her waist, sat drying it with the palms of her hands, and looking at the blaze.她顺从地被引进屋子里,然后显然是出于感激,而不是出于保护自己,冲洗和包扎了伤处。接着,哈里特从她自己微薄的晚饭中分出一些,端到她的面前;当她吃完之后(虽然数量是不多的),哈里特又请求她重新赶路(她急切地想这样做)之前先把衣服在炉火上烤烤干。她又一次出于感激,而不是出于对自己的任何关心,在炉子前面坐下来,把系在头上的手绢解开,让她浓密的、淋湿了的头发垂落到腰下,然后坐在那里,一边用手掌把它搓干,一边看着炉火。
'I daresay you are thinking,' she said, lifting her head suddenly, 'that I used to be handsome, once. I believe I was - I know I was - Look here!' She held up her hair roughly with both hands; seizing it as if she would have torn it out; then, threw it down again, and flung it back as though it were a heap of serpents.“大概您在想,我过去是漂亮的吧,”她突然抬起头来,说道,”我想我过去是的。我知道我过去是的。请看这里!”她粗野地用两只手把头发撩起来,抓得紧紧地,仿佛要把它撕断似的;然后又把它放下来,甩到肩后,仿佛这是一堆蛇似的。
'Are you a stranger in this place?' asked Harriet.“您是不是个外乡人?”哈里特问道。
'A stranger!' she returned, stopping between each short reply, and looking at the fire. 'Yes. Ten or a dozen years a stranger. I have had no almanack where I have been. Ten or a dozen years. I don't know this part. It's much altered since I went away.'“外乡人!”她回答道;每说完一个短句,她总要停顿一下,并看着炉火,”不错,当了十年或十多年的外乡人。我没有我在那里居住过的日历。大概是十年或十多年吧。我不认识这个地方。我离开以后,这里发生了很大的变化。”
'Have you been far?'“您这十来年所在的地方离这里远吗?”

The wanderer looked at her, in doubt and surprise, but without any expression of thankfulness; and sitting down, and taking off one of her worn shoes to beat out the fragments of stone and dust that were inside, showed that her foot was cut and bleeding.
Harriet uttering an expression of pity, the traveller looked up with a contemptuous and incredulous smile.
'Why, what's a torn foot to such as me?' she said. 'And what's a torn foot in such as me, to such as you?'
'Come in and wash it,' answered Harriet, mildly, 'and let me give you something to bind it up.'
The woman caught her arm, and drawing it before her own eyes, hid them against it, and wept. Not like a woman, but like a stern man surprised into that weakness; with a violent heaving of her breast, and struggle for recovery, that showed how unusual the emotion was with her.
She submitted to be led into the house, and, evidently more in gratitude than in any care for herself, washed and bound the injured place. Harriet then put before her fragments of her own frugal dinner, and when she had eaten of them, though sparingly, besought her, before resuming her road (which she showed her anxiety to do), to dry her clothes before the fire. Again, more in gratitude than with any evidence of concern in her own behalf, she sat down in front of it, and unbinding the handkerchief about her head, and letting her thick wet hair fall down below her waist, sat drying it with the palms of her hands, and looking at the blaze.
'I daresay you are thinking,' she said, lifting her head suddenly, 'that I used to be handsome, once. I believe I was - I know I was - Look here!' She held up her hair roughly with both hands; seizing it as if she would have torn it out; then, threw it down again, and flung it back as though it were a heap of serpents.
'Are you a stranger in this place?' asked Harriet.
'A stranger!' she returned, stopping between each short reply, and looking at the fire. 'Yes. Ten or a dozen years a stranger. I have had no almanack where I have been. Ten or a dozen years. I don't know this part. It's much altered since I went away.'
'Have you been far?'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
altered ['ɔ:ltəd]


v. 改变(alter的过去分词) adj. 改变了的;

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

incredulous [in'kredjuləs]


adj. 怀疑的,不轻信的

bleeding ['bli:diŋ]


n. 出血;渗色 adj. 流血的;同情的 v. 出血;

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

weakness ['wi:knis]


n. 软弱

contemptuous [kən'temptjuəs]


adj. 轻视的

recovery [ri'kʌvəri]


n. 恢复,复原,痊愈

frugal ['fru:gəl]


adj. 节俭的





