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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第23章Part 6

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
There were many careless loungers through the street, as the summer evening deepened into night, who glanced across the road at the sombre house, and saw the youthful figure at the window, such a contrast to it, looking upward at the stars as they began to shine, who would have slept the worse if they had known on what design she mused so steady. The reputation of the mansion as a haunted house, would not have been the gayer with some humble dwellers elsewhere, who were struck by its external gloom in passing and repassing on their daily avocations, and so named it, if they could have read its story in the darkening face. But Florence held her sacred purpose, unsuspected and unaided: and studied only how to bring her father to the understanding that she loved him, and made no appeal against him in any wandering thought.当夏晚的暮色逐渐加深、转变成夜间的时候,街上有许多无忧无虑的闲逛的人,从街道对过向这座阴沉的房屋看看,看到一个年轻的人影正在仰望闪耀的星星,她与这座房屋形成了一个鲜明的对照;如果他们知道她心中坚定不移地怀抱着什么打算的话,那么他们是会睡不安稳的。有些住在别处的胆小的居民为了从事日常事务,来来回回地经过这里时,看到它那阴沉沉的外表,感到十分惊愕,以为里面一定有鬼魂经常出没,就给它取了个鬼屋的名称;如果他们能读到它那忧郁的外表所包含的历史,那么他们就不会因为这座公馆有着鬼屋的名声而心情感到轻松一些的。可是弗洛伦斯抱着她的神圣目的,没有受到任何怀疑,也没有得到任何帮助;她只是思考着怎样使她的父亲了解到她爱他;在她的浮思漫想中从来没有一点责怪的念头。
Thus Florence lived alone in the deserted house, and day succeeded day, and still she lived alone, and the monotonous walls looked down upon her with a stare, as if they had a Gorgon-like intent to stare her youth and beauty into stone.弗洛伦斯就这样孤独地居住在这座无人过问的公馆中;一天又一天地过去,她仍孤独地居住着;单调沉闷的墙壁含着一动不动的眼光俯视着她,仿佛它们怀着戈冈一般的意图,决心使她的青春和美貌转变成石头似的。
Susan Nipper stood opposite to her young mistress one morning, as she folded and sealed a note she had been writing: and showed in her looks an approving knowledge of its contents.有一天早上,当弗洛伦斯在折叠和封上一封她刚写好的短笺时,苏珊·尼珀站在她年轻的女主人面前,脸上流露出赞成的神情,表示她已知道这封短笺的内容了。
'Better late than never, dear Miss Floy,' said Susan, 'and I do say, that even a visit to them old Skettleses will be a Godsend.'“迟去比不去好,亲爱的弗洛伊小姐,”苏珊说道,“我确实这么说,哪怕就是去拜访拜访老斯克特尔斯他们,也是天赐的幸福。”
'It is very good of Sir Barnet and Lady Skettles, Susan,' returned Florence, with a mild correction of that young lady's familiar mention of the family in question, 'to repeat their invitation so kindly.'“苏珊,巴尼特爵士和斯克特尔斯夫人确实是一片好意”,弗洛伦斯温和地纠正了这位姑娘对这家人过于随便的称呼,回答道,“他们又十分客气地来邀请了。”
Miss Nipper, who was perhaps the most thoroughgoing partisan on the face of the earth, and who carried her partisanship into all matters great or small, and perpetually waged war with it against society, screwed up her lips and shook her head, as a protest against any recognition of disinterestedness in the Skettleses, and a plea in bar that they would have valuable consideration for their kindness, in the company of Florence.尼珀姑娘也许是世界上最能偏袒同类、责难异己的人了;她把她的这种宗派观念带到大大小小的一切事情之中,经常不断地向社会宣战;这时她歪着嘴唇,摇摇头,表示不承认斯克特尔斯这家人就没有私心,并准备随时到法庭去答辩,弗洛伦斯到他们那里去玩,他们的殷勤是会得到丰厚报酬的。
'They know what they're about, if ever people did,' murmured Miss Nipper, drawing in her breath 'oh! trust them Skettleses for that!'“人们做事情总知道他们为的是什么;”尼珀小姐吸进一口气,嘀咕着说道,“得啦,就相信斯克特尔斯他们吧!”
'I am not very anxious to go to Fulham, Susan, I confess,' said Florence thoughtfully: 'but it will be right to go. I think it will be better.'“说实在的,苏珊,我并不特别想去富勒姆,”弗洛伦斯若有所思地说道,“不过去是对的。我想,那样好些。”
'Much better,' interposed Susan, with another emphatic shake of her head.“好得多,”苏珊插嘴道,又有力地点了一下头。
'And so,' said Florence, 'though I would prefer to have gone when there was no one there, instead of in this vacation time, when it seems there are some young people staying in the house, I have thankfully said yes.'“尽管我宁愿在那里没人的时候去,”弗洛伦斯继续说道,“而不是现在放假的时候去,(现在屋子里似乎还有什么年轻人住在那里呢),不过我还是感谢地接受了这次邀请。”
'For which I say, Miss Floy, Oh be joyful!' returned Susan, 'Ah!“这我得说,弗洛伊小姐,快活快活吧!”苏珊回答道,“嗳呀呀!”

There were many careless loungers through the street, as the summer evening deepened into night, who glanced across the road at the sombre house, and saw the youthful figure at the window, such a contrast to it, looking upward at the stars as they began to shine, who would have slept the worse if they had known on what design she mused so steady. The reputation of the mansion as a haunted house, would not have been the gayer with some humble dwellers elsewhere, who were struck by its external gloom in passing and repassing on their daily avocations, and so named it, if they could have read its story in the darkening face. But Florence held her sacred purpose, unsuspected and unaided: and studied only how to bring her father to the understanding that she loved him, and made no appeal against him in any wandering thought.
Thus Florence lived alone in the deserted house, and day succeeded day, and still she lived alone, and the monotonous walls looked down upon her with a stare, as if they had a Gorgon-like intent to stare her youth and beauty into stone.
Susan Nipper stood opposite to her young mistress one morning, as she folded and sealed a note she had been writing: and showed in her looks an approving knowledge of its contents.
'Better late than never, dear Miss Floy,' said Susan, 'and I do say, that even a visit to them old Skettleses will be a Godsend.'
'It is very good of Sir Barnet and Lady Skettles, Susan,' returned Florence, with a mild correction of that young lady's familiar mention of the family in question, 'to repeat their invitation so kindly.'
Miss Nipper, who was perhaps the most thoroughgoing partisan on the face of the earth, and who carried her partisanship into all matters great or small, and perpetually waged war with it against society, screwed up her lips and shook her head, as a protest against any recognition of disinterestedness in the Skettleses, and a plea in bar that they would have valuable consideration for their kindness, in the company of Florence.
'They know what they're about, if ever people did,' murmured Miss Nipper, drawing in her breath 'oh! trust them Skettleses for that!'
'I am not very anxious to go to Fulham, Susan, I confess,' said Florence thoughtfully: 'but it will be right to go. I think it will be better.'
'Much better,' interposed Susan, with another emphatic shake of her head.
'And so,' said Florence, 'though I would prefer to have gone when there was no one there, instead of in this vacation time, when it seems there are some young people staying in the house, I have thankfully said yes.'
'For which I say, Miss Floy, Oh be joyful!' returned Susan, 'Ah!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

plea [pli:]


n. 恳求,申诉,请愿,抗辩,借口

emphatic [im'fætik]


adj. 强调的,语调强的,引人注意的

recognition [.rekəg'niʃən]


n. 认出,承认,感知,知识

mansion ['mænʃən]


n. 大厦,豪宅,楼宇

mild [maild]


adj. 温和的,柔和的

sacred ['seikrid]


adj. 神圣的,受尊重的

careless ['kɛəlis]


adj. 粗心的,疏忽的
n. 不关心的,粗心





