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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第22章Part 12

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Oh, it's of no consequence, thank'ee,' was the invariable reply of Mr Toots; and when he had said so, he always went away very fast.“哦,这无关紧要,谢谢您。”这是图茨先生固定不变的回答。说完这句话之后,他总是很快地就走开了。
Now it is certain that Mr Toots had a filmy something in his mind, which led him to conclude that if he could aspire successfully in the fulness of time, to the hand of Florence, he would be fortunate and blest. It is certain that Mr Toots, by some remote and roundabout road, had got to that point, and that there he made a stand. His heart was wounded; he was touched; he was in love. He had made a desperate attempt, one night, and had sat up all night for the purpose, to write an acrostic on Florence, which affected him to tears in the conception. But he never proceeded in the execution further than the words 'For when I gaze,' - the flow of imagination in which he had previously written down the initial letters of the other seven lines, deserting him at that point.毫无疑问,图茨先生心中有一种模模糊糊的思想,这种思想使他断定:如果随着时间的到来,他能成功地向弗洛伦斯求婚,那么他将是幸运和幸福的。毫无疑问,图茨先生是通过某种遥远和迂回的道路得出这个想法的,他在这里站住了。他的心受了创伤;他的心弦被触动了;他恋爱了。有一天夜里,他绞尽脑计,百般尝试,整夜坐着写一首关于弗洛伦斯的离合体的诗;在构思过程中他感动得流泪,可是他写下:“弗要怪我凝视着您”这几个字以后,再也没有写下去。他在想象的涌流中先前曾经写下其他三行的第一个字,但是他的想象力却到此中断,完全离开他了。
Beyond devising that very artful and politic measure of leaving a card for Mr Dombey daily, the brain of Mr Toots had not worked much in reference to the subject that held his feelings prisoner. But deep consideration at length assured Mr Toots that an important step to gain, was, the conciliation of Miss Susan Nipper, preparatory to giving her some inkling of his state of mind.图茨先生每天给董贝先生留下一张名片,这是他想出的一个巧妙并很有策略的办法;但是除此之外,在这个俘虏了他的感情的问题上,他的头脑并没有思索出更多的高招。但是深深的考虑终于使图茨先生相信,在向苏珊·尼珀姑娘稍稍暗示他的心情之前,重要的一步是先博得她的好感。
A little light and playful gallantry towards this lady seemed the means to employ in that early chapter of the history, for winning her to his interests. Not being able quite to make up his mind about it, he consulted the Chicken - without taking that gentleman into his confidence; merely informing him that a friend in Yorkshire had written to him (Mr Toots) for his opinion on such a question. The Chicken replying that his opinion always was, 'Go in and win,' and further, 'When your man's before you and your work cut out, go in and do it,' Mr Toots considered this a figurative way of supporting his own view of the case, and heroically resolved to kiss Miss Nipper next day.在这部小说前头的一章中谈到,他似乎曾用一些轻松的、开玩笑的方式向这位女士显示殷勤,把她争取到他这一边来。他打不定主意这件事该怎么办,就向斗鸡请教——他并没有向这位先生透露内心的秘密,而只是告诉他,他在约克郡有一位朋友写信给他,征求他对这个问题的意见。斗鸡回答道,他的意见总是这样:“去吧,去打一场胜仗!”“当你的敌手已经站在你的面前,你的任务又务必完成时,那就上前去,大打一场!”图茨先生把这些话看成是用比喻的方式来支持他本人的看法,于是就英勇地决定在第二天去吻尼珀姑娘。
Upon the next day, therefore, Mr Toots, putting into requisition some of the greatest marvels that Burgess and Co. had ever turned out, went off to Mr Dotnbey's upon this design. But his heart failed him so much as he approached the scene of action, that, although he arrived on the ground at three o'clock in the afternoon, it was six before he knocked at the door.因此,在第二天,图茨先生穿上了伯吉斯公司裁剪的最为美妙的服装,抱着这个目的出发到董贝先生家里去。可是当他走近行动地点时,他的勇气却不听从他的愿望;虽然他在下午三点钟就已到达门口,可是直到六点钟他才敲门。
Everything happened as usual, down to the point where Susan said her young mistress was well, and Mr Toots said it was ofno consequence. To her amazement, Mr Toots, instead of going off, like a rocket, after that observation, lingered and chuckled.'Perhaps you'd like to walk upstairs, Sir!' said Susan.一切都像往常一样进行,直到苏珊说她的女主人身体健康,图茨先生说这无关紧要的时候。使她感到惊奇的是,图茨先生说完那句话以后没有像火箭一样地离开,而是拖延着不走和吃吃地笑着。“也许您愿意上楼去吧,先生?”苏珊说道。
'Well, I think I will come in!' said Mr Toots.“唔,我想我进来吧!”图茨先生说道。
But instead of walking upstairs, the bold Toots made an awkward plunge at Susan when the door was shut, and embracing that fair creature, kissed her on the cheek可是他没有上楼;在门关上之后,卤莽的图茨笨手笨脚地向苏珊猛冲过去,拥抱住那个漂亮的人儿,并吻她的脸颊。
'Go along with you!~ cried Susan, 'or Ill tear your eyes out.'“滚开!”苏珊喊道,“要不我将把您的眼珠子给抓出来!”
'Just another!' said Mr Toots.“再吻一次!”图茨先生说道。

Oh, it's of no consequence, thank'ee,' was the invariable reply of Mr Toots; and when he had said so, he always went away very fast.
Now it is certain that Mr Toots had a filmy something in his mind, which led him to conclude that if he could aspire successfully in the fulness of time, to the hand of Florence, he would be fortunate and blest. It is certain that Mr Toots, by some remote and roundabout road, had got to that point, and that there he made a stand. His heart was wounded; he was touched; he was in love. He had made a desperate attempt, one night, and had sat up all night for the purpose, to write an acrostic on Florence, which affected him to tears in the conception. But he never proceeded in the execution further than the words 'For when I gaze,' - the flow of imagination in which he had previously written down the initial letters of the other seven lines, deserting him at that point.
Beyond devising that very artful and politic measure of leaving a card for Mr Dombey daily, the brain of Mr Toots had not worked much in reference to the subject that held his feelings prisoner. But deep consideration at length assured Mr Toots that an important step to gain, was, the conciliation of Miss Susan Nipper, preparatory to giving her some inkling of his state of mind.
A little light and playful gallantry towards this lady seemed the means to employ in that early chapter of the history, for winning her to his interests. Not being able quite to make up his mind about it, he consulted the Chicken - without taking that gentleman into his confidence; merely informing him that a friend in Yorkshire had written to him (Mr Toots) for his opinion on such a question. The Chicken replying that his opinion always was, 'Go in and win,' and further, 'When your man's before you and your work cut out, go in and do it,' Mr Toots considered this a figurative way of supporting his own view of the case, and heroically resolved to kiss Miss Nipper next day.
Upon the next day, therefore, Mr Toots, putting into requisition some of the greatest marvels that Burgess and Co. had ever turned out, went off to Mr Dotnbey's upon this design. But his heart failed him so much as he approached the scene of action, that, although he arrived on the ground at three o'clock in the afternoon, it was six before he knocked at the door.
Everything happened as usual, down to the point where Susan said her young mistress was well, and Mr Toots said it was ofno consequence. To her amazement, Mr Toots, instead of going off, like a rocket, after that observation, lingered and chuckled.'Perhaps you'd like to walk upstairs, Sir!' said Susan.
'Well, I think I will come in!' said Mr Toots.
But instead of walking upstairs, the bold Toots made an awkward plunge at Susan when the door was shut, and embracing that fair creature, kissed her on the cheek
'Go along with you!~ cried Susan, 'or Ill tear your eyes out.'
'Just another!' said Mr Toots.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
execution [.eksi'kju:ʃən]


n. 执行,实施,处决
n. 技巧,表演

prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

observation [.ɔbzə'veiʃən]


n. 观察,观察力,评论
adj. 被设计用来

conception [kən'sepʃən]


n. 概念,观念,构想,怀孕

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

previously ['pri:vju:sli]


adv. 先前,在此之前

confidence ['kɔnfidəns]


adj. 骗得信任的
n. 信任,信心,把握

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

affected [ə'fektid]


adj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做





