Here are some of the best interview questions that have been asked at Wall Street firms. Some tests are to see how well you solve problems analytically. Others are harder: tests to see how well you'll "fit" with the firm. Ie. Do you have the right personality?
1. CITIGROUP: "What is your strategy at table tennis?"
1. 花旗集团:你打乒乓时采用什么战略?
2. HEDGE FUND: "Tell me a clean joke."
2. 某对冲基金公司:讲个非黄色笑话吧。
3. APITAL ONE: "How do you evaluate Subway's $5 foot-long sub policy?"
3. 第一资本金融公司:你如何评价赛百味快餐推出的5美元三明治促销活动?”
4. HEDGE FUND: "What's the best e-mail address you've ever seen, and why?"
4. 某对冲基金公司:你见过的最好的邮箱地址是怎样的?为什么?
5. BROWN & BROWN INSURANCE: "How would you rate your life on a scale of 1 to 10?"
5. 布朗&布朗保险公司:如果满分是10分,你给自己的生活打几分?
6. GOLDMAN SACHS: "Suppose you had eight identical balls. One of them is slightly heavier and you are given a balance scale. What's the fewest number of times you have to use the scale to find the heavier ball?
6. 高盛集团:假设你有8个外观相同的球,其中一个比其他稍重。如果给你一个天平,最少称几次你可以找出这只稍重的球?
7. UBS: "If we were playing Russian roulette and had one bullet, I randomly spun the chamber and fired but nothing was fired, would you rather fire the gun again or respin the chamber and then fire on your turn?"
7. 瑞士联合银行:如果我们玩俄罗斯 轮盘并且只有一颗子弹,我在转了弹轮之后开枪,没子弹了。轮到你时,你是打开手 枪转一圈再对着自己开枪还是直接就拿着我刚开过的枪射自己呢?
8. JANE STREET CAPITAL: "What is the smallest number divisible by 225 that consists of all 1s and 0s?"
8. 简街资本:能被225整除,只包含0和1的最小的数字是多少?
9. GOLDMAN SACHS: "How many penguins would it take to surround the North Pole? And give two standard deviations from your answer."
9. 高盛集团:需要多少只企鹅才可以绕北极一圈?从答案里给出两个标准差。
10. MERRILL LYNCH: "Tell me about your life from kindergarten onwards."
10. 美林证券公司:讲讲你的一生,从幼儿园开始吧。
11. GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?"
11. 高盛集团:如果你被压缩到只有铅笔那么大,然后放进了搅拌机,你如何逃出来?
12. BLACKROCK: "What's the √.1?"
12. 贝莱德房地产:√.1是什么?