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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第26章Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Then, you aggravating monster,' said Cleopatra, giving one hand to the Major, and tapping his knuckles with her fan, which she held in the other: 'why don't you talk to me? you know what I mean. Why don't you tell me something to the purpose?'

The Major laughed, and kissed the hand she had bestowed upon him, and laughed again immensely.少校哈哈大笑,吻了吻她伸给他的手,又连连不停地哈哈大笑。
'Is there as much Heart in Mr Dombey as I gave him credit for?' languished Cleopatra tenderly. 'Do you think he is in earnest, my dear Major? Would you recommend his being spoken to, or his being left alone? Now tell me, like a dear man, what would you advise.'“董贝先生是不是像我所认为的心地真诚善良的人?”有气无力的克利奥佩特拉亲切地说道,“你认为他是真心实意的吗?我亲爱的少校?你认为需要跟他说说还是听他自便?现在请告诉我,亲爱的人,你的意见怎么样?”
'Shall we marry him to Edith Granger, Ma'am?' chuckled the Major, hoarsely.“我们要不要让他去跟伊迪丝·格兰杰结婚呢,夫人?”少校声音嘶哑地吃吃笑道。
'Mysterious creature!' returned Cleopatra, bringing her fan to bear upon the Major's nose. 'How can we marry him?'“莫名其妙的东西!”克利奥佩特拉举起扇子去打少校的鼻子,说道,“我们怎么能让他去结婚?”
'Shall we marry him to Edith Granger, Ma'am, I say?' chuckled the Major again.“我说,夫人,我们要不要让他去跟伊迪丝·格兰杰结婚?”少校又吃吃地笑道。
Mrs Skewton returned no answer in words, but smiled upon the Major with so much archness and vivacity, that that gallant officer considering himself challenged, would have imprinted a kiss on her exceedingly red lips, but for her interposing the fan with a very winning and juvenile dexterity. It might have been in modesty; it might have been in apprehension of some danger to their bloom.斯丘顿夫人没有答话,而是十分调皮、十分快活地向少校微笑着;这位好色的军官认为这是对自己的挑引,本想在她非常红的嘴唇上印上一个亲吻的,可是她却以十分可爱的、少女般的敏捷劲儿,用扇子挡住了。她这么做,也许是由于羞怯,但也许是由于她害怕嘴唇上涂染上的色泽会受到损害。
'Dombey, Ma'am,' said the Major, 'is a great catch.'“夫人,”少校说道,“董贝是个人人想开采的金矿。”
'Oh, mercenary wretch!' cried Cleopatra, with a little shriek, 'I am shocked.'“啊,你这满身铜臭的势利小人!”克利奥佩特拉轻轻地尖声喊道,“真叫我毛骨悚然。”
'And Dombey, Ma'am,' pursued the Major, thrusting forward his head, and distending his eyes, 'is in earnest. Joseph says it; Bagstock knows it; J. B. keeps him to the mark. Leave Dombey to himself, Ma'am. Dombey is safe, Ma'am. Do as you have done; do no more; and trust to J. B. for the end.'“夫人,”少校伸长脖子,睁大眼睛,继续说道,“董贝是真心实意的。约瑟夫这样说;白格斯托克知道这一点。乔·白正把他引到这一步。听凭董贝自己去吧,夫人。董贝是稳能到手的。你就跟过去一样行事好了,不要别的。请相信乔·白会把事情办到底的。”
'You really think so, my dear Major?' returned Cleopatra, who had eyed him very cautiously, and very searchingly, in spite of her listless bearing.“你真的这样想吗,我亲爱的少校?”克利奥佩特拉问道。她虽然是一副没精打采的姿态,但却很机警、很敏锐地逼视着他。
'Sure of it, Ma'am,' rejoined the Major. 'Cleopatra the peerless, and her Antony Bagstock, will often speak of this, triumphantly, when sharing the elegance and wealth of Edith Dombey's establishment. Dombey's right-hand man, Ma'am,' said the Major, stopping abruptly in a chuckle, and becoming serious, 'has arrived.'“绝对是真的,夫人,”少校回答道,“世上无双的克利奥佩特拉和她的安东尼·白格斯托克在伊迪丝·董贝富丽堂皇的公馆中享受财富时,将会经常得意扬扬地谈到这一点。夫人,董贝的左右手,”少校在吃吃的笑声中突然停住,一本正经地说道,“已经到这里来了。”
'This morning?' said Cleopatra.“今天早上?”克利奥佩特拉问道。

'Then, you aggravating monster,' said Cleopatra, giving one hand to the Major, and tapping his knuckles with her fan, which she held in the other: 'why don't you talk to me? you know what I mean. Why don't you tell me something to the purpose?'
The Major laughed, and kissed the hand she had bestowed upon him, and laughed again immensely.
'Is there as much Heart in Mr Dombey as I gave him credit for?' languished Cleopatra tenderly. 'Do you think he is in earnest, my dear Major? Would you recommend his being spoken to, or his being left alone? Now tell me, like a dear man, what would you advise.'
'Shall we marry him to Edith Granger, Ma'am?' chuckled the Major, hoarsely.
'Mysterious creature!' returned Cleopatra, bringing her fan to bear upon the Major's nose. 'How can we marry him?'
'Shall we marry him to Edith Granger, Ma'am, I say?' chuckled the Major again.
Mrs Skewton returned no answer in words, but smiled upon the Major with so much archness and vivacity, that that gallant officer considering himself challenged, would have imprinted a kiss on her exceedingly red lips, but for her interposing the fan with a very winning and juvenile dexterity. It might have been in modesty; it might have been in apprehension of some danger to their bloom.
'Dombey, Ma'am,' said the Major, 'is a great catch.'
'Oh, mercenary wretch!' cried Cleopatra, with a little shriek, 'I am shocked.'
'And Dombey, Ma'am,' pursued the Major, thrusting forward his head, and distending his eyes, 'is in earnest. Joseph says it; Bagstock knows it; J. B. keeps him to the mark. Leave Dombey to himself, Ma'am. Dombey is safe, Ma'am. Do as you have done; do no more; and trust to J. B. for the end.'
'You really think so, my dear Major?' returned Cleopatra, who had eyed him very cautiously, and very searchingly, in spite of her listless bearing.
'Sure of it, Ma'am,' rejoined the Major. 'Cleopatra the peerless, and her Antony Bagstock, will often speak of this, triumphantly, when sharing the elegance and wealth of Edith Dombey's establishment. Dombey's right-hand man, Ma'am,' said the Major, stopping abruptly in a chuckle, and becoming serious, 'has arrived.'
'This morning?' said Cleopatra.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
modesty ['mɔdisti]


n. 谦逊,虚心,端庄,朴实,中肯

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,

dexterity [deks'teriti]


n. 灵巧,机敏,手艺

vivacity [vi'væsiti]


n. 快活,活泼,精神充沛

credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

shriek [ʃri:k]


v. 尖叫,叫喊 n. 尖叫

establishment [is'tæbliʃmənt]


n. 确立,制定,设施,机构,权威

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

mercenary ['mə:sineri]


adj. 唯利是图的,雇佣的 n. 唯利是图的人,雇佣兵

elegance ['eligəns]


n. 高雅,典雅,优雅,简洁 n. 雅致的物品





