A star of the "Golden Age of the American Circus", Bird Millman is the most fêted female high-wire performer of all time. Born in 1890, the Colorado native had entered big-time vaudeville by the age of 14, playing with her parents as part of the Millman Trio. After a virtuoso performance before the court of Kaiser Wilhelm II in Berlin, her act returned to the US as Bird Millman & Co, where she added the New York Hippodrome and Palace Theatre Broadway to her list of credits.
美国马戏黄金时代的明星Bird Millman是古往今来高空走钢丝第一人。她于1890年出生在科罗拉多,14岁就加入了“big-time”杂技团,“和父母组成Millman三人组”同台演出。在柏林威廉二世的宫殿上精彩表演后,她回到美国并把New York Hippodrome和Palace Theatre Broadway加入到表演计划中。