Q. What laptop do you recommend for my granddaughter who is heading off to college? I am not looking for any low cost bargains, but a solidly performing device with a good operating system that will last her at least though four years of college.
A. Based on your criteria, I'd recommend, without hesitation, the latest edition of Apple's MacBook Air, which is light, sturdy, thin, fast and gets over 10 hours of battery life on a single charge.
答:按照你的标准,我毫不犹豫地推荐苹果(Apple)最新款的MacBook Air。这款机器重量轻、坚固、又薄又快,电池充一次电可使用10个小时以上。
Q. Is there a tablet that works with Excel?
A. All Windows 8 and Windows RT tablets work with the standard desktop version of Excel, and some even come with Excel built in. Microsoft has also released a touch-optimized edition of Office for the iPhone, which also works on the iPad, that includes a stripped-down version of Excel, but it requires a subscription to the company's Office 365 service. An Android version is expected Wednesday. There are also apps, like CloudOn, that provide remote access to a standard version of Office, including Excel, on iPads and Android tablets.
答:所有搭载Windows 8和Windows RT系统的平板电脑都能使用标准台式机版本的Excel软件,有些平板自身就带内置的Excel。微软(Microsoft)还为iPhone推出了触屏优化的Office软件,也可以用在iPad上,其中就包含了精简版的Excel,不过要使用这款软件需要购买微软的Office 365服务。安卓(Android)版Office软件也在周三推出。另外还有CloudOn等应用程序可以为iPad或安卓版平板提供远程接入标准版Office的服务,其中也包括Excel。
Q. Is there an app for the Mac that I can use to write and print checks and reconcile my account online? We had Quicken, then Quicken Essentials for Mac. We have had nothing but problems with the latest version for Mac.
问:有没有一个应用软件可以让我在Mac电脑上写支票和打印支票,并且能在线对账?我的Mac上先装了Quicken,然后又装了Quicken Essentials,自从换了最新款的Mac版软件之后就麻烦不断。
A. You might try iBank or Moneydance, two leading Quicken competitors for Mac. Both have check-printing, account registers and other features. And both claim to be able to import data from Quicken. iBank is at iggsoftware.com. Moneydance is at Moneydance.com.