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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第27章Part 10

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'By no means. Where would you wish it taken from?' she answered, turning to him with the same enforced attention as before.

Mr Dombey, with another bow, which cracked the starch in his cravat, would beg to leave that to the Artist.董贝先生又鞠了一个躬,这使他浆硬了的领带发出喀嚓喀嚓的响声;他请画家来决定这个问题。
'I would rather you chose for yourself,' said Edith.“我倒觉得最好由您自己来挑选,”伊迪丝说道。
'Suppose then,' said Mr Dombey, 'we say from here. It appears a good spot for the purpose, or - Carker, what do you think?'“那么,”董贝先生说,“假定说,就从这里画起。这看来倒是个可以画画的好地方,或者——卡克,您觉得怎么样?”
There happened to be in the foreground, at some little distance, a grove of trees, not unlike that In which Mr Carker had made his chain of footsteps in the morning, and with a seat under one tree, greatly resembling, in the general character of its situation, the point where his chain had broken.碰巧前面不远的地方有一个树林,很像卡克先生今天早上用脚步走出链条图案的那个树林;有一株树下有一条长凳,非常像他链条中断的那个地方。
'Might I venture to suggest to Mrs Granger,' said Carker, 'that that is an interesting - almost a curious - point of view?'“我可不可以向格兰杰夫人十分冒昧地建议,”卡克说道,“那个地方是个有趣的、甚至可以说是个奇妙的景色吧?”
She followed the direction of his riding-whip with her eyes, and raised them quickly to his face. It was the second glance they had exchanged since their introduction; and would have been exactly like the first, but that its expression was plainer.她的眼睛顺着他马鞭所指的方向看去,又迅速地抬起眼睛看看他的脸。这是她被介绍认识以后第二次交换的眼光,简直就和第一次眼光一模一样,只是它的表情更为明白罢了。
'Will you like that?' said Edith to Mr Dombey.“您喜欢那里吗?”伊迪丝问董贝先生。
'I shall be charmed,' said Mr Dombey to Edith.“它将会使我心醉神迷,”董贝先生对伊迪丝说。

'By no means. Where would you wish it taken from?' she answered, turning to him with the same enforced attention as before.
Mr Dombey, with another bow, which cracked the starch in his cravat, would beg to leave that to the Artist.
'I would rather you chose for yourself,' said Edith.
'Suppose then,' said Mr Dombey, 'we say from here. It appears a good spot for the purpose, or - Carker, what do you think?'
There happened to be in the foreground, at some little distance, a grove of trees, not unlike that In which Mr Carker had made his chain of footsteps in the morning, and with a seat under one tree, greatly resembling, in the general character of its situation, the point where his chain had broken.
'Might I venture to suggest to Mrs Granger,' said Carker, 'that that is an interesting - almost a curious - point of view?'
She followed the direction of his riding-whip with her eyes, and raised them quickly to his face. It was the second glance they had exchanged since their introduction; and would have been exactly like the first, but that its expression was plainer.
'Will you like that?' said Edith to Mr Dombey.
'I shall be charmed,' said Mr Dombey to Edith.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
venture ['ventʃə]


n. 冒险,风险,投机
v. 尝试,谨慎地做,

grove [grəuv]


n. 小树林,果树园

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

cravat [krə'væt]


n. 领带,围巾,三角绷带





