在大部分事务上玛格丽特•撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)都是正确的,虽然反对她的人还是很难认同这一点。
She was right that Britain’s trade unions had become much too powerful. She was right that nationalised industries had to be privatised. She was right that inflation has monetary causes.
She was also mostly right about foreign policy. She was right to drive the forces of Argentina’s junta out of the Falklands and she was right to exhort a “wobbly” George H.W. Bush to mete out the same treatment to Saddam Hussein’s forces in Kuwait.
在外交政策上她大多数时候也是正确的。她将阿根廷军政府的部队赶出福克兰群岛(Falklands,即马尔维纳斯群岛)是正确之举;她告诫“摇摆不定的”老布什(George H.W. Bush)对萨达姆•候赛因(Saddam Hussein)在科威特的军队采取同样的措施也是正确的。
Though dubbed the “Iron Lady” by a Soviet magazine, her hawkishness in the cold war did not blind her to the possibilities of doing business with Mikhail Gorbachev. Like Ronald Reagan, she was quick to see the opportunity offered by his policies of glasnost and perestroika.
尽管被一家苏联杂志称为“铁娘子”,她在冷战期间的鹰派立场并没有使她无视与米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)打交道的可能性。与罗纳德•里根(Ronald Reagan)一样,她很快就从戈尔巴乔夫的开放与改革政策中看到了机会。