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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第24章Part 1

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Sir Barnet and Lady Skettles, very good people, resided in a pretty villa at Fulham, on the banks of the Thames; which was one of the most desirable residences in the world when a rowing-match happened to be going past, but had its little inconveniences at other times, among which may be enumerated the occasional appearance of the river in the drawing-room, and the contemporaneous disappearance of the lawn and shrubbery.巴尼特爵士和斯克特尔斯夫人是很善良的人们,居住在泰晤士河畔富勒姆的一座精致的别墅中;在举行划船竞赛的时候,这是世界上最令人羡慕的住宅之一,但在其他时候它却也有一些麻烦的小事,其中可以提到的是,河水偶尔会流进客厅,并会把草坪的灌木暂时淹没。
Sir Barnet Skettles expressed his personal consequence chiefly through an antique gold snuffbox, and a ponderous silk pocket-kerchief, which he had an imposing manner of drawing out of his pocket like a banner and using with both hands at once. Sir Barnet's object in life was constantly to extend the range of his acquaintance. Like a heavy body dropped into water - not to disparage so worthy a gentleman by the comparison - it was in the nature of things that Sir Barnet must spread an ever widening circle about him, until there was no room left. Or, like a sound in air, the vibration of which, according to the speculation of an ingenious modern philosopher, may go on travelling for ever through the interminable fields of space, nothing but coming to the end of his moral tether could stop Sir Barnet Skettles in his voyage of discovery through the social system.巴尼特爵士主要是通过一个老式的金制鼻烟壶和一块笨大的绸手绢来显示他本人的重要身份;他用庄严的神态把这块手绢从衣袋中像一面旗子一般抽出来,同时用两只手使用它。巴尼特爵士生活的目的是不断扩大交游的范围。这是合乎事物的本性的:巴尼特爵士就像一个沉重的物体掉进水里一样——我们决不是想用这个比方来贬低这样一位德高望重的绅士——,必须在他的周围展开愈来愈大的圈子,直到没有什么地方可以再扩展为止。或者他像空气中的声音一样,根据一位机智的现代的哲学家的猜测,它的振动可以通过无止境的空间接连不断地进行下去;除非寿终正寝,没有任何其他事物能阻止巴尼特·斯克特尔斯爵士通过社会制度来寻找新朋友的行程。
Sir Barnet was proud of making people acquainted with people. He liked the thing for its own sake, and it advanced his favourite object too. For example, if Sir Barnet had the good fortune to get hold of a law recruit, or a country gentleman, and ensnared him to his hospitable villa, Sir Barnet would say to him, on the morning after his arrival, 'Now, my dear Sir, is there anybody you would like to know? Who is there you would wish to meet? Do you take any interest in writing people, or in painting or sculpturing people, or in acting people, or in anything of that sort?' Possibly the patient answered yes, and mentioned somebody, of whom Sir Barnet had no more personal knowledge than of Ptolemy the Great. Sir Barnet replied, that nothing on earth was easier, as he knew him very well: immediately called on the aforesaid somebody, left his card, wrote a short note, - 'My dear Sir - penalty of your eminent position - friend at my house naturally desirous - Lady Skettles and myself participate - trust that geniusbeing superior to ceremonies, you will do us the distinguished favour of giving us the pleasure,' etc, etc. - and so killed a brace of birds with one stone, dead as door-nails.巴尼特爵士感到自豪的是,他能使人们与人们相互认识。他喜欢做这种事是由于这种事情本身的原因,而这同时又促进了他所喜爱的目的。举个例子来说,如果巴尼特先生有幸找到了一个生手或是一位乡下的绅士,并千方百计把他请到他好客的别墅中的话,那么,巴尼特爵士就会在他到达的当天早上对他说,“唔,我亲爱的先生,您想要认识什么人吗?您希望跟谁会晤?您是不是对作家、画家、雕刻家、演员或者这一类的人物有兴趣?”这位落到他手里的人可能会答复说是的,并点了某个人的名字;虽然巴尼特爵士对这个人并不比对托勒密大帝①更认识,但是巴尼特爵士却会回答说,世界上没有什么比这更容易的事了,因为他跟他很熟悉;于是他立即就去拜访上面所提到的那个人,留下名片,写了一张短笺:“我尊敬的先生,——久仰您崇高的地位——住在我家的朋友——斯克特尔斯夫人和我本人也和他一起——相信天才是超越于虚礼客套之上的,因此自然地渴望您将赐予我们无上光荣,满足我们谒见尊容的要求”等等,等等,就这样用一块石头同时打死两只鸟。
With the snuff-box and banner in full force, Sir Barnet Skettles propounded his usual inquiry to Florence on the first morning of her visit. When Florence thanked him, and said there was no one in particular whom she desired to see, it was natural she should think with a pang, of poor lost Walter. When Sir Barnet Skettles, urging his kind offer, said, 'My dear Miss Dombey, are you sure you can remember no one whom your good Papa - to whom I beg you present the best compliments of myself and Lady Skettles when you write - might wish you to know?' it was natural, perhaps, that her poor head should droop a little, and that her voice should tremble as it softly answered in the negative.弗洛伦斯前来访问的第二天早上,巴尼特·斯克特尔斯充分动用了鼻烟壶和旗子,向她提出了他通常所提的问题。当弗洛伦斯谢谢他,说她并不特别想要见什么人的时候,她自然怀着悲痛想到了可怜的、下落不明的沃尔特。巴尼特·斯克特尔斯爵士又提出他的好意的建议,说,“我亲爱的董贝小姐,您相信您就记不起您的好爸爸可能希望您去认识的一个人了吗?——我请求您在写信时向他转达我本人和斯克特尔斯夫人最亲切的问候”,这时候,也许是很自然的,当她轻声地作了否定的答复时,她那可怜的头向下稍稍低垂,她的声音是颤抖的。
Skettles Junior, much stiffened as to his cravat, and sobered down as to his spirits' was at home for the holidays, and appeared to feel himself aggrieved by the solicitude of his excellent mother that he should be attentive to Florence. Another and a deeper injury under which the soul of young Barnet chafed, was the company of Dr and Mrs Blimber, who had been invited on a visit to the paternal roof-tree, and of whom the young gentleman often said he would have preferred their passing the vacation at Jericho.小斯克特尔斯佩带着浆得笔挺的领带,情绪庄重沉着,在这段放假的日子里待在家中;由于他的卓越非凡的母亲殷切地希望他必须对弗洛伦斯殷勤关切,他似乎感到十分烦恼。小巴尼特心灵受到折磨的另一个和更深的伤害是跟布林伯博士和夫人在一起;他们被邀请前来访问,并住在他父亲的房屋中。这位年轻的先生不时说,他真巴不得他们最好到耶里哥①去度假。
'Is there anybody you can suggest now, Doctor Blimber?' said Sir Barnet Skettles, turning to that gentleman.“您能建议去访问什么人吗,布林伯博士?”巴尼特·斯克特尔斯爵士向那位先生问道。

Sir Barnet and Lady Skettles, very good people, resided in a pretty villa at Fulham, on the banks of the Thames; which was one of the most desirable residences in the world when a rowing-match happened to be going past, but had its little inconveniences at other times, among which may be enumerated the occasional appearance of the river in the drawing-room, and the contemporaneous disappearance of the lawn and shrubbery.
Sir Barnet Skettles expressed his personal consequence chiefly through an antique gold snuffbox, and a ponderous silk pocket-kerchief, which he had an imposing manner of drawing out of his pocket like a banner and using with both hands at once. Sir Barnet's object in life was constantly to extend the range of his acquaintance. Like a heavy body dropped into water - not to disparage so worthy a gentleman by the comparison - it was in the nature of things that Sir Barnet must spread an ever widening circle about him, until there was no room left. Or, like a sound in air, the vibration of which, according to the speculation of an ingenious modern philosopher, may go on travelling for ever through the interminable fields of space, nothing but coming to the end of his moral tether could stop Sir Barnet Skettles in his voyage of discovery through the social system.
Sir Barnet was proud of making people acquainted with people. He liked the thing for its own sake, and it advanced his favourite object too. For example, if Sir Barnet had the good fortune to get hold of a law recruit, or a country gentleman, and ensnared him to his hospitable villa, Sir Barnet would say to him, on the morning after his arrival, 'Now, my dear Sir, is there anybody you would like to know? Who is there you would wish to meet? Do you take any interest in writing people, or in painting or sculpturing people, or in acting people, or in anything of that sort?' Possibly the patient answered yes, and mentioned somebody, of whom Sir Barnet had no more personal knowledge than of Ptolemy the Great. Sir Barnet replied, that nothing on earth was easier, as he knew him very well: immediately called on the aforesaid somebody, left his card, wrote a short note, - 'My dear Sir - penalty of your eminent position - friend at my house naturally desirous - Lady Skettles and myself participate - trust that geniusbeing superior to ceremonies, you will do us the distinguished favour of giving us the pleasure,' etc, etc. - and so killed a brace of birds with one stone, dead as door-nails.
With the snuff-box and banner in full force, Sir Barnet Skettles propounded his usual inquiry to Florence on the first morning of her visit. When Florence thanked him, and said there was no one in particular whom she desired to see, it was natural she should think with a pang, of poor lost Walter. When Sir Barnet Skettles, urging his kind offer, said, 'My dear Miss Dombey, are you sure you can remember no one whom your good Papa - to whom I beg you present the best compliments of myself and Lady Skettles when you write - might wish you to know?' it was natural, perhaps, that her poor head should droop a little, and that her voice should tremble as it softly answered in the negative.
Skettles Junior, much stiffened as to his cravat, and sobered down as to his spirits' was at home for the holidays, and appeared to feel himself aggrieved by the solicitude of his excellent mother that he should be attentive to Florence. Another and a deeper injury under which the soul of young Barnet chafed, was the company of Dr and Mrs Blimber, who had been invited on a visit to the paternal roof-tree, and of whom the young gentleman often said he would have preferred their passing the vacation at Jericho.
'Is there anybody you can suggest now, Doctor Blimber?' said Sir Barnet Skettles, turning to that gentleman.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
spread [spred]


v. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒

penalty ['penəlti]


n. 处罚,惩罚

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

aggrieved [ə'gri:vd]


adj. (因受伤害而)愤愤不平的,痛心的,受到侵犯的

attentive [ə'tentiv]


adj. 注意的,留意的

ponderous ['pɔndərəs]


adj. 笨重的,笨拙的,乏味的

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs]


adj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负





