Let's face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who are single and love it and wouldn't change it for the world but these people are in the minority.
So, if most people who are still single would rather be in a relationship (of some kind), why are there so many single people out there?
I happen to be single myself and believe that there are some pretty good reasons to explain why single people like myself seem to stay single。
If you're one of the single people, keep on reading to see if one of these “top 5 reasons why you're alone” can explain why you're still single。
如果你也是单身,接着往下读,看看“五大单身理由” 里有没有哪一条符合你的情况。
n. 独立,自主,自立