n. 烤架,铁格子,烧烤(食物) vt. (在烤架上)烤
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And if it were ever consolatory to know this, or the like of this, it was consolatory then, when the impotence of his will, the instability of his hopes, the feebleness of wealth, had been so direfully impressed upon him. What could it do, his boy had asked him. Sometimes, thinking of the baby question, he could hardly forbear inquiring, himself, what could it do indeed: what had it done? | 如果说,知道这个情况或类似的情况过去一直是他的一种安慰的话,那么现在,当他的意志无能为力,他的希望动摇不稳,他的财富软弱无能的印象多么悲惨地铭刻在他的心头的时候,知道这个情况更是他的一种安慰。财富能做什么?——他的男孩子曾经这样问过他。他有时想到这孩子的问题时也禁不住问他自己,它真能做什么?它做到了什么呢? |
But these were lonely thoughts, bred late at night in the sullen despondency and gloom of his retirement, and pride easily found its reassurance in many testimonies to the truth, as unimpeachable and precious as the Major's. Mr Dombey, in his friendlessness, inclined to the Major. It cannot be said that he warmed towards him, but he thawed a little, The Major had had some part — and not too much — in the days by the seaside. He was a man of the world, and knew some great people. He talked much, and told stories; and Mr Dombey was disposed to regard him as a choice spirit who shone in society, and who had not that poisonous ingredient of poverty with which choice spirits in general are too much adulterated. His station was undeniable. Altogether the Major was a creditable companion, well accustomed to a life of leisure, and to such places as that they were about to visit, and having an air of gentlemanly ease about him that mixed well enough with his own City character, and did not compete with it at all. If Mr Dombey had any lingering idea that the Major, as a man accustomed, in the way of his calling, to make light of the ruthless hand that had lately crushed his hopes, might unconsciously impart some useful philosophy to him, and scare away his weak regrets, he hid it from himself, and left it lying at the bottom of his pride, unexamined. | 这些都是他在深夜与世隔绝之情况下愁眉不展、意气消沉、黯然忧伤时所产生的隐秘的思想,但是高傲很容易从这个真理的许多证明中重新使他产生信心,这些证明就跟少校的证明一样不容怀疑,一样宝贵可爱。董贝先生在没有朋友的情况下对少校产生了好感。不能说他对他满腔热情,而只能说他稍稍解了点冻。在海滨的那些日子里,少校曾经起过一些作用(不很大)。他是个上层社会里的人物,认识一些重要人物。他健谈,爱讲趣闻轶事;董贝先生喜欢把他看成是在社会上抛头露面的才士名流,但却没有才士名流通常掺杂得过多的有害的寒酸气。他的地位是不可否认的。总的说来,少校是个可以称许的旅伴;他对闲暇安逸的生活十分习惯,对他们即将前往游览的名胜也十分熟悉。在他身上流露出一种上流人士悠闲自在的气派,它和董贝先生本人忙忙碌碌的城市风格搭配得不错,又根本不和它竞争高低。如果董贝先生心中出现过这样的念头,那只残酷无情的手最近曾经摧毁了他的希望,而少校出于他的天职,习惯于把这类事情看得满不在乎,因此他可能在无意间向他灌输一些有用的哲学,驱除他淡弱的哀惜;——如果董贝先生心中出现过这样的念头的话,那么他是把它掩藏起来了,连他自己也不清楚,并不加考察地让自己的高傲把它压在最底层。 |
'Where is my scoundrel?' said the Major, looking wrathfully round the room. | “我的无赖在哪里?”少校怒气冲冲地环视着房间,说道。 |
The Native, who had no particular name, but answered to any vituperative epithet, presented himself instantly at the door and ventured to come no nearer. | 本地人没有固定的名字,不论用什么辱骂的绰号呼唤他,他都应声回答;这时他立即出现在门口,不敢再向前走近。 |
'You villain!' said the choleric Major, 'where's the breakfast?' | “你这坏蛋!”肝火旺盛的少校说道,“早餐在哪里?” |
The dark servant disappeared in search of it, and was quickly heard reascending the stairs in such a tremulous state, that the plates and dishes on the tray he carried, trembling sympathetically as he came, rattled again, all the way up. | 肤色黝黑的仆人离开去取早餐,不一会儿就听到他战战兢兢地重新上楼;托盘里的盘子和碟子都同情地震颤着,一路上卡嗒卡嗒地响着。 |
'Dombey,' said the Major, glancing at the Native as he arranged the table, and encouraging him with an awful shake of his fist when he upset a spoon, 'here is a devilled grill, a savoury pie, a dish of kidneys, and so forth. Pray sit down. Old Joe can give you nothing but camp fare, you see. | “董贝,”少校说,一边向正在餐桌上摆放食品的本地人看了一眼;当他掉落一只匙子的时候,少校就威吓地挥挥拳头,以示鼓励。“这是辣子烤肉,这是咸馅饼,这是一碟腰子,还有其他等等。请坐下吧。您看,老乔没什么招待您,只能请您吃行军的伙食啦!” |
'Very excellent fare, Major,' replied his guest; and not in mere politeness either; for the Major always took the best possible care of himself, and indeed ate rather more of rich meats than was good for him, insomuch that his Imperial complexion was mainly referred by the faculty to that circumstance. | “饭菜好极了,少校,”客人回答道,这倒不仅仅是说客气话,因为少校总是尽量把自己照料得很好;事实上他荤菜吃得太多,已经超出有益于健康的程度;他那红光满面的气色主要归因于他的这种嗜好。 |
'You have been looking over the way, Sir,' observed the Major. 'Have you seen our friend?' | “您在看对面的房屋,先生,”少校说道,“您看到了我们的朋友没有?” |
'You mean Miss Tox,' retorted Mr Dombey. 'No.' | “您是说托克斯小姐吗?”董贝先生回答道,“没有看到。” |
'Charming woman, Sir,' said the Major, with a fat laugh rising in his short throat, and nearly suffocating him. | “迷人的女人哪,先生,”少校说道,他那短喉咙中发出了纵情的大笑声,几乎使他透不过气来。 |
'Miss Tox is a very good sort of person, I believe,' replied Mr Dombey. | “我觉得,托克斯小姐是一个很好的人,”董贝先生回答道。 |
The haughty coldness of the reply seemed to afford Major Bagstock infinite delight. He swelled and swelled, exceedingly: and even laid down his knife and fork for a moment, to rub his hands. | 傲慢、冷淡的回答似乎使白格斯托克少校感到无比高兴。他非常兴奋,非常得意,甚至把刀和叉放下片刻,搓起手来。 |
And if it were ever consolatory to know this, or the like of this, it was consolatory then, when the impotence of his will, the instability of his hopes, the feebleness of wealth, had been so direfully impressed upon him. What could it do, his boy had asked him. Sometimes, thinking of the baby question, he could hardly forbear inquiring, himself, what could it do indeed: what had it done?
But these were lonely thoughts, bred late at night in the sullen despondency and gloom of his retirement, and pride easily found its reassurance in many testimonies to the truth, as unimpeachable and precious as the Major's. Mr Dombey, in his friendlessness, inclined to the Major. It cannot be said that he warmed towards him, but he thawed a little, The Major had had some part — and not too much — in the days by the seaside. He was a man of the world, and knew some great people. He talked much, and told stories; and Mr Dombey was disposed to regard him as a choice spirit who shone in society, and who had not that poisonous ingredient of poverty with which choice spirits in general are too much adulterated. His station was undeniable. Altogether the Major was a creditable companion, well accustomed to a life of leisure, and to such places as that they were about to visit, and having an air of gentlemanly ease about him that mixed well enough with his own City character, and did not compete with it at all. If Mr Dombey had any lingering idea that the Major, as a man accustomed, in the way of his calling, to make light of the ruthless hand that had lately crushed his hopes, might unconsciously impart some useful philosophy to him, and scare away his weak regrets, he hid it from himself, and left it lying at the bottom of his pride, unexamined.
'Where is my scoundrel?' said the Major, looking wrathfully round the room.
The Native, who had no particular name, but answered to any vituperative epithet, presented himself instantly at the door and ventured to come no nearer.
'You villain!' said the choleric Major, 'where's the breakfast?'
The dark servant disappeared in search of it, and was quickly heard reascending the stairs in such a tremulous state, that the plates and dishes on the tray he carried, trembling sympathetically as he came, rattled again, all the way up.
'Dombey,' said the Major, glancing at the Native as he arranged the table, and encouraging him with an awful shake of his fist when he upset a spoon, 'here is a devilled grill, a savoury pie, a dish of kidneys, and so forth. Pray sit down. Old Joe can give you nothing but camp fare, you see.
'Very excellent fare, Major,' replied his guest; and not in mere politeness either; for the Major always took the best possible care of himself, and indeed ate rather more of rich meats than was good for him, insomuch that his Imperial complexion was mainly referred by the faculty to that circumstance.
'You have been looking over the way, Sir,' observed the Major. 'Have you seen our friend?'
'You mean Miss Tox,' retorted Mr Dombey. 'No.'
'Charming woman, Sir,' said the Major, with a fat laugh rising in his short throat, and nearly suffocating him.
'Miss Tox is a very good sort of person, I believe,' replied Mr Dombey.
The haughty coldness of the reply seemed to afford Major Bagstock infinite delight. He swelled and swelled, exceedingly: and even laid down his knife and fork for a moment, to rub his hands.
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
grill | [gril] | 联想记忆 | ||
delight | [di'lait] | |||
accustomed | [ə'kʌstəmd] | |||
imperial | [im'piəriəl] | |||
vituperative | [vi'tju:pəreitiv] | |||
forbear | [fɔ:'bɛə] | |||
instability | [.instə'biliti] | 联想记忆 | ||
infinite | ['infinit] | 联想记忆 | ||
upset | [ʌp'set] | 联想记忆 | ||
scoundrel | ['skaundrəl] |

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