In a note to clients Wednesday, Morgan Stanley's Katy Huberty, just back from China, reports on "feedback" from Asian carriers and suppliers that she views as positive for Apple (AAPL).
在本周三致客户的报告中,刚从中国返美的摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析师凯蒂·休伯蒂列举了来自亚洲运营商和供应商的“反馈”,她认为这些对苹果(Apple)而言是利好消息。
She makes several points: (I quote)
After a slow start, iPhone 5 is now on track to meet carrier volume expectations.
虽然起步较慢,但就目前的形势来看,iPhone 5显然有望达到运营商的销量预期。
iPhone 4 price cuts could stimulate incremental demand near-term.
iPhone 4降价能在近期刺激市场需求。
Carriers see the opportunity for Apple to expand market coverage with 5-inch and lower-priced iPhones over time.
TD-LTE licenses, and related phone launches, are expected by year-end.
That last point may be particularly significant as it suggests that a contract with the last major Chinese iPhone holdout -- China Mobile (CHL), the world's largest carrier with more than 700 million subscribers -- could be signed before the end of the year.
最后一点意义尤为重大,因为它表明苹果有望在年底前同中国几大运营商中唯一尚未发售iPhone的中国移动(China Mobile)签署合同。中国移动是全球最大的运营商,拥有7亿多用户。
Separately, Taiwan's DigiTimes reported Tuesday that China Mobile was expected to start an open-bid competition process as early as mid-May to procure equipment for 200,000 TD-LTE base stations for installation in 100 Chinese cities.
另外,台湾媒体《电子时报》(DigiTimes )本周二报道称,中国移动预计将在5月中旬启动公开竞标程序,为中国100个城市的20万个TD-LTE基站采购设备。