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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第25章Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
But as this step involved the relinquishment of his apartments at Mrs MacStinger's, and he knew that resolute woman would never hear of his deserting them, the Captain took the desperate determination of running away.但是采取这个步骤需要从麦克斯廷杰太太家的房间中搬出来,而他知道那位独断专行的女人是决不肯答应他把房间退掉的。所以他决定不顾一切,偷偷地逃走。
'Now, look ye here, my lad,' said the Captain to Rob, when he had matured this notable scheme, 'to-morrow, I shan't be found in this here roadstead till night - not till arter midnight p'rhaps. But you keep watch till you hear me knock, and the moment you do, turn-to, and open the door.'“我的孩子,现在你听着,”船长想好这个巧妙的计划后,对罗布说,“在明天夜间,也许还是半夜之前,在这个锚地将看不到我。但是,请你一直在这里看守着,直到你听到我敲门,那时候请你立刻跑来把门打开。”
'Very good, Captain,' said Rob.“我一定遵命,船长,”罗布说道。
'You'll continue to be rated on these here books,' pursued the Captain condescendingly, 'and I don't say but what you may get promotion, if you and me should pull together with a will. But the moment you hear me knock to-morrow night, whatever time it is, turn-to and show yourself smart with the door.'“你还跟过去一样在这里记帐,”船长平易近人地继续说道,“不用说,如果你和我配合得好,你甚至还可能得到提升。不过,明天夜间,你只要一听到我敲门,不论那是什么时候,你就得快手快脚地跑来,把门打开。”
'I'll be sure to do it, Captain,' replied Rob.“我一定这么做,船长,”罗布回答道。
'Because you understand,' resumed the Captain, coming back again to enforce this charge upon his mind, 'there may be, for anything I can say, a chase; and I might be took while I was waiting, if you didn't show yourself smart with the door.'“因为你知道,”船长解释道,他又重新回到原来的话题,想让这个指示牢牢地印刻在罗布的头脑中,“说不定后面会有人追来。如果你不快手快脚地把门打开,我在门外等待的时候就可能会被逮住。”
Rob again assured the Captain that he would be prompt and wakeful; and the Captain having made this prudent arrangement, went home to Mrs MacStinger's for the last time.罗布重新向船长保证,他将会动作敏捷,清醒机警。船长作了这番谨慎周到的安排之后,最后一次回到麦克斯廷杰太太的住所。
The sense the Captain had of its being the last time, and of the awful purpose hidden beneath his blue waistcoat, inspired him with such a mortal dread of Mrs MacStinger, that the sound of that lady's foot downstairs at any time of the day, was sufficient to throw him into a fit of trembling. It fell out, too, that Mrs MacStinger was in a charming temper - mild and placid as a house- lamb; and Captain Cuttle's conscience suffered terrible twinges, when she came up to inquire if she could cook him nothing for his dinner.船长知道,他是最后一次待在那里;在他蓝色的背心下面正隐藏着残酷无情的决心。这样一种感觉,使他在心中对麦克斯廷杰太太感到非常害怕;这一天不论在什么时候,只要一听到这位太太在楼下的脚步声,都可以使他直打哆嗦。再说,这天又碰巧麦克斯廷杰太太的脾气又极好,就像小羊羔一般温厚善良,心平气和;当她上楼来问她能为他准备点什么晚饭的时候,卡特尔船长的良心受到了可怕的责备。
'A nice small kidney-pudding now, Cap'en Cuttle,' said his landlady: 'or a sheep's heart. Don't mind my trouble.'“用腰子做个美味的小布丁怎么样,卡特尔船长?”他的房东太太问道,“要不就来个羊心。我做起来费事些,这您可不用担心。”
'No thank'ee, Ma'am,' returned the Captain.“不,谢谢您,夫人。”船长回答道。

But as this step involved the relinquishment of his apartments at Mrs MacStinger's, and he knew that resolute woman would never hear of his deserting them, the Captain took the desperate determination of running away.
'Now, look ye here, my lad,' said the Captain to Rob, when he had matured this notable scheme, 'to-morrow, I shan't be found in this here roadstead till night - not till arter midnight p'rhaps. But you keep watch till you hear me knock, and the moment you do, turn-to, and open the door.'
'Very good, Captain,' said Rob.
'You'll continue to be rated on these here books,' pursued the Captain condescendingly, 'and I don't say but what you may get promotion, if you and me should pull together with a will. But the moment you hear me knock to-morrow night, whatever time it is, turn-to and show yourself smart with the door.'
'I'll be sure to do it, Captain,' replied Rob.
'Because you understand,' resumed the Captain, coming back again to enforce this charge upon his mind, 'there may be, for anything I can say, a chase; and I might be took while I was waiting, if you didn't show yourself smart with the door.'
Rob again assured the Captain that he would be prompt and wakeful; and the Captain having made this prudent arrangement, went home to Mrs MacStinger's for the last time.
The sense the Captain had of its being the last time, and of the awful purpose hidden beneath his blue waistcoat, inspired him with such a mortal dread of Mrs MacStinger, that the sound of that lady's foot downstairs at any time of the day, was sufficient to throw him into a fit of trembling. It fell out, too, that Mrs MacStinger was in a charming temper - mild and placid as a house- lamb; and Captain Cuttle's conscience suffered terrible twinges, when she came up to inquire if she could cook him nothing for his dinner.
'A nice small kidney-pudding now, Cap'en Cuttle,' said his landlady: 'or a sheep's heart. Don't mind my trouble.'
'No thank'ee, Ma'am,' returned the Captain.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
temper ['tempə]


n. 脾气,性情
vt. 使缓和,调和 <

inspired [in'spaiəd]


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

notable ['nəutəbl]


adj. 显著的,著名的
n. 名人

resumed [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m]


n. 履历;个人简历;摘要 vt. 重新开始;重新获得

scheme [ski:m]


n. 方案,计划,阴谋
v. 计画,设计,体系

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

mild [maild]


adj. 温和的,柔和的

dread [dred]


n. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事
adj. 可怕

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





