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In January 2009, Marissa Mayerby her own admissionbroke the internet.

2009年1月,梅里莎•梅尔(Marissa Mayer)——据她自己承认——"打碎了"互联网。
As Google's vice-president of search products, Ms Mayer was responsible for what was then the world's most popular website. An errant "/" in a computer code had triggered a chain of events that resulted in the message "This site may harm your computer" popping up alongside every search result.
"It was as if the internet was broken," she told Newsweek . "I work well under pressure, but I began to have this horrifying sense of just how many millions of people were looking at their computer screens thinking, what is going on? And how many of them were clicking straight over to Yahoo."
After Ms Mayer hit two phone lines, eight instant-messenger chats and made a video call from a family holiday hotel room, the problem was fixed in just under an hour.
In the end, not many users switched over to Yahoo: Google's dominance in search has continued largely unabated. But three years later, Ms Mayer herself has "gone purple", becoming Yahoo's fifth chief executive in as many years.
News of her poachingand that she has taken the job while six months pregnantmight also have strained the internet a little, so huge was the reaction, particularly in Silicon Valley. At just 37, Ms Mayer was one of Google's longest-serving and best-known executives.
梅尔被雅虎挖走——并且是在怀有6个月身孕的时候接受这项任命——的消息或许也让互联网紧张了一下,尤其是在硅谷(Silicon Valley),反响非常强烈。年仅37岁的梅尔是谷歌任职时间最长、知名度最高的高管之一。
But fixing Yahoo will take a little longer than the broken internet that January morning and despite her many talents, Ms Mayer must prove that she can outlast her combined predecessors to collect more than $100m in potential compensation.
Although she has built her reputation over 13 years at Google, one of the world's smartest companies, Ms Mayer's plan to turn round Yahoo by focusing on innovation and product developments comes after years of flatlining revenues. Riding the wave of constant growth at Google may not have adequately prepared her for the difficulties at Yahoo, sceptics say.
Nonetheless, she is the closest thing Google has had to a celebrity. One ad agency executive this week grumbled that he had never met her but knew plenty about her from San Francisco society pages, which have documented her penthouse atop the Four Seasons Hotel and hirings of entire cinemas to show friends flicks such as Sex and the City.
不过,在谷歌,梅尔是最接近于明星的人。一家广告公司高管本周抱怨,虽然他从没见过梅尔,但从旧金山社会版中早已对她了如指掌。从报纸上可以得知,她在四季酒店(Four Seasons)顶层拥有高级住房,她会租借整家电影院,只为了给朋友们放映电影,比如《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)。
She has been profiled in Vogue, which lauded her as "the most poised and powerful information guru", and drooled over the "snowflake lace" wedding dress Ms Mayer wore when she married entrepreneur Zack Bogue. The pair, whose first child is due in October, reportedly enjoy marathons, cooking and long hikes in the Alps.
她曾登上《Vogue》,该杂志称赞她为"最自信、最有影响力的信息大师",并对她和创业者扎克•博格(Zack Bogue)结婚时穿的"雪片蕾丝"婚纱赞叹不已。这对夫妇的第一个孩子将于今年10月降生。据报道他们二人喜欢马拉松、烹饪以及在阿尔卑斯山远足。
Her investments are among Silicon Valley's hippest: Square, the payment company led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, ex-president of Facebook Sean Parker's new video-chat service Airtime, and high-end ecommerce site One Kings Lane.
她的投资对象也是硅谷最时髦的:Twitter联合创始人杰克•多尔西(Jack Dorsey)执掌下的支付公司SquareFacebook前总裁肖恩•帕克(Sean Parker)新创立的视频聊天服务Airtime,以及高端商务网站One Kings Lane
Ms Mayer has always known the right places to be seen. The granddaughter of a Wisconsin mayor, she grew up in Wausau, a midsized town in the Midwestern state. At high school she managed to make both the debating team and dance groupa combination of brains and blonde that would fare her well as the media-friendly face of Google at a time when few of the search engine's geeky guys were interested in talking to the press.
But her blossoming profile irked some of her fellow Googlers, particularly when San Francisco magazine dubbed her the "Googirl" in a glowing 2008 interview that was more about her than the company.
"She was clearly the outlier," says one former colleague at Google. "Some of that is curated. When she has her picture taken she makes sure she is dressed to the nines and that the photos come out great."
Despite playing to the media's superficialities, in the office Ms Mayer makes decisions based on hard data. That may not be readily accepted by the more political Yahoo, which many Silicon Valley observers like to call a media company, with all the cosier connotations that carries.
"She has good IQ but not EQ [emotional intelligence]," says one Mayer supporter, who believes doing a better job of relating to people will be critical to succeeding as chief executive of Yahoo.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

poised [pɔizd]


adj. 泰然自若的,镇定的;摆好姿势不动的,静止的;平

vogue [vəug]


n. 时尚,流行

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

glowing ['gləuiŋ]


adj. 灼热的,热情的,强烈的 动词glow的现在分词

constant ['kɔnstənt]


adj. 经常的,不变的
n. 常数,恒量

code [kəud]


n. 码,密码,法规,准则
vt. 把 ...

compensation [.kɔmpen'seiʃən]


n. 补偿,赔偿; 赔偿金,物

colleague ['kɔli:g]


n. 同事

dominance ['dɔminəns]


n. 支配(控制,统治,权威,优势)


关键字: 梅尔 驯服 雅虎




