I know I’m not the only one that goes double time up the basement stairs after turning out the light. The dark is an unknown area. What we used to know so well is eclipsed in blackness and regular objects take new shape with the help of our imagination. Today’s graphic delves into the reason why our species is afraid of the dark.
Researchers believe that being afraid of the dark has been in human DNA since we evolved. Over 15% of children between 8 years of age and 12 still list the Dark as their biggest fear when usually four to six year old’s are the most frightened. Sometimes the dark will give me the heeby-jeebies, but I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily scared. My conscious mind always tells myself there’s nothing to worry about and I forget about it. I like to keep my room dark, I like to fish at night. The night time is a wonderful time and I feel bad for the 5% of adults who are afraid of it.
研究者们认为,自从进化开始,“怕黑”这种特征已存在于人类的DNA中。通常情况下,4-6岁的儿童最怕黑,而8-12岁的儿童中有15%以上仍把黑暗视为最大的恐惧。某些时候黑暗会让我变得神经紧绷,但不一定是惊慌。我的意识会不断对我说“这没什么好怕的”,然后我就会忘记害怕这回事。我喜欢我的屋子保 持黑暗,我喜欢夜间出去钓鱼。夜晚的时光很美妙,而对于5%怕黑的那些成人来说,应该就没那么惬意了。
Sleep tight tonight you guys, and do let the monsters bite!